17: clearing the mind

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NOVEMBER 7th 2020
1:21 PM

Gwisin is in the middle of interrogating Charlie with the aztec death whistle but he's proving to be mentally strong as Gwisin grows impatient removing the headphones as Charlie gasps out a chuckle.

Charlie: "you're gonna need to do better than that Dong-Hyun." He says breathing heavily as it has taken a toll on him.

Gwisin: "you're gonna be a drooling mess if this keeps up, and as much as you deserve that you have valuable information so give it up!" He says grabbing Charlie by the collar but gets a dry chuckle in return.

Charlie: "come back once you get more innovative ideas than a stupid whistle." He says as Gwisin exits the room sighing heavily with Oni standing beside him.

Oni: "I'll take it from here, go clear your mind." He says patting him on the shoulder as Gwisin heads straight to his room finding Grace there.

Grace: "you okay?" She asks as Gwisin flops onto the bed as she sits next to him and places his head on her lap.

Gwisin: "Charlie's not breaking and I hate the fact we have to even go this far." As Grace gently strokes his forehead asking that torture really bothers him. "I've been on both sides so I understand just how cruel a man can get... I don't wanna be anything like that, I can barely live with myself as I am." He says as Grace strokes his dark hair as Gwisin closes his eyes.

Grace: "you feel like you're becoming your torturers from the camp?" She asks as Gwisin nods as Grace taps his face as he opens his eyes. "You're not them, not even close dear, they tortured children trying to reeducate them, you're torturing a full-grown man who made his choice to be who he is, it's not the same." She says gently caressing his face while Gwisin stares up at her.

Gwisin: "true... But I still don't like it." He says as Grace kisses him sweetly giving a smile.

Grace: "and you shouldn't... Otherwise I think there'd be something wrong with you." She says earning a chuckle from Gwisin.

Gwisin: "should that ever happen smack me upside will ya?" As Grace says she promises and gives him another kiss. "Uh you wanna go on a date?" He asks as Grace tilts her head. "I just thought it'd be nice for the two of us to enjoy our own company." He says as Grace contemplates for a moment.

Grace: "I'd love to spend time with you all to myself." She says whilst smirking as Gwisin notices the intent behind that.

Gwisin: "so what do you wanna do?" He asks as Grace immediately says she doesn't want to go to a typical restaurant saying it's too cliche. "Okay fair enough... we could go to a beach and just enjoy the sight." He says as Grace gives a smirk.

Grace: "such a romantic." She says as Gwisin retorts saying he's trying and sits up giving Grace a kiss on the forehead.

Gwisin: "we'll leave here soon... Let's go see how my brother's doing." He says as they leave to Naomi teasing Vigil while wearing his mask. "You and Naomi got one thing in common, you love screwing with us." He says as Grace chuckles with amusement. "Troubles brother?"

Vigil: "like you can't imagine, I didn't expect Naomi to do this." He says trying to grab her but Naomi avoids him rather easily.

Naomi: "this thing smells weird, why does it smell weird?" She asks with Vigil grabbing hold of her and keeps her in place.

Vigil: "it's a mask, do you expect it to smell like lavender?" He asks while taking the mask off her face.

Naomi: "I mean it could." She says giving an innocent smile as Vigil sighs. "Anyways what are you two up to?" She directs to Gwisin and Grace.

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