14 (m/s) revenge?

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He lied

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He lied. Well, he tried to believe it, but he just enjoyed manipulating you and it was fairly simple since you were so vulnerable. He'd coat you with his sugary words and make you feel like the only girl in the world till he didn't need you anymore- till Inarizaki didn't need you anymore. Osamu had no motive other than using you. It was his duty.

Reading that text, a small smile formed on your lips, belief stirring in your mind— your confused and vulnerable mind.

Giving him your street name, your conversation ended as he was on his way.

You sat thinking about him in your sleek sports car. Miya Osamu. You had already imagined yourself with his last name. He was cute, dreamy and— so much more; his smile could kill with his dimples and the scrunch of his nose was cute too. So was Kiyoomi though.

Although you'd barely been around him and hadn't seen much he had to offer, you'd seen a side of the cold 'Ice' you had never before. And it was making you like him a little. A bit too quickly, but you hadn't quite registered that yet.

But of course, people only let you see what they want you to see and it was exactly what Osamu was doing.

You heard the beep of a horn behind your car which you figured was Osamu's. Checking your rearview mirror, you confirm this, seeing him exit his sleek, black, tinted car and approach yours.

Unlocking your car doors, he slides into the passenger seat. The strong and pleasant aroma of Miya Osamu, quickly overwhelming whatever scent your R36 had prior.

He was big, standing at a solid 6 feet 2, muscular to the right degree— he was overall well rounded.

He broke the silence, greeting you.

"How are ya?" He asked, voice a bit deeper and chilled, probably due to lack of sleep.

"Feeling like shit, you?" You respond.

"I'm okay, I came for ya anyway, so what's tha' matter?"

"I just wanted to see you," you admit.

At that point, Osamu was sure he was winning you over. You were so easy to manipulate and play with, going along with whatever he wanted so simply. So gullible.

"Your presence is really nice to be around," you admit.

He hummed, secretly triumphant, he didn't know you'd be this easy.

"I see. Yers' too." He couldn't lie, being around you was nice, he couldn't deny it.

A moment of silence passed before he met your eyes.

"Can I play music?" You nodded, turning on your car allowing him to pair his phone to your car.

He pressed shuffle, and 'Smooth Operator' by Sade began playing quietly.

You sat back and closed your eyes allowing thoughts to swell your head. Osamu watched you trying to fight off any romantic thoughts flooding his brain. No, Osamu could never like you like that. You were mere leverage towards Inarizaki's end goal. Why would he ever have feelings like that?

"Osamu," Your voice came out like a tired whisper.

"Your words are too sweet, what's the point of continuing to lie?"

That lingering thought at the back of your mind had finally come to the surface. Desperation filled your heart in hope that he wasn't lying, and it was just all your insecurities and idiocy polluting your mind.

Osamu felt a rush of nervousness fill him, he's been caught, hasn't he?

Osamu looked at you with fondness he couldn't even fake. His morale was acting up, did he really want to hurt you?

Fuck, yes he did- well no- but. Fuck.

He couldn't quite pinpoint why he even wanted to hurt you anyway. No, it wasn't for fun; and he wasn't just evil. He knew it was for Inarizaki but he didn't have to go as far as he was now. 

He was confused, at first, you piqued his interest, then you didn't because you were with Kiyoomi, and now what was it that he wanted?

Revenge? Perhaps, but he didn't know that yet- or maybe he did, just couldn't confirm it within him yet. Maybe that's why he took this mission so easily.

"Love," he reached over to you wrapping his long fingers around your own. He brought his next hand towards your face, cupping it in his hands.

"I'd never lie to you." Sade's song had now begun repeating, continuing to play quietly in the background.

"Trust ya' head baby, but also trust me."

It was a warning and hopefully one you'd recognise soon.

To trust your head meant not trusting him. You let it go, trusting your heart sounded better instead.

Your heartbeat increased as his face approached yours for a kiss. Little did Osamu know, once he'd kiss you, he'd forever wed the inimitable taste of your sweet lips, his vision of the world around him, would ultimately revolve around you and you only. He halted, meeting your gaze, unsure if he wanted this- to hurt you even more with the future to come.

Selfishly, without an afterthought, he closed the gap and kissed you. And in that moment, his heart blossomed like a flower. Something that had never happened before. He kept kissing you, enjoying the feeling of his heart picking up its pace and the butterflies swarming his chest and stomach. He almost felt himself becoming addicted to the taste of your lips as the kiss got more aggressive and less calm.

He felt you wrap your arms around him, hands roaming his body as he instinctively moved closer to you. Something that was once a kiss soon turned into a full-blown make-out session.

Out of breath, you slightly push him off you allowing you to breathe.

You both shared a look, but Osamu soon looked away, mixed emotions swarming his mind after cooling down.

A large sigh left his lips as he sat up, about to exit your car.

"Ya've gotta meet Seijoh soon, I'll catch'y later."

He quickly looked at you before turning away, exiting your car. You could've sworn you saw an uneasy expression on his face. Sort of disappointed you let it go, unbeknownst to the battle Osamu was facing within himself.

You watched him walk away from your car, heading to his own.

What a night.


Slightly longer chap, what do you think?

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