6: A Favor

296 9 0

OCTOBER 23rd 2020
2:15 PM

Gwisin is the bathroom after taking a shower and is debating on carving the names of his family off his forearm as he holds the cold sharp blade against his forearm.

Gwisin: "come on... Just get it over with." But hesitation fills his head and gets a knock on his door. Gwisin scoffs while putting on a shirt and pair of jeans and opens up seeing Grace who looks worried. "You okay?" He asks as Grace shakes her head as Gwisin lets her in.

Grace: "uh how do you not overthink things? During operations or training I mean?" She asks curiously as Gwisin thinks about this but figures she's asking for a reason.

Gwisin: "well I just know most of my decisions are the right choice in most situations, why do you ask? You're usually more confident and sure of yourself." He says as Grace sits in a chair.

Grace: "you know Major kuh right?" She asks reluctantly as Gwisin nods. "Well the guy sort of has a vendetta against me and tries ruining my career however he can, he didn't know I joined Rainbow as I joined on my own terms... He got pretty pissy after that and has Vigil sending reports back to him."

Gwisin: "so that's why you're extra careful with everything, you're afraid one little mistake will ruin your opportunity here." He says as Grace nods.

Grace: "Chul holds nothing against me but I know he'll report something if I mess up badly and once that happens I'm done for." She says with clear worry as Gwisin thinks of what to do.

Gwisin: "I can't exactly confront kuh about it as he has connections up the ass." He says continuing to think and gets an idea. "I think I got something, how bout I do the reports and maybe not include anything that'll get you kicked out."

Grace: "Gwisin you could get into a lot trouble for that." As Gwisin acknowledges this.

Gwisin: "better me than you, you are a valuable member of this team Grace, me? I'm just a jack of all trades and master of none, Rainbow can afford my absence should it happen."

Grace: "oh... Thank you Gwisin... Is that the only reason?" She asks while Gwisin stares in confusion.

Gwisin: "I mean you're a skilled operator with great talent in code... I mean... You don't deserve fearing that you'll get kicked off, there is that." He says as Grace smiles softly.

Grace: "I'm starting to like you Gwisin, you're okay in my book." As Gwisin nods as that's actually a first for him.

Gwisin: "uh thanks... I think." He says not wanting to sound rude.

Grace: "do you not have any friends outside of work?" As Gwisin's silence answers her question. "Okay... I'll be your friend."

Gwisin: "even though you don't know my name?" He asks questioning the logic.

Grace: "I mean I'm friends with Nøkk and she's Ms redacted plus you'll tell me in time, I'm certain." She says with confidence as Gwisin isn't sure what to think of this. "Plus you're doing me a big favor, that sounds like a friend to me." She says hitting his chest softly as Gwisin decides to go with it. Naomi meanwhile is looking at the file of everything they have on Bravo.

Naomi: "hmm not much to go on." She sighs softly while casually playing with her braid when Vigil walks by. "hey Chul." She greets as Vigil stops in place.

Vigil: "hey, anything interesting?" He asks with his arms crossed.

Naomi: "unfortunately no, we know Bravo is in charge of planning operations and executing them but there isn't enough info to give us an idea to who he is exactly and even worse he's good at keeping himself off the record." She says softly hitting her face against the file.

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