I Love You

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Today the survivors of Shinganshina were getting awarded. Unfortunately, for Cori that also meant Floch. She had determined he was a piece of shit and wasn't shy to tell him how she felt.

Right now Floch was rambling about how Armin shouldn't have been saved, something that pissed Cori beyond anything. Lately, people had been talking about how the commander's life had been lost to save the life of a seemingly useless boy.

"Hey piss head fuck off," she said. Floch gave her a look. "What did you just call me?!" he said making his way threateningly towards her.

Cori wasn't one to back from a challenge and so she let him approach her. Armin's eyes widened. He knew Cori would fuck Floch up if left unchecked. He looked towards his friends but none of them bothered moving. They wanted to see Floch fucked up.

Armin ran in front of Cori. "Just relax please." Cori groaned but complied and before Floch could say anything they were called for the ceremony.

They all lined up and kneeled, waiting for Historia to kiss their hand and give them their medals. Historia came and kissed Cori's hand and then gave her, her medal. Then she moved to Eren.

When she kissed Eren it seemed like time stopped. He was breathing heavily and his face was contorted in fear.

Historia stopped, worried but eventually Eren seemed to have regained his composure and so she continued, hesitantly.


The next couple months were filled with turmoil and confusion. The people
of Paradise were growing restless and were filled with resentment towards Marley and the rest of the world. Cori couldn't blame them.

Hange, as the new commander of the scout regiment, was trying to find a solution that wasn't the rumbling and it wasn't going well.

Cori's hair had grown recently and she was thinking about cutting it soon. She had also grown and was close to Mikasa's height already, something Levi was annoyed by.

Over the past months they had been trying to kill off all remaining titans on the island. So far it was going good, especially with the help of both Eren ad Annie's titans.

Today they were in the headquarters trying to understand the rumbling along with Eren.

"I think I need someone of royal blood to properly use the founding. The one time I used it I touched a titan that was my father's first wife and she had royal blood," Eren said. "Why didn't you say this sooner?" Hange asked. "Because I wanted to keep Historia safe." Mikasa made a face.

Hange turned to Annie, "Does Marley know this?" Annie shook her head. "I don't think so. As far as I know Marley doesn't have anyone, or at least know of anyone who has royal blood and they seem not to be concerned about it." Hange thought for a moment.

Cori walked out with Armin, Eren and Mikasa when Annie called her. Cori made her way over and she tugged on Cori's hand leading her somewhere. They stopped in an alleyway and Cori was confused.

Annie didn't know how to proceed with the conversation at all. "I helped killed Marco!" she blurted. Cori's eyes went wide.

She knew Annie had something to do with it but she hadn't mentioned it until now because she didn't want to hear the truth.

"Apparently Marco had overheard Reiner and Bertholdt and so Reiner ordered me to take off his odm gear while they held him. Then we left him to get eaten," Annie explained.

Cori put her hand on the wall, her head was spinning. "I didn't want too Cori I really didn't I'm so sorry!" Annie said. "I just couldn't keep talking to you without saying something. I get if you hate me."

Cori didn't respond. Annie made a move to leave but Cori grabbed her arm. Annie stopped and turned watching tears fill Cori's eyes. "Last words?"

"We haven't even gotten a chance to talk this out," Annie said softly. Cori let go of her arm and after a second of hesitation she left.

The first thing Cori did upon calming down was go to Jean. When he saw her he nearly screamed. Her arm was bleeding because she kept punching the wall.

She didn't even notice the pain in her arm, not yet anyways. Cori explained what Annie had told her and Jean broke down. "That Reiner can't keep his ugly mouth shut!" Jean exclaimed. "I'll kill him!" Jean screamed. "You'll have to beat me," Cori said simply. She had every intention of killing Reiner.

Jean walked over and grabbed some wrap, wrapping Cori's arm. "And Annie?" "I'll deal with her you can tell the others if you want," Cori said. Jean nodded.

Cori made her way over to Annie's room and walked in. Annie immediately sat up and was about to apologize profusely when Cori stopped her with a kiss.

"Its fine," she breathed when they broke apart. "Just thanks for telling me." "So, your really not mad?" Annie asked. Cori shook her head. "I'll kill Reiner." "I wanted to do that but I'll let you do it," Annie said. Cori chuckled softly.

Annie hesitantly put her head on Cori's shoulder and when Cori didn't shove it off she kept it there.


Four months had passed since the reveal of Marco's death. Soon they would be taking a trip to the ocean, Armin was excited. Cori was 16 now and Annie 17.

Cori and Annie were walking in a meadow. Their hands were swinging back and forth.

This was one of the few moments when Cori and Annie could be alone.

They both had a lot on their minds lately and just wanted to relax. Cori
kept trying to push the fact that the girl she loved was going to die in 5 years out of her head.

The two girls wandered up a hill and admired the view. "It's beautiful," Cori breathed. "Not as beautiful as you," Annie said. Cori blushed. "That was cheesy." Annie looked up, the gap between the two was not nearly as wide as Annie was growing, now she was nearly as tall as Levi. But Cori would soon start growing as well.

Annie reached up and grabbed Cori's chin gently. She tilted Cori's face so she looked slightly down and kissed her. Cori was shocked but kissed back, wrapping her arms around Annie's waist. Annie kept her hand on Cori's check.

They broke away slowly. "I love so much, Cori," Annie said. Cori smiled softly. "I love you too, Annie." Annie brushed a strand of Cori's hair out of her face and kissed her again.

Cori took it in, treasuring each and every moment she had with Annie. She couldn't get enough. Cori tilted Annie's face slightly and left kisses along her jawline.

They both had small tears in their eyes, trying to ignore the inevitable.

Cori kissed the top of Annie's head and Annie buried herself into Cori's chest. "I love you Cori, so fucking much. Don't ever forget that." "I know Annie, I know. I love you too."

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