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Annie was still fighting with Reiner. He just wouldn't go down and it was becoming annoying.

Mikasa, Cori, Jean, Sasha and Connie were lying in wait. If Annie couldn't kill Reiner they would have to shoot Mikasa's Thunder Spear, the last one they had, into his mouth.

Annie was using everything she had but after training with her for so long Reiner knew her tricks.

Cori was extremely pissed. How was he so able bodied after being exploded?! Sure he could regenerate but this was just annoying.

Reiner was on top of Annie and she grabbed his arm twisting it before using her hardening to cut it off.

He fell on her and she kicked him off, sending him flying into the wall. Annie quickly got up and ran tackling him. Reiner tried to get her off but she held him in place, he couldn't move. Cori jumped at the opportunity.

She moved into action paying attention to the cracks in Reiner's armor. She cut
open one side of his mouth and then the other.

Mikasa launched her Thunder Spear at Reiner but missed, she wasn't able to get to Reiner.

At this point Annie was starting to lose her grip on Reiner and everyone raced for a solution to their problem. "Fuck," Mikasa said.

Then out of nowhere Hange came. Her left eye was missing and bleeding. She had a Thunder Spear and launched it at Reiner with pinpoint accuracy. Annie quickly let go of Reiner as he blew up for the second time that day.

Meanwhile, all hell was breaking lose with Armin and Eren.

Eren was still unconscious atop the wall. But Armin had faith in his friend, and so he went on with his plan.

Armin leapt on and attached himself to Bertholdt's teeth.

Bertholdt started emitting heat and Armin was feeling warm but he was refusing to let go.

Bertholdt emitted even more heat and Armin could feel the fire on his body.

I'm sorry Eren, go to the ocean for me.

Cori I'll say hi to your parents for you please don't beat yourself up.

Soon Armin was barely hanging on, he wouldn't let go, he couldn't. And then Armin lost consciousness.

During this Eren was hardening. Bertholdt looked up at the wall once he was satisfied Armin was dead, only to find Eren wasn't there.

Bertholdt looked and to his horror Eren's titan or the shell of it was there. And then he heard it, the familiar sound of odm gear and he knew right then and there he was screwed.

"GOT YOU!" Eren yelled cutting Bertholdt out of his nape. He pulled Bertholdt out and knocked him unconscious.

The colossal titan fell. The sound caused everyone's heads to turn. Cori was astonished and guessed Armin's plan, whatever it was, worked.

Cori went and was met with perhaps the most horrifying sight. Levi was about to give Eren the case holding their only titan serum. And Armin was a burnt body.

And then as if things couldn't get worse Floch came, with Erwin on his back. He claimed he was still alive. Levi pulled his hand back.

They didn't even know Cori was there yet. Not until Mikasa came behind her and gasped. They all turned.

"Captain!" Eren said. "Captain please." Levi didn't say anything, instead he looked at Erwin's lifeless body.

"Captain earlier you hesitated why?" Eren asked. "Because I was considering the possibility that Erwin might still be alive."

"Captain but Armin," Eren said. And just like that Floch had to insert himself into the conversation.

"Who's more important the commander or this boy?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP NO ONE ASKED YOU!" Cori yelled and everyone turned, surprised by her outburst.

Floch narrowed his eyes. The logical part of Cori was screaming at her, telling her that Floch was right but she couldn't bring herself to agree. Armin.

Unconsciously, she made her way over to his body and cradled it. "Wake up Armin, please wake up," she said softly, tears running down her face.

This struck a cord within Levi. Eren reached for the serum but Levi held him back. Mikasa leapt into action. Levi was holding them both back.

Cori was just crying and pleading. Armin was her first friend, he was there for as long as she could remember. He helped her get back on her feet after her mother's death. She couldn't let go. "Armin the ocean, the ocean remember?! Please get up," she was getting desperate.

The others had arrived at the scene and Hange was holding Mikasa back. "Oh my," Connie said. Sasha seemed to be nearing unconsciousness. Jean was staring as was Annie. Annie wanted to reach out and hug Cori but Eren's
screaming interrupted her.

"Captain!" Eren screamed. "Armin will be the one to save the world! Right Cori?! Cori!"

But Cori wasn't listening. She had blocked everything out. She had lost it. Her pleads were fading into the air, not reaching the ears of the person she was talking too. Her hand was on his chest, feeling his steadily declining heart beat.

Cori screamed. A scream full of pain and heartache. Annie ran. She ran and engulfed the crying girl in a big hug. Cori buried her face into Annie's shoulder. Sobbing.

All anyone could do was watch. Eren and Mikasa were crying even harder. And then Levi spoke. "I'm using the serum on Erwin," his voice held finality. Just like that the world stopped.

Floch unhooked Erwin and placed him down. "Mikasa lets go," Hange said, forcing Mikasa away from the scene.

Eren was pulled out too by Jean. Finally, Cori left. Annie's grip on her never fading.

Then something unexpected happened. Levi came to them, holding Erwin's body. Eren, Mikasa and Cori stood up straight. Could it be?

A titan formed. It had blonde hair, it
picked up Bertholdt. At the moment he regained consciousness. He started screaming.

He caught sight of everyone on the rooftop. "Guys help! Help me please!"

But no one moved a muscle as they watched Armin devour Bertholdt. Cori took immense pleasure in watching him get eaten.

Upon swallowing him Armin's titan collapsed and everyone rushed over.

Armin emerged and Annie squeezed Cori's hand. He was alive, she was alive. Everyone Cori cared about was alive.

Unbroken | Annie LeonhartWhere stories live. Discover now