The Colossal Titan

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Cori was putting on her odm gear. She filled up the gas and put her blades in their holder. She made her way out into the city of Trost. There were people walking down the streets. Children were playing with each other. She sighed, they looked so happy.

Cori began walking through the streets to the wall. That morning when Cori walked in Annie was talking with Reiner and Bertholdt. Cori was going to walk over before Ymir grabbed her and began questioning her and Annie's relationship.

Also that morning, the scouts had left on another expedition and they wouldn't be back until later that day.

Cori caught sight of Eren who was staring at some children playing tag by a boulder. "Where you going?" Cori asked walking up to him. "The wall," Eren said turning to face her.

Cori made her way up the wall with Eren. He seemed to be in a good mood. In just a couple days they were going to be choosing their division.

Cori looked out into the plains on the other side of the wall. The remains of houses there. Cori sighed, how could something so beautiful hide something so horrible?

Sasha came up hiding meat in her jacket. "Want any?" she asked. "Sasha!" Cori exclaimed. "I stole these from the officers quarter but it doesn't matter. Once we kill all the titans and retake the land we can have as much meat as we want!" Cori smiled. Sasha did love her food.

Suddenly, there was a strike of lightning and a shadow fell over the group

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Suddenly, there was a strike of lightning and a shadow fell over the group. Cori turned around to see the Colossal Titan. Cori looked in shock the wind blowing her two strands of hair in her face.

Then, with no hesitation, the titan put its arm on the wall and started knocking out every canon. The cadets were forced to jump of the wall.

Cori pulled her swords out and and activated her hooks. They hooked onto the wall. Her legs landed on the wall and she began to slide, she used the friction to her advantage and stopped herself, next to Eren.

The two looked at each other before looking up at the massive titan. Cori had never seen it up close before, she could feel the heat it was radiating.

There was a scream and Cori turned around to see a guy falling of the wall. On cue Sasha retracted her hooks and ran down to the man, catching him before he plummeted to his death.

Suddenly, the big titan kicked a hole in the wall and Cori looked down in horror as citizens were thrown into the air and houses were destroyed. It's Shinganshia all over again. One by one titans started pouring into the town of Trost. Frightened citizens started running.

Cori heard the sound of odm gear and turned to see Eren run up the wall to the titan, he was going to take it out. Cori made her way up the wall just in time to see Eren hit the titans nape, it disappeared. Cori ran over and saw Eren hanging on the wall using his odm gear, he came up. "Did you get?" Reiner asked. Cori whirled around. When did he get here? Eren nodded.

Cori looked down but she couldn't see the body of the titan. It had disappeared, just like it had 5 years ago.

"We need to get back," Cori said standing up. Reiner nodded in agreement. The three made their way down, using odm gear to go from house to house, just like their training had taught them. Citizens were running everywhere. There were few titans, but Cori knew soon more titans would be coming in.


They were order to go into their squads and take out the titans. Armin and Eren were in a squad together, while Cori was in a squad with Mikasa. Marco and Annie were in different squads too but Cori didn't have time to worry about them.

In the time it took for the cadets to assemble more titans had been making their way inside the city. Citizens were trying to evacuate and the cadets were expecting the arrival of the Armored Tian. Just like 5 years ago.

The cadets and the Garrison Regiment were out of their element, they had to take out the titans. Where was the fucking scout regiment when you needed them?

They were dismissed and Mikasa grabbed Eren. "If anythings goes wrong you find me," she commanded. Eren pulled his hand away from hers. "We're in different squads Mikasa," he said. "I don't care," she said. Suddenly, a man from the Garrison Regiment came. "You two are Mikasa and Cori right?" he asked. Cori nodded. "You two are assigned to the Vanguard." "What?!" Mikasa exclaimed. Cori put a hand on her shoulder. "Why?" "Because of your skill and we need more help with the evacuation," he said. Mikasa was about to protested but Eren head butted her. "Stop! Your usually so calm. People are getting killed no one gives a fuck what you want," he said walking away. Mikasa looked down. "It'll be okay. And besides he's too stubborn to die," Cori said.

Cori and Mikasa made their way over to the vanguard. "Cori your squads waiting for you and Mikasa," a voice called out. Cori turned around and saw Annie. She turned to Mikasa. "Keep going I'll catch up later." Mikasa nodded.

"Me and Mikasa were assigned to the vanguard," Cori explained. Annie nodded. Cori gave her a peck on the lips. "Stay safe and whatever you do, don't die!" Cori said running after Mikasa. "You too," Annie called out.

Five years, five and the same shit was happening again. All of their advancements meant shit. The canons they had developed were all destroyed and the titans were still pouring in. Cori didn't understand. Why? Why now? Why five years later? What did we do to deserve this?

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