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The next couple days were filled with intense training. They were preparing to go into Trost and use the odm gear.

Cori sat down on a seat next to Eren. Everyone was breathing heavily and sweating. "Fuck, what was that," Jean said. "Was it to much for your military police ass-?" Eren remarked. Jean stood up and so did Eren. Cori rolled her eyes. "Guys please don't," Armin begged. The boys began fighting. Cori grabbed Eren's collar and threw him on a nearby table then she kicked Jean's knees, making him fall. The boys groaned in pain. "Are you going to keep sitting there whining like a baby or are you going to get up?" Cori asked. "Fuck you Cori," Jean said. Cori sat back down.

"Get up," Ymir said pulling Jean up. "I swear your embarrassing." Mikasa helped Eren up and Jean saw this and looked away, "Tch." Reiner was looking at Cori. "Can I help you?" she asked. Reiner shook his head looking towards Annie. "Nothing." Cori followed his gaze and noticed Annie's eyes were on her. Annie got up and left. "Where are you going?" Mikasa asked. "To bed," Annie responded. She turned to leave but not before looking at Cori.

"She's weird," Sasha said. "Huh? Annie? She's not weird," Bertholdt said, a slight blush on his cheek. "Hmm. I can't get her to smile," Sasha said. "I got Mikasa to and Cori too but not her." Cori remembered that day.

"Come on Cori," Sasha said. "No," Cori said. "Why not?" "Because I don't want to." Sasha pouted. "Your weird." Cori rolled her eyes. "Oh for gods sake come here you son of a bitch, your going," Ymir said pulling Cori up. Mikasa chuckled. "It won't be that bad." "Yay!" Sasha said wrapping an arm around Cori's neck. Cori smiled softly. "I saw that," Sasha said. "Saw what?" said Ymir. "She smiled. Oh my gosh she's doing it again," Sasha exclaimed. "Oh for the love of-," Cori said grabbing Sasha by her ponytail. "Lets go reunite you with your twin."

Ymir stood up, "We should probably go to bed." She and Christa headed off. Cori and Mikasa looked at each other before following. Cori looked around and saw Annie motioning to her. She wasn't inside already? "I'll be there in a second go ahead," Cori said. "What are you doing?" Mikasa asked but Cori had already left.

Cori walked over to where Annie was. "What do you-," Annie's lips crashed onto hers. Cori didn't fight, deepening the kiss. The two walked, still in the kiss until Cori's back came in contact with the wall. Cori turned them around so that it was Annie on the wall. They broke the kiss. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that," Annie said. Cori looked into her eyes, "Same here."

Sorry this is rather short next one will be longer.

Unbroken | Annie LeonhartWhere stories live. Discover now