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"how bad would it be if we mixed vodka with gin?" kotori asked, in her hands a large bottle of gin with a fancy looking label. she had her eyebrow raised, waiting for approval only to receive disappointed stares.

"really bad. like waking up in your ex's bed bad..." yuri sighed, catching the contemplation on bokuto's face. "and for you kotaro it would be like waking up shitfaced in an orgy bad."

"you make a point" bokuto sighed. "put the gin down. no drinking tonight" he said to kotori who's lips formed a large smile. "what you grinning about?"

"the big party shot bokuto kotaro said no drinking? this must go into the history books" she chuckled as she put the bottle down and caught up with the other two. bokuto just let out a sigh before allowing a tiny chuckle escape his mouth. "i mean, c'mon, when was the last time you had a nice small party with no alcohol?"

"honestly i don't remember. but also i never had a party with just girls" bokuto turned to yuri and kotori. 

"sai is coming, so not all girls" yuri corrected him. 


"yeah, uh, he doesn't use the deadname sayaka anymore" yuri watched as dots connected in bokuto's head and he finally realize who they were talking about. 

"oh! sai! my bad, i have terrible memory. speaking of that, what are we making today?" bokuto's thoughts wandered off as he looked into what they had in the basket. obviously you need food for the party but how do you mix pancake flour mix and chicken wings? is it a new recipe?

"a lot of different stuff. there's gonna be five of us there so we need a lot of food. you-" yuri turned to bokuto. bokuto still felt a bit wary around her, she was intimidating on levels one could find it hard to understand. "- you need to go to the veggies and fruits and pick up something for us to snack on"

yuri was tall, taller than most guys bokuto knew. she was atheltic too, gym three times a week and workouts every day, she did a lot of lifting and wasn't scared to show off her muscles when necessary - which is why some guys called her a guy also - which was rude, but she didn't mind as long as they didn't touch her. she kept her hair at shoulder lenght, had an undercut and a slit in her eyebrow. overall, kotori and her did not match at all.

kotori was like a soft pastel pillow and yuri was a hard rock - yet somehow the two were bestfriends if not closer. bokuto couldn't figure out their relationship, not that it mattered much anyway. yuri kind of, well, literally almost slapped him the first time he came to visit her with kotori - she thought bokuto was trying to play kotori  but was soon assured that he was just being friendly.

yuri acted a lot like a mama bird with her friends and it didn't take her long to take bokuto under her wing - he was almost instatnly accepted by the tall and powerful woman and it... made him very happy. wasn't long till he met others too. there was also benny, an overseas student who loved all things nature, she made bokuto a flower crown during the first time they all hung out. and there was also sai, a transgender guy who was very, and i mean, extremely vary of bokuto at first.

having known what bokuto used to be just very recently, sai had some negative feelings towards him at first but warmed up eventually when he realized bokuto had no bad intentions with the friend group. these new people bokuto found himself surrounded by were accepting and loving no matter what, and for the first time in forever bokuto found himself want to be his true self.

as bokuto wandered off into the aisle of fruits and veggies, he found himself daydreaming about the upcoming evening and just how confortable he can be. as he reached out to pick up a pineapple, his hand collided with someone else's. though, there was no need to look to his left to see who it was. the slim and long fingers, and the silver bracelet told him everything he would have ever needed to know.

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