A Contest

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The next day they made their way through Trost, using their odm gear and hitting fake titans.

Cori was in a squad with Eren and Mikasa. Armin was with Annie and Jean. Connie, Sasha and Reiner were in another squad. On the rooftops Cori could see Jean getting frustrated. Just as he was about to slash a titan someone else would take it from him.

Cori decided to tick him off and led her squad over there. Jean was seconds from slashing a titan when Cori came, intercepting it. Jean scowled. "Oi! What was that for?!" "To slow," Cori said zipping away with her odm gear.

After the training was complete they had all gather in a path between some houses. "You guys took all my titans!" Jean exclaimed. "You know for someone who isn't planning on fighting titans you sure seem intent on killing them," Sasha said. Jean growled. "Whatever potato girl," he said. Connie and Sasha posed, "How dare you use it as an insult!" Connie exclaimed. "I challenge you to a cooking contest!" Sasha declared.

"What's going on?" Commander Pyxis asked, appearing out of nowhere. "A cooking contest I here?" "We challenge Jean and his group to a cooking contest!" Sasha said. The Commander clapped. "What a splendid idea! I'll judge!" Jean rolled his eyes. "You can't be serious!" "What you scared?" Connie teased. "Oh its on!" Jean said.

The two groups; Sasha, Connie, Reiner and Jean, Armin, Annie spent the rest of the day hunting for a beast. Cori was with Eren and Mikasa who were bickering. All three of them were lifting boxes and putting them into a wagon, Mikasa was trying to help Eren. "I'm not your brother! I can do it myself!" Eren said angrily. "But," Mikasa said. "Oh for the love of, Eren just let her help you," Cori said annoyed. "No, I'm just fine," Eren said. "You son of a. When a cute girl like Mikasa offers their help you take it. Ok? Ok!" Cori said slapping Eren. Eren started muttering angrily under his breath but let Mikasa help him.


When they came back Sasha and her group were parading the meat while Jean's group watched. "Looks like you failed," Eren remarked. Jean gritted his teeth and left. Armin followed after him. "Wait! Jean!" he cried out. Annie rolled her eyes, "This is pointless." "Yeah," Mikasa agreed. "I hope Jean fails," Eren said. Cori wacked him. "Eren! We think those things but we don't say it. We have to at least pretend to tolerate the boy," Cori teased. "I better go help them," Annie said. "I'll have my fun with you later," she whispered. Annie grinned and walked away. "We should get some food," Mikasa said.

In the mess hall the cadets were eating when a middle aged woman walked in, basket in hand. "Can I help you ma'am?" Bertholdt asked. "Oh yes I'm looking for Jean," she said. "Jean?" Eren questioned. "Are you his mother?" The woman nodded.

"JEAN!" Eren called. Jean walked in, "Mom what are you doing?!" he asked. "I came to visit since you didn't visit me, Jean-boy," she responded. "Here I made you some food, its your favorite," she handed Jean the basket to which he immediately tossed aside. "Mom, out!" he said. "Jean-boy," his mother started. "Out!" he commanded. His mother looked down and left.

"What the hell Jean!" Eren cried. "That was your mother?! Treat her with respect!" he said. "Its none of your business Eren," Jean said coldly. Cori walked over to Jean and punched him. "That woman is the reason for your existence. You thank her! And be grateful she's not dead! A lot of people can't say that right now," Cori said. Jean rolled his eyes and made his way to the kitchen.

Cori wouldn't let the brute get of that easy though. She made her way up when she felt Reiner's hand on her shoulder. "Don't Cori," he said. "No I have to teach that little shit a lesson!" "Reiner let her go," Ymir said with a smirk.

Cori went and opened the door. Armin was on the floor Annie and Jean crowded around him, his leg looked broken. "You broke Armin!" Cori cried walking over to Armin's side and helping him up. "I didn't do anything!" Jean said. "Armin's still broken!" Cori said. "I-," Jean started but Cori cut him off. "I'll deal with you later," she said and took Armin to the infirmary.

Armin was all wrapped up and given crutches. He insisted on helping Jean however he could.

The day was nearing its end and soon Pyxis was going to judge the meals. Cori figured that Jean and his team had no chance against Sasha's meat.

Cori was sitting on a bench reading a book. She looked up when she heard the door open. Annie. "There you are," she said making her way over. Cori put the book down. "Shouldn't you be helping Jean and Armin?" Cori asked. "That can wait," Annie said leaning in.

The two started kissing. Cori liked the feeling of Annie's soft lips on hers. They began french kissing and soon they broke off. Both were slightly out of breathe. Cori studied Annie's features. Her piercing blue eyes,  her beautiful hair, her lips, everything about her was just perfect.

Annie rested her head on Cori's chest and Cori wrapped her arms around Annie. Annie could feel Cori's heart beating. The two stayed like that for a little before Annie got up. "I really should be going or else Jean's going to start yelling," she said. Cori chuckled, "Good idea." Annie left.


Cori was sitting with Eren, Mikasa and Marco. Jean, Armin and Annie were on one side of the stage while Sasha, Connie and Reiner were on the other. Pyxis was in the middle sitting behind a table.

"Bring the food!" Pyxis commanded

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"Bring the food!" Pyxis commanded. Sasha walked to Pyxis holding a tray. The commander excitedly opened the tray and took a bite out of the meat. After chewing for a little the man grew ecstatic. "This is the best thing I have ever tasted!!" He declared! Sasha and her group looked at each, smiles on their faces.

"Damn I want some of that meat now," Marco sighed. Next was Jean. He hesitantly walked up and placed his food down. It was a home cooked meal. Cori recognized it, it was in that box Jean's mom had given him.

Pyxis ate it. Everyone sat in silence. Jean was sweating and Sasha had her hands in fist, an eager look on her face. "The winner is Jean!" Pyxis finally exclaimed. "What?!" Sasha said. "How!" "Well Sasha while your meat was delicious nothing quite matches a home cooked meal." Sasha pouted. Eren groaned and left, Mikasa following after. Cori and Marco looked at each other before making their way to the stage.

"Congrats Jean," Marco said. "Thanks," Jean replied. "Yeah good job Jean," Cori said. She made her way over to Armin. "How's the leg?" she asked. "Eh," he shrugged. Cori looked at Jean who had a big smile on his face. Cori sighed. "Buddy you look like a weirdo," she teased. Jean looked at her. "Let me have this," he said. Cori laughed before being pulled away.

Cori turned around and say Annie. Annie hugged her. Cori hugged back. She felt like she was melting. Annie's small frame next to hers.

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