20 (m/s) my girl.

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My girl.


Osamu struts in, face contorted into a mixed expression of annoyance and deadpan. Kita however, now sat back at his desk, with exasperation evident on his features, sat comfortably on his Italian leather chair- almost derisively to the situation.

"Osamu," Sly starts, eyes heavy on the younger, disappointment and annoyance heavy in his glare.

"Sly," younger responds, voice void of tone yet full of confidence.

Atsumu stood at the door, angry with how the situation played out and frustrated with the fact his twin had to justify himself for being in love.

"It's not like I didn't think ya'd fall in love with her, I just didn't think it would be so soon," the leader speaks, void of hesitance in such brash words.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Osamu now looked at him, disturbed by the bold statement.

"What the fuck do y'mean 'so soon'? Am I joke to ya'?" his voice rises in anger.

Kita lets out a breathy laugh, breaking his intense glare on the younger.

"Ya' put love- no- a girl, even, before Inarizaki's success and everyone here too," Kita begins.

"Are ya' that stupid, Osamu?" he continues.

"A' really think ya' are."

Now, Atsumu stands beside his brother, offence laced in his anger and frustration.

"Sly, be mature," the older twin speaks, "No need for all that."

"Yer' both dumb," Sly now stands up as his voice raises, cigar, now forgotten, wisping away into his hardwood table.

"So fucking stupid, fucking idiotic, fucking scrubs, fucking fucks, so fuckin dense, slow, foolish- every word in the fuckin' book," he yells at the two, blinded by anger.

He walks around the table rapidly, yanking and clutching Osamus shirt, his fists turning white in the process. He pushes the taller to the adjacent wall with a large bang, as Atsumu begins, with prying hands, trying to wedge the older off his brother.

"Atsumu, do not touch me, or I will hurt'cha both," he spits at him, and the younger retreats reluctantly knowing what the older was capable of.

"Ya' know what's gonna happen when she finds out the truth?" The older says averting his attention to the next twin whilst still keeping a strong grip on younger.

"I don't give a fuck," Osamu spits, attempting to shove off the older but to no avail.

With a hand, Kita grips the youngers jaw forcing him to meet eye level with him, "Shiratorizawa will get involved, and probably Karasuno and Midnight Panthers and the rest of Itachiyama," he states with an intense gaze on the younger.

"Who do we have? Fukurou boys, Nekoma and Seijoh- heck they'll probably get Nohebi too," he spits, letting out a breathy laugh and removing his hands from the younger, stepping back.

"Yer' waging war, Osamu- just finish the job and call it a day," he dismisses him walking to his seat.

"I don't want to, a'know she loves me too,"

"I don't care, ya ain't gonna inconvenience everyone, back off like yer' brother."

Before Osamu could speak, Rintarou enters. The intensity of the room was still unwavering.

Hearing the conversation, Aran finally speaks, puffing out some of his cigar smoke, "Shinsuke is right, Osamu, if ya get her to kill him, afterwards, if we ain't quick enough, Shira-whatever, will kill her for us. The blame would inevitably be put on her and her group," he tries to reason.

Feeling his heart squeeze painfully at the thought of you dying, his shoulders fall pathetically.

"She loves me though," he quietly mutters.

"Are you sure though? Its only been a while since she's broken up with Kiyoomi, what if she's just using you?" Rintarou intercepts.


"How could you be so sure?" Suna cuts off.

Atsumu stands behind with his chest puffed as if he had something he desperately wanted to say in defence of his twin but he knew was bullshit. He knew they were probably right.

"'Samu," the twin finally speaks.

"It may be one-sided..?" he suggests hesitantly in agreeance with the others.

Osamu couldn't believe his ears, his own brother siding with everyone else; with judging eyes he speaks, "Fine, fuck y-"

But a notification cuts him off.

He grunts in annoyance only to see it was a message from Kiyoomi. Why would Kiyoomi message him?

"It's Kiyoomi," he announces.

"What does it say?" Rintarou asks.

Osamu opens the message to see a video had been sent.

A 3-second video of Kiyoomi marking up presumably your inner thighs as your fingers combed through his curly locs.

Under the video was a message stating "don't ever touch my girl again."

Osamu chuckles to himself, hands falling to his sides. Atsumu eyes his brother suspiciously, knowing he'd never acted in such a way, while Rintarou snatches the phone from the younger twins hands, as the other boys crowded around him to watch the short clip.

"She knows."

It's ironic, he knows.


shit chap ik

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