15.5 The Perspective of a Devil

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I made my way over to Reiner and Bertholdt. They were holding Marco down. He was crying asking them what they were doing. "Annie, Annie help me!" He cried. I looked at Reiner. "What are you doing?" I asked. "He heard us," Reiner said. My eyes went wide. I realized we had to kill him, we couldn't risk blowing our cover.

"What about Cori?" I mumbled. I knew she cared for Marco deeply. "Forget about it, its not like she'll know," Reiner hissed. I started taking of Marco's gear. "Annie! Annie what are you doing?!" Marco screamed. My mind was racing, my heart beating rapidly. Eyes wide. I couldn't believe what I was doing. I succeeded in taking of his odm gear and used it to break the window, throwing it in.

We jumped of the roof. "Wait! We haven't even talked!" Marco screamed. We watched as another titan picked Marco up and began eating him. "Hey, why is that titan eating Marco?" Reiner asked, his face pale. Bertholdt and I looked at each other. Reiner lunged forward and killed the titan but it had already been done, Marco was dead.


While looking around for bodies I made my way to the house where I dropped Marco's odm gear. I grabbed it and made my way back, stashing it. It could be of use. They had collected two titans to study. We couldn't let them find out that titans were really humans.

As I walked back I thought about the events that had went down. Eren was a titan shifter. Now we had to figure out if he was the founder or not. There was a chance that he had the Attack Titan and not the Founding but we needed to
take him back regardless.

I tried taking my mind off Cori. No doubt they were going to find Marco's body soon. I could barely look at her, none of us could. The guilt of what we had done weighing down on us. I so desperately wanted to tell Cori everything. About Marley and the 9 titans. About how they weren't the only humans alive. They deserved to know. After spending time there I realized how clueless they were. The sin that we had been taught every Eldian needed to atone for, they didn't even know about it. They had no idea whatsoever about anything. That was the founding's doing. No doubt the King had erased their knowledge, but what did he have to gain from that? Reiner and Bertholdt had broken the wall 5 years ago to get his attention but he didn't do anything.

"Island Devils." They weren't devils. They were nice and fun to hang out with. Truly believing they were giving their hearts for humanity. They were selfless people. Christa certainly wasn't a devil. Cori. I had fallen for Cori, one of the so-called island devils. I wondered what I would do when she eventually found out. How would she react? How would I explain things to her? Would I kill her like I did Marco? Would she kill me? Would I fight for her? Bertholdt came up to me. "Jean found the body." I nodded, now to see how Cori would react.


Guilt. Unimaginable guilt. I had kill her brother and yet I sat there by her side, comforting her. She wasn't crying about it she just sat there, a blank look on her face. I couldn't with myself but I had to remember that I was doing this to go back home to my father. Everything it would be worth it.

I had to put it out of my mind. Playing the role I had made for myself. Our time to strike would be soon. We'd get Eren and get out of here. Surely, that would be good enough. Just a little while longer and I'd be out of this hell. I looked around at them, all trying to comfort Cori.

No they weren't the devils...

I was

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