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Jean and Armin were acting as decoys for Eren and Historia. They were in a covered wagon. Levi was on a rooftop eying the scene next to the two squad members Hange had loaned them. Annie was on another rooftop with Connie and Sasha. Mikasa and Cori were on a rooftop next to them. They watched as the wagon Jean and Armin were in was stopped and as they were brought into a warehouse.

Cori watched through the window as Armin was touched, the person obviously thinking it was Historia. Cori grimaced. She looked at Levi who was tracking the actual wagon in which Eren and Historia were in. Annie wasn't in it for two reasons. One, the squad wasn't certain they could trust Annie. Two, in the event Historia and Eren were taken they would still have a shifter.

"Cori," Mikasa whispered. Cori nodded and the two made their way into the warehouse, taking out the men and rescuing Armin and Jean. Armin was immensely thankful. "Thank you Cori!" he exclaimed hugging the girl. Cori smiled softly.

Mikasa and Cori made their way to Levi telling him things were going well on their end. He nodded in response. They made their way back to the warehouse and began questioning the two men. All they said was that the military police had ordered them. Seeing as they couldn't get any more information Levi and the two members from Hange's squad went back to the rooftops, eyeing Eren and Historia's wagon.

Annie was fitted with odm gear at Cori's request. The titan shifter was to stick by the Otterlin's side. Cori was waiting for Levi's signal when she heard him yell. "KENNY!" Cori whipped her head around and saw Levi fighting a squad. They had the logo of the military police but their odm was different.

"Annie," she said getting the blonde's attention. "Come here." Annie complied making her way to Cori. "Have you seen them before?" she asked pointing to the people chasing Levi. Annie shook her head. Cori groaned. "Shit."

"We need to help Levi," Connie said. "No shit," Cori replied. She activated her hooks and started trailing Levi. Mikasa, Sasha, Connie and Annie were soon at her side.

Cori caught the attention of a squad member as he pointed her gun at her and fired. Cori used her blade to deflect the shot before making her way to the person. She raised her blade and sliced the man's head off. She looked at his decapatated head. Meanwhile Connie looked at it disgusted and shocked at how easily she was able to rob the man of his life.

Cori and the other managed to catch up to Levi. "These people won't hesitate to kill you okay? Protect Annie and make sure Eren and Historia are rescued!" he commanded. Cori caught sight of the wagon and tried to catch up to it. Before she knew it 4 squad members were tailing her. She sighed and pulled back right as one shot at her. She used her odm and rammed a hook through the head of one of them. She turned to see one of the point a gun at her, before she could react the guy pointing the gun at her was stabbed in the chest. Cori looked to see Annie. "Thanks," she said. Annie nodded.

Cori caught sight of the wagon but instead of seeing Eren and Historia she saw Jean and Armin. Jean had a gun pointed at him and was trying to shield himself. There was a loud gunshot and Cori looked in surprise when she saw Armin holding the trigger and the squad member dead.


Armin was trying to get used to the idea that he killed someone. "Did you guys have to go through something like this too?" he asked. Mikasa merely nodded and wrapped her arms around the boy. Cori started daydreaming.

~Blood so much blood, it wouldn't stop. Knife on the floor, murder. Knock. Dr. Jaeger. He's here. "Lara? Cori?" Blood, death, metal. Murder. Murderer~

"Cori!" Armin exclaimed. "What? Sorry," Cori said. Armin shook her head, "Its fine, but we've got to go." Cori followed Mikasa and Armin to the rest of the squad. "We have to rescue Eren!" Mikasa practically screamed. "And Historia," Connie mumbled. "And Historia!" Mikasa said. "I know but right now we don't know where they are and we're being hunted," Levi said. Mikasa muttered a string of profanities. "Captain who was that, that attacked us?" Sasha asked. "Kenny the Ripper. Apparently bastards working with the military police now," Levi responded grumpily.

"So where are we going then?" Cori asked. "Well theres a military police outpost surrounded by woods. If we can break in maybe we can force someone to tell us," Annie suggested. Everyone turned to face the blonde. "Tch, That's actually not bad," Levi said. "Alright brats, lets go." Everyone hopped on a horse and followed Levi.

Unbroken | Annie LeonhartWhere stories live. Discover now