12 (m/s) baby.

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Following Rintarou, you enter his low seated car, him doing the same. He puts the key in the ignition, starting the car as you sat quietly looking outside at the crescent moon.

Still eating his jelly fruit snack, he asks, "So, how do you feel about the whole ordeal?"

You ponder for a moment trying to find the most suitable word to describe your thoughts, while he begins driving out the tune shop parking lot.

"I don't know, obviously my feelings for Kiyoomi still isn't gone and—"

"Why not give Osamu a try? You both seem to be getting closer?" He cuts you off in an ignorant manner.

Before you could answer, he hands you his half-eaten jelly fruit stick and places his right hand on the gear stick, shifting it and pressing more onto the accelerator increasing the speed of the car.

With one hand, he grabs his snack from your hands and faces you.

"So..? Answer," he eggs on.

Despite being slightly flustered, you shrug it off, responding to him.

"Isn't it wrong?" You start, "It's only been a little bit since I've broken up with him without him even knowing," you finish.

"So what?" He answered flatly. "He cheated, and put money on your head, why are you indecisive?" He rhetorically states before putting his full concentration on the road.

Now thinking over his words, you find truth in it. Kiyoomi did what he did. What's there to ponder over?

"You're right," you confirm.

"Always am, baby," he teases.

"I'm not your baby," you reject.

"Oh right! " His voice rose teasingly, "You're Osamu's baby."

He looks over at you again fluttering his long lashes at you, and flashing you a sarcastic smile.

You roll your eyes, facing out the window as he continues to drive.

"Wait, how do you even know where to go?" You look at him confused.

"Figured you'd want your car, so I'm bringing you back to the mansion," he states, "The only thing you've gotta do is get your car and leave immediately, we don't know if there's surveillance there now," He orders.

You nod, "Bet."

As you neared the entrance of the mansion, Rintarou slowed down and soon stopped his car.

"Thanks for the ride," You thank exiting his car.

He hums, "Yeah sure," before speeding off the opposite way.

You creep up beside the tall bushes by the entrance of the mansion. You peer your head through the gap of the driveway trying to spot your car in the light of the crescent moon. Adjusting your eyes, you spot your car and also someone resting on it.

You pull out your gun, checking your surroundings before slowly walking into the open space. You tried hard to identify the person; but, as you neared your car, the person's appearance only got clearer. Raising your gun at the unknown person, you speak calmly.

"Who are you?"

They turn to you hearing your voice. Shock and relief laced their features as they reached out for you.

Laced Kiyoomi's features.

You move back instinctively, disgusted at the person who stood before you.

Kiyoomi knew his voice would fail him, he could feel it unstable despite not even talking. Tears clouded his vision, as he shook in pure angst seeing you move away from him. He could even smell strong cologne on you that wasn't his.

"I'm sorry," he let out pathetically. Wounds were scattered on his face, the blood already dried. You looked at the pathetic man before you. The man who stood before you looking foreign to his usual up-kept manner.

"Get the fuck away from my car Kiyoomi."


Sorry for not updating yesterday,, I was playing Roblox for hours. Oh, btw I'm releasing multiple chapters today.

(btw this is unedited, so sorry for any mistakes).

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