7: Gone To Shit

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6:37 AM

Gwisin is in bed again having a dream of his family standing before him as he's trying his best to ignore them.

Father: "you're a disappointment Dong-Hyun, couldn't even at least get close to the border." As Gwisin keeps his head down.

Mother: "all you had to do was follow us but you couldn't even do that right." She says harshly but Gwisin knows this isn't real but stops before Gyeong as he can't help but feel like he failed him.

Gyeong: "why did you fail?" He asks but Gwisin snaps awake and immediately heads to the bathroom splashing water against his face and soon looks in the mirror asking what is he supposed to do to forget but his thoughts are interrupted hearing his and the callsigns of Kali, Thermite, Oni, and Athena are called to be briefed. Gwisin gets dressed headed to briefing sitting down as he tries waking himself up as it's pretty early.

Harry: "I'm sorry to wake you all this early but some valuable intel came in, Grace go on ahead." He says as Grace comes into view.

Grace: "so I decided to look into Bravo and interestingly, he has an inner circle of his own and luckily I was able to run a facial recognition scan on most of them except for Bravo, Ryker Miller is a former CIA operative and is said to be great at disrupting communications hence why Bravo and his team are able to get in and get out without us hearing about it."

Oni: "good job Grace, any idea where he is?" He asks as Grace nods showing an a soccer stadium in Los Angeles California.

Harry: "you'll be tasked with either eliminating Ryker or bringing him in, preferably the latter, Grace will be your source of information for this op." He says dismissing as Gwisin and Athena walk with Dokkaebi.

Athena: "I'm not complaining but I'm surprised you're still participating in some way." As Dokkaebi chuckles softly.

Dokkaebi: "well I rather be helpful then sitting around doing nothing." She admits as Gwisin pats her on the back.

Gwisin: "well your help will be appreciated Dokka." He compliments stoically as he arrives at his armory opting for his K3 SAW while Athena opts for her KSG-12 and G18C as the team gets in the chopper as it flies off. "To recap, Oni you'll be Kali's sniper buddy in the caster's booth while the rest of us clear force the White Masks into your killzone." He says as they all nod in agreement.

Many hours pass as two White Masks are in the commentator's booth as Oni quietly enters the commentator's booth with Kali as they both aim their sidearms at their targets and kill them at the same time.

Oni: "Gwisin this is sniper team, we've reached our destination got eyes on ya." He says seeing Gwisin, Athena and Thermite at the tunnel.

Gwisin: "copy that Oni, beginning our approach." He says as Athena takes point with her KSG-12 for the close range engagement and arrive at what looks like the entrance into the locker room. Thermite drones it out for Athena counting two White Masks giving her the all clear as Athena kicks the door open and immediately blasts a White Mask in the chest while Gwisin finishes off the other with a headshot.

Gwisin hears three White Masks around the corner as he gets behind a locker and fires his K3 SAW while Athena and Thermite take the chance to flank as Thermite tosses a flashbang which blinds the three White Masks and finish them off.

Gwisin: "nicely done guys." He says as they continue on while oni and Kali are watching the field as Oni gets his sights on Ryker as Kali says it'd be easier to just kill him.

Oni: "I know but he may know something on Bravo so we'll take him alive if we can." As he tries informing Gwisin about this but gets nothing but static. "Well shit." He says while Gwisin is giving suppressing fire with it's 1,000 rate of fire as the White Masks are keeping their heads down as Thermite and Athena are once again gonna take advantage of this distraction as Thermite places his Thermite charge on the wall.

Thermite: "really big fuckin hole coming right up." He says detonating the charge which obliterates the wall which catches the White Mask off guard and are ended by Athena. Thermite gets shot in the side as Gwisin quickly turns his attention to the shooter who's a good distance away.

Gwisin: "come on come on." He says waiting for the shooter to peak his head out while Athena pulls Thermite into cover beginning to stabilize him. Gwisin leaves his position and proceeds to move towards the shooter while shooting his K3 SAW suppressing the shooter. Once he's close enough, he drops his LMG for his K5 pistol as he quickly turns the corner shooting the White Mask multiple times killing him. He returns to Athena who stabilizing Thermite. "He good?" He asks keeping watch.

Athena: "he'll be fine for the time being... On your feet Tex." She says helping Thermite to his feet as they move on to the stands seeing the majority of White Masks in the field being ordered around by Ryker. Gwisin tries getting in contact with sniper team but gets nothing but static. He looks across seeing the two glints coming from Oni and Kali's scopes and signaling to them.

Oni: "he's telling us to execute, remember we need-"

Kali: "Ryker alive I know." She says as they both begin taking their shots causing the White Masks to panic as Gwisin begins raining down LMG fire from the stands hitting a few but is trying not to hit Ryker as Thermite is with him. Athena meanwhile is moving through the field killing any White Mask that get in her way with her KSG-12 but runs out of ammo.

Athena: "fuck." She thinks to herself dropping her shotgun for her G18C and fires in short bursts but stops once she sees Ryker. "Hold it! Hands in the air!" She demands as Ryker follows her instructions but chuckles to himself.

Ryker: "you think we didn't catch your little bitch hack into our system? well you got another thing coming to ya." He says pressing a detonator as Athena looks around seeing the grass is filled with C4 as she makes a desperate run for the tunnel and dives when the explosion goes off. Oni and Kali look around seeing that C4 is about to blow.

Oni: "get out now!" He says grabbing Kali as they slide down the ramp from the commentator's booth as it explodes. The two roll iffy with Oni taking the brunt of the fall.

Gwisin: "shit!" As Thermite tells him to go saying he'll be fine. Gwisin rushes to Kali and Oni who's groaning in pain.

Kali: "don't worry about us! Get Ryker!" She says with anger as Gwisin drops down to the field and begins sprinting trying to catch up with Ryker as he eventually makes outside but is forced to dive into cover due an RPG being shot in his direction.

Gwisin: "damn it!" He says frustrated by Ryker getting away but quickly rushes back. Athena is laying on the floor barely conscious as she pushes herself up touching her ringing ears and looks at her fingers seeing blood. "Athena? It's me." He says but Athena can barely hear him.

Athena: "what!?" She asks loudly as Gwisin sighs helping her to get feet.

Kali: "nice to see this was for nothing." She says with attitude as Oni sitting down from his back hurting.

Oni: "we had no idea C4 would be planted like that." As Kali turns to him annoyed. "It doesn't matter now anyway, come on." He says getting up as they make their report and head on back to HQ thought disappointed that this operation was a failure.

Rainbow Six Siege: A Dying Flame: OC X DokkaebiWhere stories live. Discover now