21: Planning

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NOVEMBER 10th 2020
9:24 AM

Gwisin is currently removing his tactical vest as he just finished a training session when Grace covers his eyes.

Gwisin: "oh no whatever shall I do?" He asks as Grace turns him around giving a quick kiss. "What's up Grace?" He asks sitting himself down as Grace sits next to him.

Grace: "well I told my parents about us and they reacted appropriately... They kept asking if you're financially stable." As Gwisin shakes his head while chuckling.

Gwisin: "are they afraid I can't afford a wedding when we get to that?" He asks as Grace is somewhat flustered.

Grace: "I guess? I think they just want assurance I'll be happy in all aspects." She says as Gwisin removes his kevlar gloves acknowledging the reason.

Gwisin: "once this stuff with Bravo is settled we'll go visit your parents, deal?" He asks as Grace winks giving her answer.

Naomi: "then that may be sooner than later." She says being greeted by them as Grace gives a tight hug. "Jesus Grace, don't kill me." She jokes as Grace apologizes for the tight hug.

Gwisin: "what did you mean by earlier?" He asks curiously as Naomi pulls a chair over sitting in it.

Naomi: "our scouting operation turned out better than we expected, we're tracking one of Bravo's choppers and before you ask no we can't drone airstrike it cause we don't know if Bravo is actually on the chopper or if Hotel is and if the it's the latter, Harry wants to know where this chemical is and where it came from."

Gwisin: "hmph wouldn't be a military operation without the whole can't do this till we know for sure shtick." He jokes with Grace elbowing him in the side.

Naomi: "but so far the tracker seems to be in eastern Europe, Harry is waiting on the green light from some intelligence services to confirm our suspicions but in the meantime be ready to go." She says as they both nod understanding as Naomi takes her leave but stops. "Also why is everyone talking about Chul chasing you with a bike?"

Gwisin: "I may of said the wrong thing and he went sort of... Ape shit." As Grace scoffs lightly.

Grace: "that's putting it mildly, now you know not to tell Chul to lay off on the cereal." She says as Naomi shakes her head and takes her leave to look around for Vigil.

Vigil: "there you are, I've been looking for you." He says hugging her from behind taking her by surprise.

Naomi: "same here." She says turning and kisses him. "Did you really chase Hyun around with a bike?" She asks wanting clarification.

Vigil: "yes and I have no regrets." He says as they walk together to the lounge area and sit next to each other.

Naomi: "So... These next few days will tense once the information on Bravo comes in." She says rather uneasy with what's going through her mind.

Vigil: "I can imagine, you okay? You seem nervous." He says which is a surprise but Naomi never gets nervous.

Naomi: "I'm just worried we'll lose some people during this, Bravo's goons proved capable in one way or another." She says looking away but vigil can tell she's worried about something else as he gently touches her face and looks her in the eyes.

Vigil: "talk to me, what else is on your mind?" He asks as Naomi's eyes wander trying to think of how to say it.

Naomi: "I... I'm worried about you in particular, I know if your brother goes you go, that's how siblings are but... I'm afraid you'll both get hurt... Even killed." She says as this hard for her to say for some reason.

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