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After the events of Trost, pretty much everyone knew of Eren Jeager, the boy who could turn into a titan. He was currently being held in custody by the military police and there would be a court case held on what to do with him. Things weren't looking good for him, most people saw him as a threat, as a monster.

Ever since Trost Marco had been missing. Cori had asked Jean but he didn't know either, he told her not to worry though, that Marco was probably just taking care of some stuff. Annie had also been distant. She looked at Cori with guilt in her eyes but Cori wasn't sure why. Reiner and Bertholdt also seemed to do everything they could to avoid her.

Cori, Armin and Mikasa were walking around the streets of Trost, looking for the dead. They had killed all the titans and it was their 3rd day looking.
It smelled of decaying flesh and blood. They came across a head and Armin shrieked. Cori took a good look at it but couldn't identify it. Mikasa called one of the people over to take mark of the head.

"These poor people," Armin muttered. Cori didn't say anything. "At least there sacrifices weren't in vain, Eren succeeded," Mikasa replied. They walked around a little while longer finding bodies, some of which they could identify and others they couldn't. They got back to the headquarters and sat at a table.

"Do you think Eren will be alright?" Mikasa asked. "I don't know," Cori said. "People fear the unknown and that fear can turn to hatred." "Yeah but they'll see to reason right?" Armin said. No one answered.

"Cori," Jean called. Cori turned around and saw him gripping a necklace of which Cori had never seen before. "There's no easy way to say this so. Marco's... Marco's dead. We came across his body, he didn't have his odm gear and it looked like he was... eaten and then a titan decided to discard him." Its like time stopped. He was dead? Marco? No. It can't be. Annie had looked away but Cori didn't notice. Marco was the last family member she had left and now he was dead. The whole room went silent as everyone waited for the curly-haired brunette to responded.

She looked up, refusing to cry. To cry was to show weakness and she couldn't do that now. "Oh," was the only thing she could muster. Jean looked down. Armin and Mikasa watched intently, they had never seen her handle grief before. "Did anyone see how he went out?" Cori asked, her voice soft. No one replied. "I see, so he died alone, without anyone to see, his body left to rot." She stood. She had a blank face, still trying to process the situation. Jean handed her the necklace. "Marco planned to give it to you after you chose your regiment. You know how he is," Jean said before walking away. She looked at it, it was a simple silver necklace with a sword charm on it. "I'll
be outside," Cori said.

She didn't attend the burning of the bodies, instead she stayed in the girls bunks. She couldn't cry even if she wanted to. The girls were comforting her. Annie's hand rubbing up and down her back. Christa whispering words of encouragement. Ymir trying her best to lighten the mood. Sasha offering her food. Mikasa telling her he was in a better place. Cori didn't register any of it though and after awhile they began to dissipate all but Annie and Mikasa.

Annie looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't. Eventually, she to left. "Cori it'll be alright," Mikasa whispered, undoing Cori's bun. "I know," Cori said. "I'm just shocked that's all. I'll be over it by morning." Mikasa stopped. "Morning? Cori its okay to grieve." "I know Mikasa but I haven't got the time. We got different things to worry about. Eren and we have to choose our regiments soon," Cori finished undoing her bun and climbed into bed. "Cori-." "Night Mikasa."

Mikasa stared at her before making her way to her own bed. Cori stared into empty space. Her face blank, mind blank and she was determined to be over it by tomorrow. The girls started filling in one by one and making their way to bed. Cori feel asleep, that blank expression still on her face.

Unbroken | Annie LeonhartWhere stories live. Discover now