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Historia was getting crowned. Everyone was in their formally military clothes and was there to support the young girl. Even Annie was allowed to attend. After giving up that information the scouts had grown to trust her more.

After she was crowned she walked with the Levi Squad. They were talking about Historia going to punch Levi. She believed she couldn't call herself a queen if she couldn't go through with it.

Levi walked towards and Historia yelled, running. She punched Levi and everyone looked shocked expect Mikasa, Cori and Annie who were smirking.

Levi smiled and everyone looked shocked. "Thank you." Cori looked at Levi. She had grown to think of him as a sort of father figure, it probably had something to do with him knowing her father but that didn't really matter.

No one really knew what to say so they just nodded and put their hands to their chest, even Annie.


The scout regiment was planning their next move. They intended to retake Shinganshina and go to the basement but they would most likely face resistance from the shifters Annie talked about. Hange had created this explosive that could penetrate Reiner's armor. They called them Thunder Spears.

Right now it was late and Cori was staring at the night sky. She heard footsteps and Annie laid down next to her. "What are you doing?" Annie asked softly. "Thinking," Cori said. "About?" "The future." Annie stared at her. Cori kept her gaze on the sky. She didn't much like thinking about the future because she thought she'd never have one.

"What about the future?" Annie asked. "I don't know. After Shinganshina I never really thought about it. I figured that I would just eventually get eaten by a titan before I had the time to retire but now..." she trailed off. "But?" Annie said trying to coax the rest of the sentence out of her.

Cori turned to face her. "Have you ever thought about living a life and starting a family?" Annie was silent, she had. "I did when I was younger, before I got a grim reminder of how cruel the world was."

Annie thought a little. "And now?" "I still think about it," Cori admitted. "What do you want to do Cori?" Now it was Cori's turn to go silent.

"I don't know. Ever since Shinganshina I've been living to keep Armin alive. I was scared when he choose to join the military. I guess I never really thought about what I want." "Maybe you should."

"What do you want Annie?" "To live a long life and see my father again," Annie answered. "And to be with you." Cori's face reddened and her heart fluttered. "I'd like that," she said. "Then let's do it," Annie said. "Let's live our lives together." Cori stared into Annie's blue eyes, getting lost in them. "But what about everyone else?" she whispered.

Both girls were on their sides. Cori started playing with Annie's hair and Annie took an arm, wrapping it around Cori's waist.

"What about them? Cori you've been thinking about everyone else, be selfish for once." Annie felt kinda guilty saying this to Cori but she wanted Cori. She didn't have much time left and she knew things would only go downhill from here with the people of Paradise eventually learning the truth.

Cori closed her eyes and buried her face in Annie's chest. Annie wrapped both arms around her. "I don't know if I could do it just yet, not when everyone needs me." Annie closed her eyes and smiled softly. She expected nothing different. Cori was a strong girl and she cared deep down even if she didn't show it all the time.

"I get it," Annie said. Cori hummed in response. The two girls cuddled under the night sky, the stars shining on them.

Levi walked onto the field and caught the two. His heart warmed at the sight and he just stood there staring for a bit. They both looked so peaceful. He contemplated getting them inside but he let them be, knowing this was one of the few times they could relax.

The two girls kept cuddling, many thoughts going through their minds but they never voiced them. Eventually, the two teenagers fell asleep in each other's arms.

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