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"I'm not gay, dude. That's disgusting"

Akaashi heard him say as he walked past him in the hallway. Just for a split moment, their eyes met, it seems like Akaashi did not have the best expression on his face. He was already late for his lecture and out of all the hallways, all the passageways Akaashi could have taken - he has to run into this fool.

His lips formed a small smile before he turned back to his friends and continued talking about some girls and weird parties. All Akaashi could do was sigh and keep walking. He really did want to turn around and slap some sense into him - he had his reasons. First, he was being homophobic, which already is the behavior of an uneducated person. Second, he knew damn well that Akaashi could destroy his life at that moment, yet he felt so confident in himself. If Akaashi had no self-control, he would have choke slammed him into the ground.

Once up the stairs Akaashi practically started running, his feet picked up the pace rather quickly. Unfortunately, he reached the auditorium and barely stopped in his tracks in time. After almost falling down, he opened the door and quickly sneaked up the stairs. Sliding into his cold seat never felt better and Akaashi wasn't tired at all - his blood had turned into coffee by this point, he could smell colors and see sound - which could just be signs of exhaustion, but who is he to judge?

What now? Akaashi made it into this cursed auditorium but what did he miss? Professor Asahi was not talking and everyone else seemed to be writing something. Not unusual for Professor Asahi's lessons but still. Asahi was too soft on his students, he didn't care if you are late as long as you submit your work on time, even if you don't submit it but give him a reason why you didn't do it, he will still let you off.

Akaashi felt his friend nudge him, "Dude, no one submitted their reviews on Pride and Prejudice. Asahi told us to write a review on anything we want and submit it instead. He's such a softie", he snickered before pushing his sticker-covered paper to him.

'Garfield Review' it said at the top of the paper. Akaashi sighed, was it really worth the bad grade? He had a few books he could talk about, a few audiobooks too, a few fan-written stories of his favorite show - there was a whole bunch.

Akaashi took out his notebook and pen and began flipping through pages, hoping to find one that wasn't covered in sketches and stickers. His eyes caught something and Akaashi immediately stopped. A note? No, more like crumpled up paper. What was it doing here? As he slowly unfolded it, he felt a strong wave of mixed emotions hit him. It was a note that he and Akaashi passed around during the lecture a while ago. He believes it was the start of his second semester and the man in question just so happened to take an additional subject.

you're cute today ;)

thanks, not too bad yourself

want to grab a coffee after the lecture?

why are we passing notes like some school children

it's efficient

sure i will grab a coffee with you

i'll be waiting by the gates

Akaashi quickly crumpled it up and threw it into his bag. His hands were shaking slightly from anger, and not only towards the man also anger towards himself, for being such a dummy, for falling for his charm, for believing in his sweet nothings... and for still not being able to let go. He's a tease, a liar - that's who he is. Also, a dumbass who believes he has the world in his palm, but boy Akaashi could ruin him so fast.

He still remembers his smile when he saw that Akaashi agreed to go and get a coffee with him if only he could turn back time and tell him that he's busy or something if only Akaashi knew back then what he would do and say - he would have never fallen so low.

"Hanamaki, how do I tell someone they're gay?" Akaashi whispered to his friend who looked at him wide-eyed.

He scratched his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "isn't the question usually the other way around?", he wondered.

"it is, but this guy still believes he's straight. we've been fucking for months", Akaashi confessed. To say that Hanamaki let out an inhuman noise would be an understatement. It sounded like an alien giving birth. "It's getting annoying. I just heard him say that being gay is disgusting and yet he puts his dick in me"

"Can you keep your shit down?" they heard a voice speak from above them. They looked up to see Iwaizumi with a mad and disgusted look on his face, sorry pal, they didn't want you to hear that either.


NEW FIC BABYYYY we gonna be tearing down masculinity and heterosexual norms here. My boy Bokuto is a B-I-C-T-H.

This fanfiction relies HEAVILY on polyamorous relationships. So, don't expect Bokuto and Akaashi to be the main couple, as a matter of fact - there is a surprise waiting for you in the next chapters.

This includes Kenma, Kuroo, Akaashi and Bokuto as main characters, in which Kuroo and Kenma are in an open relationship. We need to normalize them, seriously.

There is quite some adult content, from tough language to sexy time (there will be warnings, don't worry).

hope you're all excited.


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