13: Fear

165 8 1

NOVEMBER 3rd 2020
1:17 PM

Gwisin is seated on the rooftop of building scouting with Athena as she's using her EBR 14 and it's scope to gaze around.

Gwisin: "still nothing?" He asks while tapping the side of his water bottle out of boredom.

Athena: "nope, no suspicious Caucasians in sight... You sure your former buddy didn't screw us?" She asks while sitting down as Gwisin takes a turn of scouting.

Gwisin: "if he did I'm gonna kill him for wasting our time... Can I ask you something?" To Athena nods while flipping a coin in the air. "Say you just realized you grew deep feelings for someone, how would you handle it?"

Athena: "well... I'd probably spend a lot of time with that person to see if they felt the same and once I know for sure? Then I'll take that chance." She says noticing that Gwisin doesn't seem satisfied with that answer. "What's the problem?"

Gwisin: "it's just... I'm terrified of something like that, getting that close with someone? I've lost people before and I... Can't go through that again." He says keeping his sights on the street.

Athena: "I get it but is that fair to the person you've grown close to? What if they have feelings for you? What then?" She challenges as Gwisin is trying to stay focused but is too caught up with what's going through his head.

Gwisin: "I... I don't know." He admits as Athena isn't thrilled about that answer.

Athena: "if this person is who I think it is then I'm not gonna be happy if you do that to her." She says making her stance on this clear as day. "I do understand your fear though, I lost someone I grew feelings and he died in my arms." She flipping the coin in the air again.

Gwisin: "it's not just that, I've... Never cared for someone in that level and... I don't know what to do cause half the time I think it's simple but it's anything but that." He admits while closing both eyes.

Athena: "it never is Gwisin, but take a leap of faith on it cause isn't it better you at least put your feelings out there?" She asks rhetorically as Gwisin continues scouting but acknowledges her question.

Gwisin: "found Charlie... He seems to be discussing business with his guys, wait... Sung-Ho is there as well." As Athena looks through binoculars seeing the conversation go down.

Athena: "I can't read lips but Charlie does not seem happy at all." She says as Gwisin acknowledges this as Sung-Ho appears to explaining something but unknown as to what. Sung-Ho and Charlie begin going their separate ways as Gwisin's phone buzzes in his pocket.

Gwisin: "yeah?" He answers hearing Sung-Ho on the other end.

Sung-Ho: "be here at these coordinates in two hours, Charlie is gonna attempt a murder in Major general Kuh." As he quickly hangs up sending the location as Gwisin sighs debating this.

Athena: "I don't like him either but orders are orders." As they pack their equipment and head on back to their hideout giving the rundown as Dokkaebi finds this humorous.

Dokkaebi: "Kuh has a vendetta against me and now I get to save him? Oh the irony." She jokes as they all get their together as Gwisin is leaning against a wall waiting for them to get done when Dokkaebi approaches him. "What are the odds Kuh isn't gonna appreciate this at all?"

Gwisin: "more likely than either of us winning the lottery." As Dokkaebi mentions that she is a hacker and could rig it. "Grace that's illegal." He says while pulling her beanie over her face.

Dokkaebi: "it's an option." As she sings quietly earning a heartfelt chuckle from Gwisin. "That sounded like a very happy laugh, you in a good mood?" She asks giving a smile as Gwisin is somewhat flustered.

Gwisin: "well... I do enjoy our talks Grace, they're one of the few good things I get anymore." He admits with slight embarrassment as Dokkaebi is flustered but maintain a smile.

Dokkaebi: "I'm glad to hear that Hyun, if I'm being honest you're make my days better too." As Gwisin questions this as he mentions that a lot of times he brings up his problems on a regular basis. "True but you're at least talking to me about your problems... That means you trust me and I appreciate that greatly." She responds as Gwisin is dead silent but his mind going in a million different directions.

Gwisin: "Grace you beautiful woman." He thinks to himself but gives Dokkaebi a nod. "Let's get going." He says walking outside with her and the others getting in the van with Vigil driving as Athena notices the way Dokkaebi is staring at Gwisin.

Athena "aw." She thinks to herself but is worried she may end up heartbroken but keeps it to herself as they eventually arrive at Kuh's mansion.

Kuh: "Sung-Ho said you guys were coming, though I never expected you two to be a part of this." He directs to both Gwisin and Dokkaebi as Gwisin has a retort for this.

Gwisin: "yeah well we can't be picky in this line of work." He says as they enter going further into their defensive strategy as Gwisin looks over at Vigil. "You sure about this Chul? You'll be on your own out there." He asks just being sure that Vigil understands the risk.

Vigil: "I'm positive, they won't see me coming." As Gwisin acknowledges this as they wait hours for the attack to start. Charlie meanwhile is scouting from afar but growls in irritation as he looks over at Sung-Ho.

Charlie: "you mind explaining this Sung-Ho?" As Sung-Ho sees the defensive position at Kuh's mansion.

Sung-Ho: "Kuh is an important military figure in South Korea, maybe they heard rumors of us making a move." He trying to play it off but Charlie applies a tight hold around his neck.

Charlie: "unlikely... Ryker has been blocking any and all communications on us, so someone talked and I believe you're that guy." As Sung-Ho struggles to breathe unable to respond. "Your connection to this Gwisin fellow is pretty well known and Bravo told me to exploit that." He says into his ear as Sung-Ho tries fighting but is striked in the ribs.

Gwisin is holding a position with his K3 SAW waiting for the attack to start but sees Sung-Ho approaching which confuses him as Sung-Ho falls to his knees in clear pain as he begins signing to Gwisin.

Sung-Ho (signing): "I'm sorry old friend." As Gwisin's eyes widen seeing Sung-Ho's head explode to pieces like a melon as he hears Charlie speaking on a loud speaker.

Charlie: "I knew Sung-Ho was trouble from the start so I planted an explosive in his head, looks like I was right in my decision." As Gwisin grits his teeth holding back his scream as he fires his K3 SAW into the forest as Charlie gets low as don't his men. "Trojan squad move out and plant those explosives, we'll keep Gwisin's attention." He says firing his SCAR-H but lowers his head due to the rounds being put down range.

Gwisin: "you bastards! I'll make you pay for what you've done!" He thinks with unmatched anger as he mows down at least trying to make a run for the mansion. He sees one use a grenade launcher to send a grenade his way as Gwisin dives away as the explosion completely destroys the door as Gwisin can't hear much thanks to the ringing in his ears. He turns seeing one of the charlie's men about to shoot him.


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