15: Same Blood

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11:47 AM

Gwisin is resting his head on Grace's lap who can't help but smile seeing how peaceful he looks. She gently taps his face causing him to open one eye.

Grace: "we're here sleepy head." She states as Gwisin sits up stretching and cracking his back as they exit the cargo plane.

Naomi: "I'll make sure our guest is properly given room service." She jokes leaving with Charlie as Harry meets with them.

Harry: "excellent work on the operation everyone. Gwisin, Vigil we need to discuss a matter privately." He says as both Gwisin and Vigil mentally question what this is about but they follow Harry to the medical ward seeing Doc sitting in a chair.

Gwisin: "so what's this about? Chul and I hadn't had a fight in a while and quite honestly we're past that." As Harry looks down sighing prepping himself.

Harry: "out of a suspicion I had, I had Doc take your blood samples and compare them... Hwa Dong-Hyun, Vigil is your younger brother." As Dong-Hyun and Chul freeze hearing this and look at each other.

Chul: "your name's Hwa Dong-Hyun?" He asks in shock as he hasn't said that name in years as Dong-Hyun looks at Chul closely trying to compare him and his little brother.

Dong-Hyun: "it's... Really him just... Grown up now." He thinks him but snaps out of his trance. "Yeah it's me... Cheol Gyeong." He says placing his hands on table as his blood begins boiling. "The hell is wrong with me!?" He asks punching the table with a lot of force slightly denting it.

Harry: "I understand this is a lot to take Dong-Hyun but-"

Dong-Hyun: "I'm not angry at any of you... You did nothing wrong." As Harry questions why he's so worked up as Dong-Hyun can't hold it back. "CAUSE I'M ANGRY AT MYSELF!" He snaps while slamming both of his fists against the table holding back his cries of anger. "I need to go." He says storming out of the room as Chul sits down on the floor still stunned.

Chul: "I... He's alive... My god." He says thinking of everything Dong-Hyun probably went through after the river took him away. "I should've known... I should've-" he says with tears going down his face as Harry kneels in front of him.

Harry: "how could you of known? I didn't know till Dong-Hyun mentioned your real name to me... I would've said something but I had to be sure." As Chul nods understanding but is now clueless about what to do as it feels his old life is opening up before him.

Chul: "am I supposed to do?" He asks as Harry simply states that he has to accept and adapt with this new found truth. "I'll be going." He says as he needs to think everything through. Dong-Hyun meanwhile is sitting on the floor as his room is a mess from him venting his anger.

Dong-Hyun: "I almost fuckin killed him... What the hell is wrong with me!?" He asks covering his face as he can't hold back the tears streaming down his face when the door opens as he finds Grace looking at him with worry.

Grace: "Hyun?" She asks kneeling in front of him as she removes Dong-Hyun's hands from his face seeing his watery eyes. Grace pulls his head into her shoulder as Dong-Hyun cries into it with Grace stroking the back of his head. "Talk to me." She says softly as Dong-Hyun takes a moment to compose himself.

Dong-Hyun: "Chul... Is my little brother." As Grace's eyes widen as that sounds crazy to her. "Harry had Doc perform a blood test... Guess that explains why Doc took a sample." He says closing his eyes.

Grace: "this... Is great news, but what's wrong?" She asks needing context for why he's in such a bad mood.

Dong-Hyun: "remember our first op together? Before rainbow?" To which Grace nods in response. "Well... I almost got Chul killed, my own brother... I can't forgive myself for that, I made a promise to both my parents and god himself that I'd protect him and I almost killed him with no regret." He says as Grace now fully understands why he's upset as she places her forehead against his.

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