Rod Reiss

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The Levi Squad made their way to Rod Reiss's house. Along the way Levi and Mikasa were talking similarities they had, upon 'awakening' a power within them. They both had the same last name. Levi had questioned Cori on her strength. She simply nodded saying that she recalled "Feeling like a power was surging through her body." But she didn't engage in further conversation. Instead trying to remember what her father had told her but she couldn't, probably because she was too young.

They arrived outside the house. "You brats be careful okay? Kenny and his squad are probably in there," Levi said. He then turned to Annie. "You either at Cori's side or mine the whole time, got that?" Annie nodded.

They made their way inside and began searching for Rod Reiss but couldn't find him, or Eren and Historia. Then Connie found a hole underneath the carpet.

They had jumped down, revealing a chamber. The squad was standing outside of the entrance to the chamber, suspecting the Kenny squad was there waiting for them. The chamber appeared to be made of a crystal like material. Annie immediately recognized it as titan hardening. She got lost in her thoughts. The only reason someone would have a chamber like this is if they passed down titans through generations. The people of Paradise were oblivious to titan shifters and Marley and the only titan Annie could fathom being passed down in Paradise was the Founding. If Eren really had the founder and he wasn't supposed to, he would be eaten. Which would explain Eren's kidnapping and as for Historia, if she had royal blood then she would be the one doing the eating.

The squad started pushing barrels full of gunpowder into the chamber. The goal was to confuse the Kenny Squad. Once the gunpowder was ignited Sasha ran into the chamber, bow and arrows in hand. She began shooting down squad members. Cori had noticed that Annie was deep in thought and was looking at the blonde intently. Annie seemed to have noticed Cori's eyes on her and she looked at the brunette. Cori motioned her head towards Levi, conveying that she wanted Annie to tell him what she was thinking. Annie nodded.

"Captain," she said. He turned to face her. "What?" he asked. "I think you should be aware of the fact Eren is probably going to become titan food soon." She said it so calmly that it was unsettling. Mikasa jumped, when she heard there was a possibility Eren was going to die and Cori had to hold her back. "And why do you think that?" Levi asked. But before she could even begin to explain the Anti Personal Squad (better known as the Kenny squad) attacked.

Cori grabbed Annie and activated her hooks, narrowly missing the bullet that was aimed at her. There were pillars of titan hardening, keeping the roof from collapsing. On those pillars were little platforms. Cori made her way onto one of them. She looked around attempting to find their attacker. He came out from behind the smoke and pointed her gun at Cori. Cori was faster however, gripping her sword and slashing the boy across the chest.

Everywhere people were killing people. Cori took off, Annie trailing behind. They both began killing off squad members. The fighting went on for sometime until Hange was nearly killed by a female member of the Kenny Squad. Connie and Armin picked her up. The Kenny Squad began retreating to another part of the chamber, no doubt where Eren and Historia were. Levi's squad quickly followed but were soon trapped in the tunnel connecting the two chambers. "Shit," Levi said. Cori looked around, looking for an exit.

Mikasa spun around to face Annie. "Why did you think Eren was going to get eaten by a titan?" she asked. Everyone turned to face the two girls. "Yeah why? Are you finally going to tell us something useful?" Levi asked. Annie silently pleaded with Cori for help but Cori wasn't even sure herself what was going on. Did it have something to do with the nine titans? "Listen to me carefully. If Eren has the founding titan its not because he's supposed to have it. The Founding was no doubt passed in the royal family and he's not a royal. They're probably having someone of royal blood eat him in order to give the founding back to the royal family," Annie hastily explained. "Wait but why would eating him give them the founding back?" Jean asked. "Because if a titan eats a titan shifter they are now the new holder of that titan and become human again," Annie explained. "Human again? So all titan are humans?" Armin asked. Annie nodded.

Sasha was about to ask something when the whole chamber began to shake. Amongst the shaking a hole had opened in the roof of the tunnel. Levi told Armin and Connie to use that hole and get out with Hange. The net the Kenny Squad had used to prevent the Levi Squad from getting to that side of the chamber. The rest of the squad made there way in. The saw a huge titan emerging and breaking the roof of the chamber. They also say Eren who was shirtless and restrained. He also had type of metal muzzle in between his teeth, preventing him from biting his tongue. Historia was flung back by the strength of the transformation but Mikasa caught her. Cori made her way to Eren and with the help of Jean began undoing the chains binding him. "Saving your life again Eren," Cori teased but Eren just looked terrified. They got him out and stood against the back of the wall, seeing the titan continue to grow in size. The roof started collapsing. Annie gripped Cori tightly, preparing to transform
if necessary. Eren ran and grabbed a bottle from a open box and placed it in his mouth, breaking it with his teeth. He ran forward and jumped of the platform, biting his hand. He transformed into a titan and his whole titan hardened. The hardening stopped the roof from collapsing entirely. Annie let go off Cori and everyone let out a breath they were holding.

They got out of the chamber and reunited with Hange, Armin and Connie. Historia and Eren explained what had happened. How that titan was Historia's father Rod Reiss and how the Reiss family were the true royal family, holding the founding for years. They also explained how Eren's father had taken the founding from the family. The rest of the scouts had arrived and they began following Rod's titan. He paid no attention to the scouts, instead heading towards the closes town. Eren was in the wagon along with Annie, Hange and Historia.

Eren was trying to activate his founding titan and stop Rod. Cori watched as Eren was punching the air and saying things. She found it amusing and from the look on Annie's face she did too. "Stop Rod Reiss! You tiny old man!" Cori's eyes went wide and she watched as Eren paused, not daring to look at Levi. Cori looked at Levi who just kept looking at Eren.

The scouts stopped chasing Rod. He wouldn't arrive at the town for sometime and so they regrouped elsewhere, attempting to form a plan and try to get Annie to explain everything.

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