2 (m/s) winning place.

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Winning place.


You saw from your rearview mirror, one of the Inarizaki Bois driving down to the track. Girlish squeals filled the air as they were being crowded by a pack of desperate girls. "Suna" "Rintarou" was all you could hear apart from desperate cries.

If there was one thing you didn't like, it was unnecessary noise. You drove down to the track, lining up between the supposed 'Suna's' car and some blonde guy with glasses. There was another car to your far right, colored red.


1 minute till the race started.

You relaxed into your seat, you felt confident. However, the screaming still didn't halt, instead, it increased as each of your competitors threw the girls a smile.

And that was your cue.

You rolled down your front two windows, before connecting your phone to your car. Pressing play, 21 seconds by So Solid Crew abruptly blasted through your speakers.

The bass rumbled the floor, vibrating everything that stood atop it- drawing attention to you. Suna and the blonde looked at you curiously.

You didn't care, couldn't care, and didn't feel like caring.


"3, 2, 1!" the gunshot sounded through the air, barely audible over your music.

You pressed on the gas promptly, feeling exhilaration as the rush of wind flowed through your clothes, your eyes watering in the process: it was worth it.

You were in first, Suna almost rivaling your car, but you knew better. You slowed down to prepare to drift, as he was too busy attempting to take your place to notice the curve a few meters ahead. As a result, he ended up drifting too late, swerving and slightly hitting the curb- he kept going though, now rivaling the blonde for second place. You, however, had a prominent place for 1st.

That's what everyone thought.

The red car pulled up beside you, the windows rolled down, you smirked at the sight, your eyes still looking straight ahead. You could see D.K smile from the corner of your eye before zooming past you.

So, in an attempt to secure the winning place, you stepped on the gas, a different gas, one that zoomed you past D.K in an instant.

You shifted back into the 1st gear, slowly pushing it to second so you could drift into the crowd, behind the finish line, that hopefully moved.

Lucky for you, they did, allowing you to do a clean circular drift in the middle of the crowd before you pushed on the break- jerking you forward in the process.


The crowd stood shocked whereas relief came over you as you relaxed into your seat.

A moment of silence after your arrival, the crowd was cheering, shocked at your arrival, whilst 21 seconds was still booming, with ironically only 21 seconds to go.

Osamu stood shocked.

"Tsumu, did ya' see what they did?" his voice was hoarse with shock.

"What the fuck?" he was impressed. Atsumu stood beside him speechless, Kita's cigar already fallen from his lips, Aran already leaving for a breather.

Sakusa already lowered his mask the minute he saw you use your turbo boost. He was in a daze. You were truly exceptional to him, he really got lucky.

(When racing, everyone tended to play it safe with crowds, not wanting to draw attention to the feds with potential injuries if a crash were to happen. But here, you showed everyone your capability in handling the crowd.)

You stepped out of your car, immediately the center of attention, everyone huddled around you complimenting your skills, even the Drift King himself soon approached you. Everyone moved out the way, eyes trained on you both.

"You're good, well done," he complimented. You smiled slightly before you felt an arm wrap around your waist. You immediately shuffled away before you realized who it was.

"They're good, you're lucky," D.K complimented, arm leaning on the roof of your car.

Sakusa muttered a quiet, muffled, "I know."

That was all, and the drift king backed up returning to his car, ladies immediately huddling under his arm, a silent way of saying "Pick me" to get a ride with him.

Sakusa soon pulled you into a side hug, "Get in the passenger, I'll drive us up," to which you nodded.

You hopped into your car, 21 seconds repeating, but playing quietly as Sakusa lowered the volume. He handed you your prize money which he was told to give to you.

Osamu watched the sight of you both entering your car. You were Sakusa's, he confirmed.

He turned around walking back to his car, a smug look on his face.

You may have taken winning place, but you lost being with Sakusa.

He admired you but didn't care for you anymore.

Miya Osamu was back.


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