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"you free after this?" some girl tried asking, fortunately, the music was drowning out her voice. not that akaashi was that much interested in her anyway. he could smell her perfume from a mile away, and judging by the tone of her voice and the way others looked at her - she had done this many many times.

"no, sorry," he said before turning away from her and walking to the corner of the space. the music was slowly killing his eardrums if we are being honest. it's been already two hours since he came here. he danced and drank and had fun for the first hour and a half, now - he was running low on stamina.

akaashi sighed, his eyes scanned through the poeple looking for familiar faces in the crowd. there was... way too many people here, not that akaashi minded much. his eyes finally spotted that beautiful floral shirt that only hanamaki would wear. though, as akaashi got ready to approach him, he noticed that hanamaki had company.

he was dancing? well, more like grinding against this other guy at the party. he seemed like an asshole type, not that akaashi could judge much. hanamaki must have felt akaashi's eyes on him as just a moment their gazes met and hanamaki gave akaashi a smirk. "cheeky bastard" akaashi whispered under his breath.

kiyoko, from akaashi's understanding, was long gone somewhere. she sent him a message an hour into the party, telling him that she found the guy and they decided to leave together - good for her. for a moment there, akaashi really wished to find a more quiet place to gather his thoughts and get back into his groove. 

he gave hanamaki one last wink and escaped the space, walking down the hallway that was filled with people kissing on every single corner. akaashi's eyes darted around looking for a spot to crash into, and to his luck he noticed an unoccupied bathroom - it waited for him with an open door, inviting akaashi to come in.

so he did. he slipped into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. the music while still loud, was much softer than before. akaashi looked at himself in the mirror, noticing his flushed cheeks - must be the alcohol. he turned the handle on the tap and let the water flow into his palms before spalshing it against his face.

well, at least the evening went well for his friends. "i should get back to the dorm, maybe kuroo wants to do stupid stuff" he said to himself, upset that he did not spot the guy that had been watching him for a while. he really wanted to. he splashed his face again, sighing before turning off the water and turning to open the door.

before akaashi could do much, the door swung open and a figure came rushing in, he locked the door behind him and turned to akaashi, startled to see someone else in the bathroom. way to respect privacy, i guess. though, as akaashi's eyes fell on his face, he no longer felt like he needed to leave. it was the guy, he would recognize those golden eyes aywhere.

"knock next time" akaashi said. as he was about to speak more, the guy put his hand over akaashi's mouth and shushed him, listening to what was happening outside in the hallway. he pulled akaashi closer, wrapping his free hand around akaashi's waist. footsteps got closer and closer as akaashi heard people yelling.

"where are you, you bastard?" akaashi heard an angry guy yell. "come out!" the same guy then rattled the bathroom door. 

akaashi ripped the guy's hand off of his mouth. "this is taken, please go somewhere else!" akaashi yelled. a short "sorry" followed before the footsteps got distant.

"wow, really saved me there" the guy spoke, his hand still wrapped around akaashi.

"no worries. though, you owe me now" he winked at him.

"well, where are my manners? name's bokuto koutarou" bokuto finally said, taking a step back and inspecting akaashi from feet to head. "you look good"

"thanks. i'm akaashi keiji" bokuto probably expected akaashi to extend a hand, but instead, he leaned on the sink. "so, wanna tell me why you've been looking at me during lectures?"

the question caught bokuto off guard. "uh... is it that obvious?" he asked. akaashi let out a chuckle and raised an eyebrow at bokuto.

"really? you think i wouldn't notice?" akaashi asked. from bokuto's facial expression it was quite clear that he thought he was being discrete. not that it mattered much anyway now. "so, you like what you see?"

"well... you look gorgeous every single day, only natural i would look" he said, once again taking into account akaashi's full appearance and the way every single movement he made seemed graceful. "so yeah... the answer would be yes"

akaashi licked lips. "tryina link?" akaashi dropped the main question, catching bokuto off guard. the other wasn't sure what to say or do as he watched akaashi get closer. "you're my type", akaashi added, making bokuto even more flustered that he already was.

"uh... i've never been with a... guy" bokuto managed to squeeze out, trying to avert his gaze elsewhere, but it seems like his mind was feasting on the image of akaashi.

"i can show you the ropes. or what, not attracted to guys?" akaashi stepped even closer, making bokuto's back hit the wall.

"not sure... but..." bokuto inhaled deeply. there was no lying here - akaashi had caught his eyes. the first time he saw him, he could not look away. he never thought that he would ever find a fellow guy attractive, yet here he was. akaashi had features to him that others did not. his slanted eyes were just so seductive that whenever akaashi turned to bokuto, the other would panic.

his movements and the way he talked were all so graceful, not like guys' that bokuto knew or had seen before. he never even would consider himself gay or bisexual, he knew he was attracted to women, but this guy... he was willing to make an expection. bokuto exhaled the air he was holding, getting his confidence back in an instant, changing in front of akaashi's eyes.

"i wouldn't mind getting the taste of you as long as we are not tied down" bokuto said, not thinking about the consequences of his own actions. akaashi smirked as he felt bokuto's hand sliver onto his waist, pulling him closer.

what happened in that bathroom remains a secret behind the locked door. only those who walked past could say what noises they heard and what they did not. point is, after a bit more than an hour, akaashi emerged victorous, a disheveled bokuto followed behind him, his hair a mess and his jacket over his shoulder.

since that day on, the two met up occasinally, once or twice a week just to satisfy their needs. though, as time went on bokuto got more and more arrogant. he hid the fact that he and akaashi were sexual partners from everyone - akaashi agreed to it at first. however as the study year progressed, bokuto found himself in the wrong crowd, affected by the wrong people.

so even if he was spending his nights with a guy, during day time he was an active hater, joining the forums where people gossiped around about who is gay or bisexual, or pansexual, or any other sexual apart from heterosexual and how to fuck with them. it was childish, but akaashi endured it for the time being, because even though he hated to admit it - sex with bokuto was great.

he felt satisfied. bokuto seemed satisfied. so... he could ignore all those words, right?


not as long as he thought he could.


So now that we have some backstory, we will be jumping right back into normal chapters!

To remind you where we left off: Akaashi broke off his arrangement with Bokuto and agreed to try a polyamorous relationship with Kuroo and Kenma.

I'm very excited for the next chapter!

Hope you enjoyed!


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