23: Calm Before The Storm

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5:50 PM

Gwisin is currently in the middle of firefight as it's practice for one of the many scenarios should things not go to plan. Gwisin peaks around the corner firing his K2C hitting one hostile as he rolls to the next cover as his team is being met with heavy resistance as Gwisin tries making something happen but a grenade blows up next to his face covering his face with dust as the training scenario comes to an end as Vigil walks over to him.

Vigil: "you good?" He asks trying not to laugh as Gwisin coughs in response.

Gwisin: "what do you think?" He asks as Vigil helps him up as Gwisin cleans his face of the dust.

Oni: "well that was a shit show, let's hope the operation doesn't go that way." He says dismissing everyone as Gwisin is splashing water across his face.

Vigil: "how do you rate our chances?" He asks as Gwisin places his hands on the sink thinking for a moment.

Gwisin: "in truth? We're headed into a heavily protected town run by hostiles and our main target has a great understanding of operations so he's probably expecting us." He says eventually looking his brother in the eyes. "There's a high chance a good amount of us will die, not a positive outlook I know but I won't spread it around." He says as Vigil nods.

Thermite: "wow that's quite pessimistic." He jokes while putting his gear away as Gwisin apologizes for the negative attitude. "Nah it's fine, this operation is a big risk... Not as much as bartlett or Chimera but I understand what you mean." He says as the three walk together.

Gwisin: "you've been at rainbow for while right? Any regrets?" He asks as Thermite thinks for a second.

Thermite: "nothing really, Rainbow despite everything has been the best years of my military career. Experiencing something like this? It's something I cherish." He says as Gwisin acknowledges the statement when they find Pulse talking with Hibana on the phone as they seem to be arguing about something.

Hibana: "ugh look Jack I got some things to attend to, we'll talk later." She says hanging up as Pulse places his head on the table sighing.

Thermite: "you good?" He asks his friend as Pulse looks up.

Pulse: "she thinks I'm being too protective of her, maybe she has a point but this operation is way more risky than any other we've done in the past, I got every reason to be worried." He says as Thermite sits across from him.

Thermite: "you know how Yumi is Jack, she doesn't like being treated like a child, not saying you're in the wrong." He says as Gwisin and Vigil sit at an empty table.

Vigil: "I wonder, what would mom and dad think of us today?" He asks as Gwisin is surprised by this question as he never once thought of it.

Gwisin: "well I like to think they would be proud of us to a degree but it's hard to tell with people we haven't seen in years." He says as Vigil nods understanding that but can't help but be curious.

Vigil: "not sure our dad would approve of our military lives given the lengths he went through to well... You know." He says as Gwisin looks away.

Gwisin: "yeah... How much do you remember of that trip?" He asks as Vigil closes his fists somewhat.

Vigil: "just the parts that had a big impact on me, like you falling or... Leaving mom behind." He says shaking his head saying that as Gwisin can see the guilt radiating off him. "It's strange... As a kid I never felt bad about it but nowadays? It's like hell is catching up with me." He says as Gwisin is almost speechless hearing this from his brother.

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