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3 Years Later

Everyone was preparing for war.

They each had a role. They were going to give Marley a taste of hell.

People were walking left and right, getting into position. People were suiting up and suppliers were gathering everything ready.

Some soldiers had already gotten into their position, inside buildings. It was pure chaos.

Some were scared and some were excited. Most a mix of the two. All the built up rage was manifesting and Marley wouldn't know what hit them.

Cori was in the middle of everything, watching everyone's movements. Her previously long curly brown hair was cut short, now it was barely above shoulder length. Her eyes had lost their previous light. She had grown, standing at 5'7.

For the past three years she had been attempting to understand Marley's side, but even though she could understand them she couldn't forgive them.

She was drained all of emotion, the only thing keeping her going was Annie and any possibility of them living through this.


Cori's love.

Had two years left to live.

Something Cori could barely wrap her head around. She wanted everything to sort itself out so that she could live the rest of Annie's years in peace with her.

Speaking of the blonde, she was equally as anxious to be done with everything.

Annie's hair was still styled the same. Her cold eyes were just as cold if not colder. She was now 5'5 and 20 now.

The two girls were standing beside one another. Once they did this there was no going back. This was war. Most soldiers were excited to give Marley hell, Cori was just tired. That's all she was nowadays.

Cori reached for Annie's hand and gave it a squeeze. Annie squeezed back. Levi called the people that would be with him over. "Don't you dare die," Annie said. "Only if you don't," Cori said. Annie walked away and Cori made her way to Mikasa.

"You ready?" Mikasa asked handing Cori a pack of Thunder Spears. "Yeah," Cori said.

Paradise was about to make its stand on Marley's turf. The world was going to go to hell and they were all going to bare witness to it. The world as they knew it was going to cease to exist and throughout it all Cori and Annie's love would remain unbroken.

The End

Unbroken | Annie LeonhartWhere stories live. Discover now