14: Raging Flame

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Gwisin stares in shock as Athena came in just in time as she mows down three of charlie's men with her KSG-12 shotgun as she grabs Gwisin's hand lifting him up forcefully.

Athena: "get it together Gwisin!" She says with ferocity in her voice as Gwisin grabs his K3 SAW reloading it. "Vigil they're starting their assault, if you're gonna do something, now's the time!" She says quickly switching her automatic Glock 18 firing in bursts as Gwisin mounts his K3 SAW on a window and begins putting rounds down range again. Vigil meanwhile is quietly moving through the forest getting a flanking position on Charlie's team.

Vigil: "Dokkaebi, give these guys call." He says quietly as Dokkaebi activates her logic bomb causing all of their phones to ring.

Charlie: "I'm not trying to be mean but are you guys actually retarded!?" He snaps as Vigil just sits in the dark. "A lot of you are former rangers yet you don't have your phones set in silent? What the hell is wrong with you all!?" He says as Vigil begins firing his suppressed K1A getting some of Charlie's men. "Damn it! Me and five others deal with this rat, rest of you stick to the plan!" He says putting down his nvg finding a slight glimpse of Vigil. "There you are." He thinks to himself firing his SCAR-H as Vigil falls back because of this with Charlie and his men giving chase.

Gwisin continues firing his K3 SAW but some of Charlie's men get around the side of the mansion. Gwisin signals to Athena to use her nitro cell as Athena moves to the window Charlie's explosive team is next to as she chucks her nitro cell outside which causes them to scatter but Gwisin takes advantage of their panic mowing them down with the last remaining bullets in his K3 SAW.

Gwisin: "Vigil what's your situation?" As he drops his LMG pulling out his K5 sidearm.

Vigil: "Charlie and some of his guys are chasing me, could use a hand." He says being quiet as Gwisin says he's on his way.

Athena: "I'm coming to." But Gwisin tells her it's best she stays to help with defending Kuh. "screw that... I'm coming weather you like it or not." She says as Gwisin sighs but isn't gonna argue any further. Vigil meanwhile is avoiding combat with Charlie and his squad as who looks around with his night vision.

Charlie: "come on out rat and I'll make your death swift... It's better than what my boss would subject you to." As Vigil quickly peaks killing two of his men as Charlie shoots Vigil in the leg. "Now you're gonna wish you didn't done that." He says but his attention is gained hearing shots behind him as he sees Gwisin and Athena killing the last of his men.

Vigil takes this chance to kick the SCAR-H out of Charlie's hands as he then kicks Charlie right in the jaw as he staggers back into a superman punch from Gwisin who lands a quick succession of combos knocking him against a tree.

Gwisin: "Athena, take Vigil back to the mansion, I got to let some frustrations on him... I'll make sure not to kill him." He says keeping his eyes locked on Charlie as Athena helps Vigil walk while Charlie spits blood at the ground and wipes his lip.

Charlie: "don't tell me you're mad at me, I'm simply doing my job." As he avoids Gwisin's fist which hits the bark of the tree.

Gwisin: "you're a terrorist, a a pathetic man clinging to some ideal that the world has wronged them, you have no idea what's like to be wronged!" He says landing a punch to Charlie's ribs causing him to yelp out in pain but Charlie keeps his hands up blocking the ferocious strikes from Gwisin.

Charlie: "maybe but tell me... Dong-Hyun." As Gwisin's eyes widen a bit but maintains his combat stance. "Does a cruel world like this and cruel inhabitants deserve to live? Look at everything we've accomplished... World wars, genocide, mass murders and a bunch weak minded politicians making decisions that don't impact them at all, is that a life worth living?" He asks seriously trying to get in Gwisin's head but Gwisin punches him in the gut and lands an uppercut following that up with a fierce elbow to his jaw as Charlie is surprised by the lack of hesitation.

