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"Keiji!!!" Kenma yelled as he ran through the door and jumped onto Akaashi who was simply chilling on his bed. "You really agreed?!"

"I did!" Akaashi tried to return the enthusiasm, but it had been a while since he saw Kenma so happy. Most of the time he is pretty straight-faced and fed up with Kuroo's bullshit. The two of them have been together for literal years, couple goals I guess, Akaashi could only wish for a stable relationship like that.

"When I heard... I just... I ran here. Akaashi, I ran! I don't run!" Kenma finally got off Akaashi and stared right at him, a bright smile on his face could end wars and bring world peace, it was, however, reserved for Akaashi only. "So, I'm guessing you broke up with that trash?" Kenma gave him a suggestive smile, that's given, knowing 80% of Kuroo's and Kenma's conversations were about Akaashi and how trash Bokuto is.

"I never dated him in the first place. We just fucked" Akaashi said. "But you could say, yes. We broke up. You know... I thought about it a lot and I really do want to try..."

"You have some doubts?" Kuroo asked as he came closer and sat down on the bed next to Kenma. Their eyes were locked on Akaashi as the other struggled to find words, even more now that his two new love interests were sitting on the bed in front of him.

"Not doubts. I am... not informed. How does it all work? I am simply confused" Akaashi gave them a weak smile. "I just don't want to ruin what you guys have"

"Akaashi, you would never ruin it. I'm sure Kuroo has told you, but we both like you. Not in a simple way where we like you as a friend, but in a way where we find ourselves wanting you with us, where we want you as part of us" Kenma started speaking, making Akaashi blush in the process. So that's what it feels like to be wanted, huh?

"We had partners before, but none of them could compare to you. That's why we asked. Any questions you have, we will answer." Kuroo reassured Akaashi. The other seemed to be gathering up the questions in his head as his phone kept buzzing on the counter.

"Okay... so, how does this relationship work? Let's start here" Akaashi inhaled deeply.

"It's not that complicated. Think about the last time you dated someone and multiply by two. It's like having two boyfriends. We do everything you would do with one boyfriend - hang out together, go on dates, go on trips, engage in some intimacy" Kuroo was quick to answer, Kenma simply nodded throughout his whole answer. "It's really not that different from any other relationship. We do things together just like any lovers do, sometimes it's even better than dating one person."

"Yeah, speaking of that, how will the... intimacy work?" Akaashi's eyes met Kenma's, he had a suggestive look on his face once again.

"It's up to you. We prefer a group effort, but you can always get intimate in private with one of us. We would obviously expect you to not have any other sexual partners, since you would be in a relationship with us" Kenma chimed in. "Cheaters are a no-no. There's a common misconception that if people are in a polyamorous relationship then they don't mind how many sexual partners others have, but we do!"

"A lot of people also think that polyamorous relationships are based on sexual activity, but really it's not. We don't engage in some crazy sex parties every other weekend like people speculate. So..." Kuroo followed up. "It's just as Kenma said. Us three or one-on-one in private"

"Sounds interesting. I'm just a bit scared, I guess" Akaashi let out a nervous laugh.

"It's quite normal, no? You're getting into a situation unfamiliar to you, so if you feel uncomfortable just tell us. We can't force you... and if at any point you feel like this isn't for you - tell us. We don't want to force you to do something you don't want" Kuroo's sweet voice was more than enough to hypnotize Akaashi. "So, what do you say? Up for it?"

"... yeah. Fuck it, let's do it. I like you guys, so why not. I took time to think about this and... I want to try" Akaashi answered and was immediately tackled down by Kenma.

"Ah, I'm so happy!" He exclaimed as he strengthened his grip around him, Kuroo simply chuckled at the sight of those two. It looks like things were going to get even more interesting from now on. Akaashi couldn't help but wonder... where to go now? This wasn't like an official date where one would ask the other to date, this was unplanned.

"You still seem lost in thought" Kenma said as he analysed his face, pushing the hair away from his forehead.

"Of course he would be. Something else bothering you?" Kuroo asked, his hand found it's way to Akaashi's as he proceeded to squeeze it in a reassuring manner.

"... where do we go from here? I mean... I feel like I need to know you guys a bit more personally? I mean, I know Kuroo - but I know little about Kenma... I just want to be sure that you both are comfortable with me and that..." Akaashi trailed off. He genuinely wanted to try, but all these fears of ruining their perfect duo kept penetrating his head.

"How about going on individual dates?" Kenma suggested, an idea that Kuroo received with a nod. "You could get to know me better. I would get to know you better. I mean, I already know a lot from Kuroo, but I would love some individual time with you away from this lazy cat", Kenma stuck out his tongue at Kuroo.

"I agree. We are roommates so we already spend time together, but going on a date could really make us even closer" Kuroo smiled.... and then stuck his tongue out at Kenma, clearly boasting about knowing Akaashi better.

"That is actually a great idea" Akaashi gave them a smile. He felt Kenma squeeze his waist even tighter.

"More dates with me since Kuroo knows you well already", Kenma spoke softly, which made Akaashi blush just slightly. He rustled Kenma's soft hair and whispered a small "yes".


Soft AkaKenma incoming TT
I hope you enjoyed!


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