Taking Back Trost

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Eren was walking around with Pyxis. Cori, Mikasa and Armin were just watching. After Pyxis had saved them he had asked Armin if he really thought that Eren could move the boulder. Now Pyxis was telling the other soldiers the plan.

Cori could hear the people protesting, clearly not liking the idea of going back there. Cori didn't blame them. Its one thing to brave it to survive but another to be asked to go back in there on a whim. She sighed. She could hear Marco's voice yelling for a soldier to get it together. Please don't die on me. Cori brushed her strands out of her face. "Do you think it'll work? I'd hate for soldiers to die only for it to fail," Armin muttered. Mikasa and Cori looked at each other. "I think it will," Mikasa said.

Eren made his way back to them, Pyxis and some Garrison soldiers following. "Alright then everything's ready!" Pyxis said. Armin began to walk to where all of the other soldiers were gathering. I was about to go to but Mikasa began arguing with Eren. I waited and watched and then a soldier came. He was part of the group that would be protecting Eren. "Cori, Mikasa you two are with us." Mikasa gave Eren a look and he didn't say anything. They all began running on the wall going near the boulder.

The other team had already began gathering all the titans in a corner of the wall. This whole mission was riding on Eren and his ability to turn into a titan. They came up on the on the boulder and jumped down Eren bit his hand and became a titan. The others on the squad were gathered on a rooftop keeping an eye on titan Eren.

He started acting differently. Mikasa jumped on him and held his hair, balancing her leg on his nose. "Eren," she said. He started punching and she narrowly missed it, landing next to Cori. Eren fell to the ground and his titan sat there, back against boulder unconscious before he fell face forward. "I knew this wouldn't work," Rico said pulling out a smoke gun and sending a red flare. "Why you'd do that?!" Cori said angrily. "Because it failed," Rico said. Cori groaned. The soldier in the charge of the the squad came and said that they would still continue the mission.

The soldiers spilt up to take out the titans. Mikasa and Cori stayed near Eren when Armin came. "What's going on?" Armin asked. "I don't know," Cori said. "He attacked Mikasa." Armin looked down. "I can get him to lift the boulder don't worry," he said confidently, going down. Mikasa left to take care of some incoming titans, while Cori stayed on the roof eying Armin.

Armin had stabbed the titans nape in an attempt to get Eren's attention. The titan jerked but remained in place.

Cori caught site of an abnormal creeping its way to Eren and Armin. Sighing she made her way to it, slashing its nape. She looked at the other side of Trost, where soldiers were risking their lives to keep the titans distracted, all for Eren who was currently on the floor. She knew Marco and Annie could handle themselves. She knew they were looking out for one another. All of them. So why did she have a horrible feeling in her stomach? Why was she worried? Fuck the damn Colossal Titan. Cori couldn't help but wonder where the armored titan was. Surely it should be here by now.

Cori saw movement and turned to see Eren standing up. Armin made his way over to her and the two watched as Eren picked up the boulder and began walking to the hole. Cori marveled at the site before turning to face Armin. The boy could do anything. Cori and Armin tailed him and were soon joined by Mikasa. Eventually, Eren made it and dropped the rock into the hole, sealing it. They helped Eren out of his titan, as he was unconscious. Cori turned to see a titan making its way towards them. She looked at it, before it fell to the ground and a short man stood. He had the scout regiment cape and Cori realized it was Captain Levi.  "Now, would someone explain to me what's going on?"

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