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"ahem!" a loud noise woke akaashi up, though he had troubles moving as kuroo had his arms wrapped around him tightly. the two of them were in kuroo's bed, so what was the noise? he felt warm and comfortable sleeping in an embrace of a fit man with a nice chest, like a kitten snuggling up to a heater - he could feel the warmth.

there was another noise, the bed felt like it sank in just slightly. akaashi opened his eyes to meet the gaze of a jealous young man standing in front of the bed. "oh, kenma... good morning" akaashi spoke in his raspy morning voice, melting away all the negativity for a second. but only for a second.

"what... are you two doing? and why was i not invited? excuse me?" kenma placed his hands on his waist, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the two, more so at kuroo who had his arm wrapped tightly around akaashi's naked waist. overall, the entire view of his older boyfriend hugging his half-naked new boyfriend stirred up feelings of jealousy.

kenma wanted to be sandwiched between them.

"oh, uh... we were sleeping" akaashi spoke, there were no lies in what he said though. the memories from last night's date were still fresh, but clean enough. after the date, after they began kissing - akaashi felt like he was in heaven. kuroo had soft lips, he knew just where to place his hands - one on akaashi's neck, one around his waist. he knew when to pause and when to continue.

akaashi had never kissed anyone like that before. kuroo was extremely gentle and careful with what he did as to not step over any boundaries akaashi might have. he stopped somewhere into the second hour of kissing while the two were already on the bed, akaashi straddling his legs, his hands tangled in kuroo's hair.

kuroo pulled away, their lips red and swollen from all of the kissing, akaashi's neck with fresh marks and kuroo's too. he told akaashi that they should rest and when akaashi asked him why he never went further kuroo said that he values akaashi for him and not just his body - that he wants to save their experiences for when all of them are together.

akaashi felt his heart jump.

and so they went to sleep, cuddling each other, both content with how their first date went.

"well, next time you two decide to sleep like this invite me too, damn" kenma scoffed, but it seemed like his anger had already gone away. as he was about to turn his head away from akaashi and kuroo who was just waking up and opening his eyes, akaashi opened his arms - inviting kenma into his embrace.

without another word kenma jumped into his arms, a smile appeared on his face as he snuggled up to akaashi's bare chest. kuroo, while also smiling, threw his arm around kenma, squeezing the two closer to himself.

akaashi could feel his cheeks burning up, his heart felt like it was going to smash through his ribs from how rapidly it was beating. he could feel kenma's arms slithering around his body, his hair was tickling akaashi's neck. wow... what a morning. 

nothing like waking up and immediately being sandwiched between your hot boyfriends. 

the three of them stayed in bed for a few more minutes before kuroo's alarm started ringing and he was forced to get out of bed, because, kuroo was apparently a psycho who charges his phone on the other side of the room instead of next to his bed.

kenma took advantage of the situation and tackled akaashi, straddling his chest while he towered above him. "so, what about our date? you said i will have you for a whole day" kenma said as he placed his palms on akaashi's chest.

"first of all, yes. you will be able to do whatever you want with me for twenty-four hours. second, you're bold." akaashi chuckled nervously. it was still early morning and his body was just beginning to function. sooner or later he will have to take care of his morning issues, and kenma straddling him wasn't helping.

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