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"you're back early," iwaizumi said as he watched the dorm room door open. bokuto heard something in his voice, dissatisfaction maybe? not that he could ever figure that out. "what's up with that?"

iwaizumi was sitting at his table, his fingers typing away on the keyboard, probably drafting another article or something for his workplace. bokuto looked at him from the doorway - iwaizumi was slumped over his laptop, tired and probably upset about not being able to meet the norms.

he felt like he knew his roommate relatively well, but not entirely. sometimes bokuto thought he could feel a type of negativity coming from iwaizumi, but he never asked about it. after all, bokuto was out most of the time and only came back to the dorm late at night. or he would bring his friends over but iwaizumi never said anything about that.

"no reason. you don't seem happy i'm here" bokuto scoffed as he walked over to his side of the dorm room, sitting down on his bed and sighing.

looking around his own room he could see just how little he had. iwaizumi's side was full of books and other materials, he had his things placed neatly on shelves and on his desk, meanwhile, bokuto had little to nothing. his shelves consisted of empty bottles of different strong drinks he found cool.

"dude. not to be rude or anything..." iwaizumi suddenly stopped typing and looked at bokuto. "but you've been acting weird lately and also i usually write during this time because you're not here" he said, throwing bokuto off with his curious gaze.

"acting weird?" bokuto lifted an eyebrow.

"you're here more often, which, i mean it is also your room but i'm not used to it. also, you've been staring at your phone. staring out the window. mumbling something to yourself" iwaizumi pointed out a few things that seemed out of the ordinary for him. bokuto stood there for a second before sighing - even others could see he was having issues.

"plus... you're not hanging out with those guys lately" iwaizumi added, his eyes darting back to his laptop screen.

"those guys?" bokuto shifted on his bed, his body almost lifting itself up. why would iwaizumi bring up the guys he hangs out with? what's wrong with them? they seem to like iwaizumi.

"yeah, those homophobes. i can't stand them" iwaizumi turned to him again. "whenever you let them be here in the room they always trash talk other people", he added. bokuto must have made a weird facial expression because iwaizumi suddenly felt the need to hold the laughter in.

"uhh..." bokuto felt a bit speechless. "do they make you uncomfortable?" he asked, his brain still trying to wrap around the thoughts and ideas he was having.

"yes. highly uncomfortable. they're disgusting" iwaizumi said, his voice stern. "are you surprised by what i said?"

"yes... i guess i am. i never thought that since you never said anything" bokuto scratched his neck, feeling somewhat apologetic and confused at the same time.

"i don't want to be jumped by four guys, bokuto. so obviously i kept quiet" iwaizumi sighed. "what do you have against gay people anyway?"

"uh..." bokuto sat there for a minute, just thinking. what was it about gay epople that he discliked so much? was it the way they act or was it something else? perhaps its the unnatural attraction to the same gender... but people have been like that for ages... so what's the deal here?

bokuto could feel a headache coming, he knew he was going to think about this for a long time to come. because, to be completely honest, bokuto did not know what he had against gay people or if he even had anything. after moving to the dorm, he was desparate to find friends and people to hang out with, so when those guys showed up - bokuto swore he would do anything to fit in.

he insulted people for them. he played around with girls for them. he did anything because he din't want to be pushed away - not ever again. he swore he would not be the old bokuto everyone in his hometown knew, no, he would be different.

and yet when he closed his eyes he could see akaashi in his head. he was gorgeous, too beautiful to exist with mere mortals, he must be a demon sent from hell - the sin of temptation. not only that, he has a perfect personality and he is a social butterfly. he's a... good guy. and yet he insulted him like that.

"you good there?" iwaizumi pulled bokuto out of his train of thoughts.

"huh? oh yeah. i was just thinking about things..." bokuto sighed. "i don't know, i guess i think most gay people act weirdly? i don't know i really don't... i'm confused" he continued.

"am i weird?" iwaizumi asked, now standing to face bokuto.

"why would you ask that?" bokuto looked up.

"i'm gay, bokuto. i have always been." iwaizumi watched as bokuto's eyes widened with surprise.

"you? gay? but you're the most normal guy ever" bokuto said in somewhat disbelief.

"that's the point. gay people are normal. just like everyone else." iwaizumi gave him a slight smile. "also... don't you swing both ways?"

"..." bokuto sat there in silence, staring at the slight smirk on iwaizumi's face.

did he... swing both ways?

well, he always considered akaashi to be an exception even though he did not have a feminine body type, as a matter of fact, akaashi was quite toned. maybe he does? bokuto could not wrap his head around it. he might not be heterosexual... how is that possible? 

"i... don't know" he finally whispered.

"well, only one way to find out. you know what to do. i gotta get back to writing. ask me anything after that" iwaizumi sat back down and turned around, the sound of his fingers pressing the keyboard soon filled the room, while bokuto sat there with his head down.

today just couldn't get worse, huh. first, he sees akaashi with kuroo and he seems happy and not at all heartbroken. second, his roommate turns out to be gay and he had no idea which shattered his entire predesposition of how gay people are supposed to be. third, he might not be as straight as he thinks that he is.

what else? what's next?

bokuto stood up and headed out of the room, desperate for some fresh air. his head was spinning from all of the thoughts. and now that he was thinnking about it... he never felt disgusted by sleeping with akaashi. as a matter of fact it was very arousing to see a man under him, even more so than seeing a woman for him.

as his head hung low, he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. looking up his eyes met a pretty girl, she was smiling at him, her eyes sparkling in the sunlight.

"hey, are you okay?" she asked.

"yes... thanks for asking" bokuto answered.

"well... it's a sunny day outside. do you want to get milkshakes with me?" she smiled at him. bokuto thought for a second before nodding. maybe this will help prove his heterosexuality. maybe...

i mean, this day cannot get any worse, right?







sure it can't....


anyway, hope you enjoyed. see you next chapter!!

- hatari.

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