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how kuroo found himself in a situation he could not come back from, he couldn't tell. one minute he was in a lecture, fuming inside, raging a war and tapping his foot in anger - the next minute he was out and waiting for bokuto to pick up his things so the two of them could go grab a coffee together.

if anything, there was something very clearly wrong with that picture. that something being bokuto, who, as much as kuroo is concerned, used some weird dark magic to get him to talk to him and actually not want to rip his head off his shoulders. it was either that or him sneaking some sort of drug into his water - there is no logical explanation on how else he would have ever agreed to this.

as kuroo stood there by the lecture hall, he took a deep breath. kenma is at home, akaashi is also there - there is no need for him to worry about anything. 

"oh thanks for waiting" bokuto said as he finally appeared out of the classroom, his bag hanging on one of his shoulders. 

"don't thank me" kuroo answered rather coldly, still scolding himself for whatever was going on. i mean, didn't he just say a couple of days ago that he would rather die than even talk to bokuto? will he have to commit seppuku after this?

"so, do you want to go to the cafeteria or like an actual place? do you have anything else to do today?" bokuto asked, awfully happy with himself for his new-found courage to talk to a man who almost tore him to shreds once.

"i don't have anything, actually. so we can go to an actual place" kuroo sighed.

the two of them made their way out of the university, not being able to avoid weird stares from people around, the two of them were not exactly known to be good friends - a rumour about a fight most likely was brewing somewhere on the forums but thankfully, neither akaashi, nor kenma ever read those. 

at some point on their way to a local cafe, the conversation shifted towards more likely topics, such as movies and tv shows, and intensified without the two of them even noticing. soon enough, they couldn't shut up.

"no, i'm telling you, it is by far the worst movie i have ever seen. like, i'm not even that good with horror and this movie was ridiculous!" kuroo complained.

"i mean, a horror movie set on zoom? that sounds like the shittiest plot of all time. did their cameras freeze and then unfreeze to show a dead body at any point?" bokuto snickered.

"yes! actually yes! i couldn't fucking believe it. kenma slept through the entire movie, i started scrolling midway. never gonna watch shit like that again. money wasted on tickets..." kuroo sighed deeply, thinking about how he could have watched a decent movie instead of that monstrosity (not in a good way).

"you know, i feel like i've wasted so much money or random things i simply refuse to use" bokuto added, watching as kuroo nodded furiously in agreement.

"i have a pair of socks with pizza on them. i don't wear them, ever. they just look nice. money wasted." kuroo agreed.

"dude, socks are not that bad. i have a sticker pack which i refuse to use because i don't know where i would put the stickers and i don't want to commit to putting them in a wrong place. so they are just there" bokuto laughed, thinking about how he debated for an hour with himself on whether or not he should use the cute dog sticker on his fridge and ultimately deciding no, because 'what if i move out tomorrow'?

"stickers? you and stickers? that don't sound right" kuroo chuckled.

"hey, don't talk shit about my interests" bokuto smiled at him.

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