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Mikasa and Cori were with the other vanguard members. Cori was hopping from roof to roof looking for titans. The other squad members were a bit further up front, while Mikasa and Cori hanged in the back.

Cori spotted a 13 meter approaching from her left. She turned to face it and it looked her in the eye. It was truly an intimidating figure. It's eyes were like that of a giddy child. It reached it's hands out as it began walking. Disgusting.

Cori made her way to it. She gripped her blades tightly. She ran past it on the rooftops so she could get a good view of its nape. It followed her with it's eyes. Cori leaped, she activated her hooks, aiming it near the titans nape. She raised her arms up, preparing to slash it. She got close and slashed it. The titan fell forward. She quickly retracted her hooks and aimed them at the rooftop, landing on it just as the titan landed on the ground. One.

She turned to Mikasa who was a bit further up. Mikasa motioned her to join her and Cori did, making her way to Mikasa's side. "How hard?" "Not that hard at all."

Cori and Mikasa remained at the back of the group. The soldiers were constantly joking around, while they were killing titans that made their way past the other squads. Both Cori and Mikasa had killed around 3 titans. "Do the squads really suck that much up front?" a soldier muttered. "Their mainly cadets," another replied. Cori looked back, there were more titans then there should have been, but they didn't have the help of the scout regiment.

There was lots of yelping and Cori looked up to see an abnormal coming their way. It passed by Cori and Mikasa without a second thought. "This is going to be a struggle," Mikasa muttered. The titan ran passed the other vanguard members too. They took off, Cori and Mikasa trailing slightly behind. Cori caught sight of other titans behind them walking around. "Shit."

The abnormal was getting scarily close to the evacuees, who were still crowded by the wall. What were they doing?Cori speed up, wanting to get rid of the abnormal as quickly as possible. Mikasa did too. Cori went down to its feet, she planned to cut its tendons, preventing it from moving long enough for Mikasa to slash it.

She cut its tendon and the titan stopped moving. Mikasa moved forward and cut its nape. The titan fell landing a few feet from the citizens. Cori looked at the citizens and then to a big cart. The cart was blocking the exit. "What's going?" Mikasa asked jumping off the titan. Cori made her way to the cart. "What is this doing here?" Cori asked. "It has things I need!" The man said. Cori looked at him, he's an idiot.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Cori said. Mikasa had made her way to Cori's side. "You see these citizens? You see these soldiers? These soldiers and so many more are killing and attacking titans to try and allow you and the other citizens to escape! Their dying! Their fucking dying. For your worthless ass. Your going to move the damn wagon and let these people escape," Cori exclaimed. The man looked at her, clearly having no intention to move. Mikasa pressed her blade to his throat. "Your worthless. No one cares what you want, now move," she said. The man nodded and Mikasa removed the blade. "Move the wagon out," he commanded. "Was that so hard?" Cori asked. The man didn't answer.

Cori and Mikasa made their way back to the vanguard members. "You know you don't seem to have much emotion. What on earth could have happened," he asked to Mikasa. She didn't answer instead going to slice the titans that Cori had spotted earlier. "You look pretty dead too." Cori looked up at him. Mom, dad. "Shinganshia," she said.

Eren's mom's death was still in Cori's mind. She doubted she'd ever forget. But it didn't scar her or anything. If anything had a bigger impact on her it was her mother. That was something she wanted to forget.

She spotted two titans. She came and killed both of them. Five. She looked at Mikasa. No doubt she was inner monologuing. Cori kept killing titan after titan. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. What the fuck was going on? Were they even trying? She looked at the vanguard members who seemed just as perplexed. She needed to check up on them. Were they alright?

Cori made her way to Mikasa. "Listen I'm going to check on-," Mikasa had left, making her way to where the other cadets were. "Guess your going there too," Cori muttered going after to her. Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead. Don't be fucking dead.


"He's dead."

Armin was lying in a ball crying. He was the only person on his squad that survived. He had watched Eren get eaten and blamed himself. Cori looked at Mikasa, who was trying to process Armin's words. Armin was still crying. It's his first time seeing a titan eat anyone.

Cori kneeled down and cupped his face. "It's not your fault okay. You have to move on. I know its hard but you have too," Cori said. Armin nodded and she helped him to his feet. She looked around. It looked like only Eren had died. Annie, Marco, Connie, Sasha, Ymir, Christa, Reiner and Bertholdt were all alive.

Everyone was running low on gas. The suppliers weren't doing their job. It looked like the building where the suppliers were was swarming with titans. Mikasa looked like she was still processing what Armin had said and everyone appeared to have given up. What the fuck were we supposed to do? We're nearly out of gas. But we can't just sit here and wait. What do we do? Is this really the end? Waiting for titans to eat us.


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