16: Brother's Talk

148 7 3

NOVEMBER 5th 2020
6:58 AM

Gwisin is currently watching Grace sleep peacefully as he finds her to be adorable in this position as he places gentle kisses on her neck and collarbone area she lets out a soft sigh slowly waking up.

Gwisin: "who's the sleepyhead now?" He asks with a slight sarcasm while Grace lays her head on the pillow staring at him cutely.

Grace: "least I don't snore like a moose." As Gwisin jokingly looks offended. "Anyways good morning." She says kissing him which he returns. "So... Wanna take a shower together?" She offers as Gwisin's mind immediately goes to the gutter.

Gwisin: "you sure? I never seen a woman... Unclothed before, not personally anyway." As Grace pouts at him while dragging him along as she's getting undressed as Gwisin can't help but examine her incredible figure. "What the hell is wrong with me, why am I suddenly gawking at Grace like a highschool kid?" He asks himself while shaking his head.

Grace: "you gonna get undressed or no? I promise I won't judge." She teases as Gwisin sighs reluctantly undressing himself as Grace gets a good look at the various scars on his body. "How'd you get these?" She asks caressing his scars with care.

Gwisin: "most of them are from the concentration camp." As Grace's eyes wonder down to his forearm. "That was my doing..." He states not exactly proud as Grace gets a look at the carved names.

Grace: "come on." As they begin taking a shower together as Gwisin is doing his best not to stare but Grace calls him out on this. "You can stare Hyun, it's not like we're complete strangers." She says giving a reassuring smile. Gwisin is soon washing Grace's back for her feeling her smooth skin as he glances down at her behind.

Gwisin: "Hyun stop being perverted and wash her back." He thinks to himself seemingly getting back on track when Grace looks back giving a smirk as she guides Gwisin's hand to her rear forcing him to grope it making him blush.

Grace: "oh Hyun you little pervert." She says teasing as Gwisin is speechless as he can't believe what Grace is doing like she's trying to embarrass him. "never expected you to be soo touchy." She says smiling like a villain fulfilling their plan.

Gwisin: "not funny Grace!" He lets out as Grace turns laughing while touching his cheeks.

Grace: "relax... I'm just screwing with you but Hyun?" As Gwisin looks her in the eyes. "You don't need to be nervous, I honestly don't mind if you touch parts of my body... Feel free to if you want." She states as Gwisin nods still embarrassed as they finish taking their shower.

Gwisin: "come on, let's go." As he opens the door but feels Grace hop onto his back. "What are you doing?" He asks holding her legs.

Grace: "getting a free ride." She says wrapping her arms his neck as Gwisin just goes along with this when they bump into Naomi who snorts seeing this.

Naomi: "that's just cute." She says as Gwisin sighs but agrees reluctantly. "If you're looking for Chul he's outside waiting for you."

Gwisin: "alright... Take this deviant gremlin while you're at it." As Naomi shakes her head but begins carrying Grace on her back. Gwisin heads outside find Vigil sitting at a table as he approaches him. "What's with the mark?" He asks as Vigil covers it up embarrassed.

Vigil: "courtesy of Naomi." As Gwisin acknowledges this as the silence between is very uncomfortable at best. "So Dong-Hyun... What happened after you... Fell?" He asks reluctantly as Gwisin figures he can't spare any details.

Gwisin: "I was beached and taken in by North Korean soldiers to the concentration camps." As Vigil sighs heavily as that hurts him. "You don't wanna know Gyeong it's... The worst fuckin thing I've ever been through and I was there for five years." He says as Vigil can't possibly find the words for that. "But... What happened to mom and dad?" He asks staying realistic while looking away.

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