Wall Sina

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Cori had made a full recovery. The scout regiment were posted all around Wall Sina. The plan was to lure Annie underground and capture her. Jean was riding in the carriage with Levi and Erwin, posing as Eren. He wasn't happy in the slightest, saying he looked nothing like Eren.

Cori and Armin were going to try and convince Annie to come with them in order to help Eren escape.

The military police were walking the streets, keeping eye on the carriage supposedly holding Eren. Cori and Armin gave each other a look before Armin called out, "Annie." She stopped and looked around. Cori peaked her head out slightly and Annie caught sight of it. Her eyes went wide before returning to their regular cold gaze. She made her way over.

Cori leaned against the alley wall. Armin stood up straight waiting for Annie to arrive. She turned and was surprised to see Armin with Cori. "What's going on?" she said. Armin looked at Cori who just shrugged. Cori had told Armin to handle the convincing and she would help if necessary. If Cori was being honest she wasn't sure that she could talk to Annie without losing herself. So instead Cori watched the two interact.

"Okay so we need your help to sneak Eren out. We have Jean posing as him but we don't know how long that will work and we'll be less likely to get caught if your with us," Armin explained. "I don't know," Annie said hesitant. Armin turned to Cori, silently asking for help. Cori stood up straight. Her back was still a bit sore. "Please Annie," Cori said softly looking into the blonde's eyes. Annie's eyes seemed to soften at Cori's words. It had been awhile since she heard Cori's voice. "Okay," Annie agreed.

Cori nodded and lead them to where Mikasa and Eren were hiding. The group began making there way to the underground entrance. The streets were empty as the scout soldiers were waiting in hiding. Cori was walking by Annie. Eren tried to small talk but Cori didn't engage, keeping her head down. She felt someone give her hand a gentle squeeze and Cori's heart fluttered upon finding out it was Annie. Cori wanted to stop right there and hug the blonde. She desperately wanted Annie to be innocent she wanted to cuddle with her for the rest of time.

They made their way to the tunnel and began walking down but Annie pulled Cori back. "What's wrong?" Cori asked. "I'm scared of the dark," Annie said. Cori stared at her, "What?"

"Annie come on," Eren said annoyed. "I'm scared of the dark," Annie repeated again, gripping Cori's hand. "It'll be fine," Cori said trying to drag Annie down. Annie let go of Cori's hand and stood at the entrance refusing to go in. "Come on! There's something you can prove just be coming down here," Eren said angrily. She knew, she knew it was a trap.

"No," Annie said. "Annie please," Cori said. "I know your a good person, I know," Cori trailed off. Annie laughed before turning to face Cori. "I'm glad I could be a good person for you," she said bringing her hand to her mouth. On cue the soldiers in hiding jumped out and restrained her. Annie outstretched her hand and flicked her ring revealing a small knife. Cori's eyes went wide as she realized what was happening. Mikasa grabbed Eren and Armin yanking them back. Armin hastily grabbed Cori's arm pulling her. Cori and Annie locked eyes as Annie cut herself with the blade and began transforming.

Cori turned around and let Armin drag her underground. Cori didn't understand what she was feeling. She was numb. They were all congregated on the floor of the tunnel. Suddenly, holes of the roof were being smashed. "What the hell! Doesn't she needed Eren alive?" Mikasa exclaimed. "I guess she's taking a gamble," Armin said. Cori snapped out of her gaze as the foot kept getting closer and closer to them. "Mikasa! Me and You have to go and take her. Eren you have to transform," Cori said. Eren tried biting his hand but it wasn't working. He was bleeding. "Eren, Annie is the female titan stop having doubts! She just transformed in front of us," Mikasa cried. Eren looked at her.

Cori didn't wait anymore, she activated her hooks and made her way out, using on of the holes Annie had smashed. Mikasa followed her lead. Cori and Annie locked eyes again. Betrayal, hurt and anger flowed through Cori's vein as she lunged.

Annie smashed her foot once more into the tunnel, right on top of where Cori had left Eren and Armin. Annie ran up to Cori. Cori aimed for Annie's feet trying to cut her tendons. Annie kicked Cori aside but not with a lot of force. Next was Mikasa's turn as she went for Annie. Annie was running towards the plaza where Hange and their squad was waiting. Cori got up and chased them.

Mikasa and Cori were landing blows but it was clear Annie had the upper hand. Then hooks went flying and Annie was trapped again, but it appeared the shifter was prepared as she broke out of the trap. Mikasa went down to the titan's feet only to be kicked aside. Cori watched as Mikasa was kicked aside and Cori aimed her hooks right above Annie's eye. She was about to take a gamble.

She made her way to Annie, a leg balancing on her nose while the gripped a strand of hair. Annie looked at her but kept running, making no move to remove the brunette. "Annie please," Cori pleaded. "Can we just talk?" Annie slowed down her pace but kept running. "Please I'm sure theres a reasonable explanation. Just talk to me! I promise I won't let them hurt you. Annie please I love you."

Annie paused as she looked at the girl. The soldiers paused as well on Hange's command. They all watched intently. Annie desperately wanted to grab Cori and hold her. She wanted to kiss her all over and tell her over and over how much she loved her. So hesitantly she began to release herself from her titan. However, she stopped as she heard pounding footsteps. She watched as Cori's eyes went wide and she was frantically shaking her head. "No! Eren stop," she screamed. Annie picked Cori up and flung her to the side before she took of running. Maybe some other time. Maybe later she could come back and get Cori but right now she had to escape.

Eren had transformed into a titan and was pursing Annie. He tackled her and the two began fighting. Cori was standing next to Armin watching. She had it and then Eren had to go and fuck it up.

Eren was getting the upper hand and he was just about to lean in and bite Annie's nape when Levi came out of nowhere and freed Eren from his titan. "Your not supposed to eat her," he said. Annie used this as an opportunity and ran. Mikasa and Cori ran into action, chasing her. Annie hardened her finger tips and began climbing the wall. She was still regenerating places. Mikasa came and slashed Annie's right wrist. Cori came from the other side and slashed Annie's left wrist, before retracting her hooks and sitting, squat down on the side of the wall. She saw as Mikasa put her foot down on Annie's nose. Annie looked terrified. "Annie fall," Mikasa said. Annie fell and her titan hit the floor.

Annie emerged from her titan, tears in her eyes. Annie found Cori and stared at her before closing her eyes and falling unconscious. Everyone was silent and no one moved. Cori slowly made her way down to Annie. Her titan was decomposing. She lifted Annie gently into her arms and stared at the blonde. She kissed Annie gently on the forehead. "They won't hurt you," she whispered.

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