7 (m/s) agony.

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An arm suddenly wrapped around your shoulder: Cypher. His other arm was wrapped around another girl. You tried shrugging off his resting limb before scanning the room and meeting Sakusa's eyes.

A gun was held against his curly hair covered head. His mask seemed to have been ripped off- the strap no longer attached to the mask itself. Kiyoomi's eyes were dull, dead almost. Komori sat in the same position with widened eyes.

You looked away and silence dawned upon the room, almost suffocatingly. The guys all stared at you with piercing gazes, trying to see some sort of expression or a reaction, but you stayed quiet with an unreadable expression.

"What brings you here, cutie, why not go enjoy the party outside?" Cypher starts.

"Sakusa," your face held no emotion.

"Why not go sit on his lap." The notorious men in the room snickered at Cyphers words. You nodded with a sardonic smile, defying the tension in the room in a sarcastic, derisive way.

You sauntered over to Sakusa's seated figure, sitting between his spread legs as he instantly wrapped his arms around you, despite his situation. You could hear Ladbroke Grove playing loudly downstairs with the loud chatter of the entourage.

Mad dog, who had a gun to Komori's head, looked at you sceptically, you were too sarcastic and calm for this situation. It was like you were mocking it.

"Oh, yea Cypher!" you perked up, grabbing the room's attention.


In a split second, you had quickly pulled out your gun and shot Mad Dog and whoever held the gun to your boyfriends head.

It all felt slow motion.

Lacking hesitation, the remaining occupancy in the room turned their guns over to you, Komori and Sakusa in a hurry- but it was too late as you already shot Cypher who laid dead on the floor.

You continued shooting, now with Sakusa and Komori accompanying you. You shot Aone in the stomach leaving him wounded and bleeding out, before shooting Yaku in the head, killing him instantly.

Tears quickly clouded D.K's vision as he saw his best friend die; quickly, he shot over in your direction, but you had already taken refuge behind the large sofa, now shooting back in his direction, but he quickly ran behind the opposite couch. The remaining Seijoh 4, now 3, shots never stopped, their vision blurred with red rage.

Despite the number of dead bodies, a small amount had already evacuated the room in a hurry to save their lives. You could tell by the lack of a few gangs whose seat was vacant.

When the bullet match finally ended, the majority of people that once sat in the room were now dead or gone. The remaining in the room took a moment to mourn their losses. You could hear D.K's uneven breaths as he whimpered out Yaku's name, in hopes he was alive. You could hear him shuffle out of the room with his body in heavy, unsynchronised breaths. His friend was now dead and he was in dolour.

Tears of your own started to cloud your vision as you looked over at the sight before you- your gun still tightly in your grip ready for anything. Sakusa was hunched over his cousin's dead body, his tears didn't seem to flow. He was in agony though, unable to decipher the reality of his cousin's demise. It was always him and Komori- why Komori? Why the fuck was it Komori?

Komori had been shot directly in the heart.

You could hear the loud sirens of the police from the window you hid beside. Someone called the cops.

"Kiyoomi let's go."


The next chap is the actually interesting part if you lowkey weren't that interested in this one. Anyway, vote and comment if you did like it :)

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