Bonus Chapter 2

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Slight smut warning at the end

"Your getting married?!" Mikasa exclaimed.

Cori nodded, a cup of tea in her hand. Something she had gotten into thanks to Levi.

"Why didn't yo tell me? I could've helped?" Mikasa asked.

"I didn't want to overwhelm you or anything," Cori responded.

"That's fine but let me help you guys plan the wedding please!"

"Sure," Cori couldn't possibly say no.

"Have you told Historia yet?" Mikasa asked.

Cori shook her head. "We'll tell her soon."

Cori and Annie had gone to visit Levi at his tea shop and tell him about the engagement. He approved and told them he was wondering when they were going to.

It was after this conversation that Mikasa had walked in and immediately caught sight of the ring on Annie's finger. She had then pulled Cori to the side and here they were.

Cori and Annie hadn't even decided when they were getting married, right now they were both still trying to recover from the shock. It wasn't until this morning that Cori finally had realized she was marrying Annie.

They both walked out of the back and to the main part of the shop where Annie was talking with Levi. She was nodding her head frequently and so Cori pulled her to the side and waved them goodbye.

Once they left she sighed. "You alright?" Cori asked. Annie nodded. "He was just threatening me. Saying stuff like 'if you break her heart I'll break you too' etc." Cori blinked in response. Of course Levi did.

The two decided to save going to Historia last and so the headed to Jean, Connie and Armin. They all knew that Cori was planning to propose but they didn't know she had done it yet.

They made their way over to a building where Armin and the others were no doubt working. Cori and Annie were taking today off so hopefully he wasn't to mad. Cori was actually planning to retire in a year or two.

They walked in and were immediately met by Armin. He was about to open his mouth to say something when he caught sight of the ring on Annie's hand and let out a squeal. Jean and Connie poked their heads out to see what was going on, causing Pieck and Reiner to poke their heads out as well.

They all approached Armin who was fan girling over the ring and the soon-to-be-married couple. "They're getting married!" Armin exclaimed. "Cori didn't you get the ring like yesterday?" Connie asked. "That was quick," Jean muttered.

Pieck approached Annie and hugged her and then Cori. "I'm so happy for you both." Reiner was just looking between the ring and Cori and Annie.

"The two people who hate me love each other and are getting married," Reiner stated. "Yes," Annie said. The tone she said it in made Connie have to stifle a laugh.

"Well I'm happy for you both," Armin said. "Now go start planning your wedding, that's an order," he began shoeing them out.

They laughed as Armin kicked them out and then they made their way to Historia. Cori had gone their many times in the past year to visit both the queen and her daughter. Historia had made Cori the godmother, saying Ymir would've liked that.

They past the guards protecting her and approached. Immediately, her child started reaching for Cori and Historia handed her to her. The child started playing with Cori's hair which she didn't mind.

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