20: Making a move

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Bravo is walking down the steps with some men at his side looking for Hotel eventually finding him overlooking the chemical they used on Nightmare as said Nightmare is keeping guard.

Bravo: "Hotel we need to talk." He says when Nightmare aims an M4A1 right at his face which catches him by surprise.

Hotel: "stand down Nightmare, what is it Bravo?" He asks while carefully pulling the chemical away.

Bravo: "I was gonna ask if you're ready to go but now I got another question, why the fuck is your dog on edge?" He asks rather bitterly as Ryker stands there uneasy from Nightmare's presence.

Hotel: "you do realize he's under my command as well right? As such I ordered him to be ready to deal with anyone who's dangerous."

Bravo: "and I'm dangerous to you? We're on the same team here you jackass." He says as Hotel scoffs lightly while putting his equipment away.

Hotel: "after seeing Epsilon betray his last group the way he did? I'm not taking any chances plus I'm easily the most important person out of all of us and Alpha knows that." He says as Bravo shakes his head and tells him to be ready to move while Oni and the others are scouting from afar.

Oni: "they're definitely getting ready to move, damn it." As Delta thinks for a moment as the idea he has is a terrible one.

Delta: "I got a tracking device, if you can put it on that chopper then it might lead you in the right direction." He says as Oni realizes this is a huge risk.

Oni: "alright I'll do it... Cover me." He says slowly moving down the hill as Athena adjusts her MK 14. Oni rolls behind a rusted truck as he waits for Athena to give him the clear.

Athena: "head straight for the fire escape to roof." She says as Oni does so when Delta gets ready to leave when Valkyrie asks what the hell he's doing.

Delta: "making sure Oni can escape should he be compromised." He says leaving with some explosives in hand. Oni slowly goes up the fire escape trying to not make it creak eventually getting to the roof and moves to the chopper placing the tracking under it but he turns around being met with a smack to the face.

Ryker: "ah we meet again Oni, you were there with your buddies at the soccer stadium yes? Tell me... How's Athena?" He asks as Athena tries getting a clear shot but part of the chopper is blocking it. "Epsilon says hi by the way, says he misses dealing with the boy scout that is you." He says chuckling as Oni looks in confusion.

Oni: "Epsilon? You mean Martinez?" He asks as Ryker shakes his head annoyed he even has to explain.

Ryker: "it's Epsilon now, he didn't waste time putting us to work... Now he answers directly to Alpha herself lucky bastard." He says as Oni stays on the ground trying to think his way out of this. "now he'll be dying to recreate what he did with that Leo guy or some shit only with you." He says when an explosion goes off as Oni kicks the pistol out of Ryker's hands and quickly slices his throat open with the karambit as Ryker desperately covers it heading out in the open.

Athena: "hmph got you." She says firing a shot which hits Ryker in the heart as Ryker slowly collapses dead. "Oni you better get out of there." She says casually as Oni quickly slides down a pipe making a run for it when Delta grabs him and pulls him down.

Delta: "there now we're even." He says as they head back to the others getting the hell out of there. "Here." He says tossing a device of sorts to Athena who catches it.

Athena: "ah the locator for the tracking device, thank you but what about you? What are you gonna do?" She asks curiously as Delta takes his stuff from the vehicle.

Delta: "probably gonna take this up with my superiors, figure out why the hell Bear is working with them so in a way I'll be help you rainbow guys."

Athena: "you sound as if joining rainbow isn't an option." As Delta does have a rebuttal for this.

Delta: "well Maverick is already there representing Delta Force so I don't really think I'm needed to be honest and besides... If I join my little brother will be right behind me." He says as Athena questions how that's a bad thing. "Well you guys deal with arguably the worst scum humanity has to offer and I can't take that chance with my brother."

Athena: "that... Makes sense." As Delta nods and takes his leave as Athena finds Oni cleaning his karambit. "Well Ryker's dead, just Bravo left."

Oni: "yep but Bravo isn't a moron, he'll be wondering why Ryker has both his throat slit and a hole in his chest." As Athena asks if he thinks Bravo will be that paranoid. "All of his inner circle is gone Espinoza, he'd be an idiot not to be paranoid." He says drying his karambit.

Athena: "so I'm guessing we're to head back to base or do you and Meghan want some alone time?" She asks with a teasing smirk.

Oni: "for God's sake." He says as Athena leaves him be to enjoy the day for himself.

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