Bonus Chapter 1

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It was done. It had been for a year now.

They had killed Eren, the power of the titans was gone and the people of Paradise were free. Well more or less.

Right now damage control was being done. Understandably, those who survived the rumbling weren't all happy with Paradise. Though things could be worse.

Armin had his hands full as both the commander of the military and garrison regiment were dead. Technically the scout too but Hange had appointed Armin the new commander moments before they died.

Things were still a mess from the Yeagerist and the rumbling in general but things were getting better. The Eldians of Marley were willing to except the people of Paradise. Cori, Jean and Reiner managed to live in relevant peace. Cori didn't exactly forgive him, she doubted she ever would, but she could tell he was really sorry and there was no point in holding a grudge now.

Connie had gotten his mom back. Cori met her, she had the same eyes as her son and she was nice.

Everyone was doing alright besides Mikasa who was clearly hit hardest by Eren's death. Everyday she would go to Eren's grave and just hang there. Most days Cori would have to drag her inside to sleep and eat. She really didn't know how to help her. Though as time went on Mikasa got better, but not once did she forget to visit Eren's grave.

Cori herself wasn't completely over Eren's death but she knew she had to move on.

Currently, Cori was walking through the streets of Marley, Armin by her side.

"Cori I have no idea how long Connie can keep her busy," Armin said.

"I'm sure Connie will be fine," Cori said.

They were currently following Onyankopon's advice and searching for a ring in Marley.

Cori was a nervous wreck despite constant reassurance from everyone, Annie's father as well.

When Annie first took Cori to meet her father Cori had no idea what to do. Thankfully, her father approved. He didn't really care as long as Annie was happy.

"Cori you look like your going to puke," Armin whispered. "Hush," Cori replied.

"If your this nervous shopping I can't wait for the proposal," Armin said, chuckling.

Cori shot him a look. "Your not helping."

She was paying attention to her surroundings. Marley was doing well rebuilding. In just a short year they had managed a lot. With the help of Paradise they were rebuilding homes and shops.

Armin grabbed Cori by the arm and dragged her to a small shop. Something Cori was quick to notice was nearly dying was a great motivator to get married. A lot of people had been getting married recently. She guessed the people of Marley realized just how short life is.

They walked into the shop and Cori started browsing. She wanted a simple ring, she knew Annie liked things simple.

After sometime she found something. It was a copper ring with a small diamond on it. She held it up and Armin walked over. "Well?" he asked. "This," Cori said.


"So, where were you?" Annie asked. "Marley," Cori asked. "Armin was heading and he didn't want to go alone," she said, making an excuse for her absence.

"Well in that case," Annie leaned into Cori's ear.

"Never leave me alone with Connie, he was talking about random shit."

Cori chuckled, "Will do."

The sun was shining and the weather was nice. This was their favorite type of weather.

"So what happened while I was gone," Cori asked.

Annie made a face. "Nothing interesting. Reiner's still obsessing over Historia."

"If that keeps up he's going to end up single forever."

"That'll happen either way."


"Oh come on! You didn't seriously thing that oaf has a chance with girls do you?"

"Just give him the benefit of the doubt!"

Annie gave her a look. "Would you date him?"

Cori had a shocked look on her face. "Of course not."


"Annie that's because I have you."

"So if you didn't have me you'd date him?"

"Well no but-."

Annie raised an eyebrow. When Cori failed to say anything she smirked.

"Oh wipe that smirk off your face," Cori said.

"Make me," Annie said.

Cori leaned in and kissed her. Right as she was about to break the kiss Annie grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her back in.

"God, I wanna marry you," Cori breathed when they broke away.

"Then hurry and do it," Annie said walking away.

When she didn't hear Cori's footsteps behind her she turned and saw Cori awkwardly holding a ring, face beet red.

Annie's mouth dropped in shocked. "Does now sound good?" Cori asked.

Annie walked over and looked between Cori and the ring. "Annie Leonhart, I've been in love with you for a while now and there truly is no one I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. So will you marry me?"

Annie was still in shock but she managed to grab hold of the ring and look Cori directly in the eye. "Yes! Of course! Yes!"

Cori smiled a sigh of relief escaping her lips as she slipped the ring onto Annie's finger. Right as she did the two shared a kiss.

"God Cori I wasn't expecting that!" Annie said, eyes brimming with tears. "That wasn't how I was going to do it but it was too good of a chance to pass up," Cori said.

Annie hugged her. "Your fucking amazing Cori. I love you."

Cori smiled softly and wiped Annie's tears away. "I love you too."

They stood there hugging each other for awhile. They both had only envisioned getting married in their dreams. Having been born in a cruel world the very idea of living and getting married seemed like an impossible feat but here they were.

They both were feeling such joy and love they didn't know what to do with it. But they were getting married and there was no changing that.

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