3: Vigil vs Dokkaebi

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11:15 AM

Dokkaebi and Vigil are meeting with Harry and Oni as they're looking over tablets seeing their teams as they're less than thrilled about some of their teammates.

Dokkaebi: "I don't hate Gwisin by any means but seriously?" She asks Vigil makes a comment of how Mozzie should be careful of where he steps.

Oni: "play nice you two, team chemistry is important especially on the field, what you do with them off the field isn't relevant." He says harshly but wisely.

Harry: "Mr Riley is right, you must learn to work together on the field if you're to do your jobs perfectly." As Dokkaebi and Vigil sigh heavily but deal with it as they leave to meet their teammates.

Athena: "I take it you and the walking gremlin don't like each other?" She asks in her gear while leaning against a piece of metal cover.

Vigil: "does it matter?" As Athena almost laughs hysterically hearing this.

Athena: "given the fact you threatened Mr napoleon complex less than a minute ago I would think so." She says as Vigil stares with his mask on.

Vigil: "look... I simply don't like how he carries himself wanting to be the center of attention, it's more exhausting than talking with Gwisin." As Athena then asks what the deal is with them. Gwisin meanwhile is sitting on a crate seeing Dokkaebi approach.

Gwisin: "like me, you're not thrilled about this." He states being blunt as Dokkaebi stops in place. "I get it but whatever happened during our last operation? Happened so let's just work together alright?"

Dokkaebi: "sure just... Don't be a hyeongsa if I make a mistake alright?" As Gwisin nods giving his word. "Alright... Vigil loves being a lone wolf and uses distractions so he can get easy kills while Mozzie is all about style and being in the spotlight." She explains as Gwisin somewhat smirks getting an idea.

Gwisin: "force them to be in the same room and they won't at all match up... Easy pickings." As Dokkaebi nods with approval.

Dokkaebi: "glad we're thinking alike, but what about Athena?" As Gwisin thinks for a moment.

Gwisin: "she's the wildcard that's for sure, I've only worked one operation with her." As Dokkaebi understands as they figure out a plan of attack. Gwisin along with Sledge and Montagne approach a barricaded door as Sledge takes and smashes it open but a nitro cell lands at their feet as Gwisin dives away but Sledge and Montagne aren't as fortunate.

Dokkaebi: "oh come on!" She says annoyed as Gwisin can hear Mozzie taunting them. Gwisin gets up throwing a flashbang inside as it blinds Mozzie allowing him to enter and eliminate him.

Vigil: "goddamn it Mozzie." He thinks to himself irritated as Gwisin sticks with Dokkaebi and Thatcher as they're thinking on the fly now. Gwisin lifts his fist up seeing a tiny hole in a wall as he takes a second and shoots through the wall hearing a frustrated groan from Jäger.

Dokkaebi: "sharp as ever I see." As she kneels down sending hacking into the cameras as Gwisin and Thatcher watch her back. "Alibi going down stairs now." She says as Thatcher takes advantage and eliminates Alibi.

Vigil: "Athena where are you?" He quietly in his earpiece as Athena is using her camera overlay to watch her flank and is holding an angle.

Athena: "just outside kitchen watching sunrise, want me to be a distraction?" As Vigil says to be smart. "I am." She says moving into sunrise and sees Thatcher about to come into view as she lights him up with her vector. "Thatcher down, make your move now." She says as the reinforced wall opens up with Gwisin shooting her in the head.

Dokkaebi: "Gwisin! Could use a hand here!" As she's running from Vigil.

Gwisin: "head to the bomb site and plant." He says as Dokkaebi rushes to armory planting defuser with Vigil throwing an impact nade to disorient her and goes to throw another but Gwisin grabs his wrist and pushes him against a wall. "Not today Chul." He says throwing him over his shoulder but Vigil trips him up and gets on top and goes to shoot but Gwisin redirects the SMG-12 and kicks him off.

Gwisin and Vigil circle each other as Vigil sends a couple of quick punches but Gwisin traps his arm and slams him down keeping his arm locked but Vigil kicks him in the face and spin kicks Gwisin in the gut. Gwisin tries pulling out his K5 pistol but Vigil prevents this and headbutts Gwisin and tries tripping him up but Gwisin rolls him into an armbar as Dokkaebi comes in and shoots Vigil in the head winning them the round.

Dokkaebi: "what... No thank you?" She asks offering her hand as Gwisin takes it accepting her help.

Gwisin: "gamsa."
(Thanks in Korean) as Gwisin offers his hand to Vigil but he just gets up by himself and leaves.

Athena: "you two did good." She admits with respect as they head out congratulated on the win but Vigil is in the locker as the velcro rips as he takes off his kevlar vest. "you look like you wanna throw down, you good?" She asks with her arms crossed as Vigil sighs.

Vigil: "we fought well enough, Dokkaebi's team fought better." As Athena leans against a locker with a stare of not believing him. "Gwisin and I aren't friends by any means."

Athena: "meaning you don't respect him." She says as Vigil scoffs quietly.

Vigil: "not as an operator, he made a boneheaded decision that nearly got me killed, of course I don't respect him." As Athena gets in front of him.

Athena: "just don't let it blind you during a real op or you'll be getting someone killed." She says bitterly as Vigil stares at her as that seemed personal but Athena leaves him be. Gwisin meanwhile is putting his gear away as he turns seeing Grace.

Grace: "can we talk?" As Gwisin sits down and motions her to go on. "Uh I just wanna apologize for Chul's behavior, he can be a bit broody at times much like you." She says as Gwisin nods in agreement.

Gwisin: "I don't blame him though and you don't need to apologise for the behavior of another... Is that all?" He asks sitting back.

Grace: "well I would say you and I make a decent team." As Gwisin stretches his legs with a quiet chuckle.

Gwisin: "there is a method to your madness, I won't deny that." He says getting up and cracks his back. "But there's one thing I don't understand, why are you wearing fake glasses when you don't need them?" He asks as Grace is clearly uncomfortable with the question. "Sorry." He says taking his leave as Grace takes her glasses off while shaking her head.

Naomi: "you good?" She asks making Grace jump in surprise. "Sorry about that."

Grace: "you're fine just don't make that habit, you need something?" She asks as Naomi nods her head as they walk together.

Naomi: "just want someone to talk to and you seem fun to be around so you know." She says as they sit down in the lounge area.

Grace: "fun? In what way?" As Naomi thinks for a second.

Naomi: "well for one you look like the ultimate prankster, a competitive one at that." As Grace sees opportunity here and accepts that she and Naomi can hang out. "So... You and Gwisin know each other?" She asks curiously.

Grace: "I wouldn't exactly say know each other as I don't even know his name and the guy isn't exactly the most approachable." As Naomi chuckles hearing this.

Naomi: "funny, cause most guys see me as unapproachable." As Grace looks at her like she's crazy. "Well... They're not wrong cause I do my damnedest to avoid getting... Well close." She says as Grace waits for her to make her point. "Thing is... The idea of getting close? It both excites me but scares me at the same time."

Grace: "I know what you mean, not relationship wise but I get the gist." As she sees Masaru with his phone out as she smirks. "Watch." She says pulling out her tablet as Naomi is confused when rather erotic moans can be heard from Masaru's phone who desperately tries lowering the volume but the damage is already done.

Naomi: "oh I'm gonna love this." She says laughing as Gwisin is standing in the doorway in horror.

Gwisin: "what the fuc-"

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