Gwisin: "sure this world is terrible, I've seen humanity at it's worst first-hand but I won't condemn myself that level of disgusting depravity!" He says thinking of his biological family and how they'd be disappointed in him if he did that but also thinks of those he cares about such as his stepparents, Athena, Vigil and especially Dokkaebi as he digs his elbow against Charlie's jaw knocking him out cold as he collapses face first into the ground. "I won't waste the life I have left." He thinks to himself while tying Charlie up as he drags him along rather easily.

Athena: "jesus... You really did him in." As Gwisin comments that it's what he deserves. "I'm not doubting that just... Jesus." She says almost feeling bad for the knocked out Charlie.

Gwisin: "you good Chul?" As Vigil retorts that he'll survive as Gwisin hits his shoulder as he stops at the headless body of Sung-Ho as he closes his eyes. "I'm sorry as well old friend, if heaven does exist... I hope you're up there." He thinks himself while sighing but feels Dokkaebi poking him as he turns his head.

Dokkaebi: "you gonna be okay?" She asks giving a soft smile trying to cheer him up while pulling him away from the corpse of Sung-Ho.

Gwisin: "I hope so, Sung-Ho was my friend but I did not cherish it." He says with clear regret filling his voice despite him trying to sound emotionless.

Dokkaebi: "well you still got me, so you can cherish me." Giving him a reassuring smile as Gwisin looks her in the eyes as he can't help but feel happy to have her in his life.

Gwisin: "right." He says unsure what else to say as he desperately wants to admit his feelings for her but feels the fear of losing her making him decide against his wants. "In any event, a job well done." He says with Dokkaebi booping his nose to his surprise.

Dokkaebi: "got ya." She teases as Athena is busy checking Vigil's leg.

Vigil: "you can relax Naomi, I know how to treat a bullet wound." As Athena glances up essentially saying she's still gonna check it regardless. "Okay you win." He says allowing this while removing his mask and lets out a relieved sigh.

Athena: "can I make a request?" She suddenly asks as Vigil motions her to continue. "Can you stop with the lone wolf stuff during missions? I can't help but get nervous everytime you do that." She says as Vigil isn't sure how to take this.

Vigil: "you get worried for me? That mean I can tease you about it?" He asks trying to be funny as she said something similar.

Athena: "I'm being serious here Chul." She calmly snaps back while sitting next to him. "I'm just worried you won't have anyone to watch your back." She explains as Vigil decides to test her.

Vigil: "do you wanna watch my back?" As Athena glances over at the sudden question. "I know you're asking me to be careful but I get the suspicion you want to be the one who watches my back." He says unintentionally teasing Athena who somewhat pouts at him.

Athena: "I m-mean I wouldn't be opposed to that at all." She says as Vigil examines her closely. "Uh... You gonna stare at me all day?" She asks bluntly as Vigil quickly shakes his head.

Vigil: "ugh... Fine... You can watch my back... Partner." He states as Athena locks his head in a headlock.

Athena: "partner huh? I can take that word in soo many different ways." She says as Vigil is flustered beyond belief earning a chuckle from Dokkaebi and Gwisin watching this go down. Meanwhile back at Rainbow HQ, Doc is busy looking over the blood samples of Gwisin and Vigil when his eyes widen in a questioning.

Doc: "that can't be right..." He says in disbelief double checking but comes to the same conclusion. "Well I'll be damned." He says both shocked but relieved from what he just learned. Meanwhile Bravo is looking in the mirror checking the scar on both cheeks.

Ryker: "I'm sorry to bother you sir but we just lost Sung-Ho cause Charlie exploded his head and Charlie I think has been taken by team Rainbow." As Bravo sighs heavily but keeps his composure.

Bravo: "Charlie won't break for awhile so that gives us time to prep for Jaded Sky, tell Hotel and his scientists to hurry with Nightmare, he'll be vital within the next few weeks." He says calmly as Ryker nods leaving at once. "You won this fight for now Rainbow, but there's still more rounds to go." He thinks to himself.

Rainbow Six Siege: A Dying Flame: OC X DokkaebiWhere stories live. Discover now