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Next day...

Throne Room

Eibom looked down at the white-haired Prince kneeling down in front of his throne. He looked at his sons, who had different expressions. He didn't know which was worse, his youngest son's glare which was cold as the arctic wind or his eldest son who was smiling brightly like the sun. Both were terrifying in their own ways. The victim of those looks was the kneeling Prince who had been the only one present in the room when his precious daughter was poisoned. He had already taken care of the assassins swiftly; however, the fact remained that he was the last to be there when it happened and more that everyone assumed it was him who did the deed.

Anastacius smiled. "Why don't we execute him? He was the only one in the room with Rosa. There's no need to think more about this matter."

Claude nodded in agreement. The eldest Prince noticed that and his smile widened.

"See even the little pes-prince agrees." Anastacius smiled innocently.

A tick mark formed on Claude's temple and glared at his brother. He couldn't kill the crown prince in front of the Emperor. Not when Felix was not there to stop the others. Not to mention, his sister would not look at him.

Anastacius noticed his cold glare and smirked mockingly.

Claude narrowed his eyes and scowled. He was beginning to think a massacre was sounding nice at the moment. Especially if the massacre included his stupid bastard of a brother. Athena will probably forget about his fortunate death in a few years.

Sparks flew between the two brothers' eyes.

Eibom sweatdropped and cleared his throat. He glanced at the kneeling Prince. "From this day forwards, you will no longer be Ambrosia's fiancee."

Alexander nodded. "Yes, your majesty. I accept my punishment. I am grateful for your leniency." He said while kneeling.

Anastasius and Claude beamed.

"Good, so we can kill him now." Anastacius said sweetly.

Eibom looked at his eldest son with a sweatdrop. "No."

"No?" Anastacius said darkly sending shivers down everyone's spine. He narrowed his eyes at the Emperor, who to everyone's surprise was trying to subtly avoid his eldest son's dark, chilling gaze.

Eibom nodded. "He will be her knight instead. As a punishment for not being cautious enough, his position and titles are stripped from him regardless of where he came from, and he will simply be a knight."

"And then we can kill him." Anastacius nodded thoughtfully.

Theodore sighed in defeat and rubbed his temples. He was beginning to question why he was even here with these psychopaths. One who was seconds away from decapitating the kneeling Prince and the other who was not so subtly trying to burn holes on him to hopefully combust or something. It was obvious that the poor boy was innocent. However, the two blonde princes have hated his guts ever since Athena found him by the lake. Mostly Anastacius who was using this as an excuse to get rid of him once and for all even though he clearly knew it was not him. Although, he was beginning to think that the crazy Prince didn't need an excuse to off someone if it was related to his beloved twin.

Eibom frowned. "We are not killing him, Anastacius."

Anastacius clicked his tongue and scowled. Since when did he grow conscious? Before he could retort he was interrupted by a booming sound.

"Presenting Her Imperial Highness, Crown Princess Ambrosia Athena de Alger Obelia." The herald shouted before the guards opened the doors revealing Athena in all her glory.

Everyone looked at the blonde princess.

"Rosa! Why are you here?!" Anastacius quickly appeared next to Athena and held her shoulders.

Everyone sweatdropped. So fast!

Athena smiled gently at her twin. "I'm fine now, An."

Anastacius tightened his hold on her shoulders and leaned in towards her with an eyes-closed sweet smile. A chill went down Athena's spine when she saw his smile, which was anything but sweet.


"Eh- y-yes, An?" Athena said nervously.

Anastacius' eyes slowly opened, revealing chilling blue jewel eyes which she could swear she saw it flash. "Go to your bed and stay there. Am I clear?" He leaned his face closer to her threateningly.

Athena nodded furiously. "Crystal." She squeaked.

Anastacius' smiled widened. "Fantastic."

Athena cleared her throat and glanced at the other occupants in the room. She flinched when she noticed a growing dark aura near them. Athena glanced at the culprit, and to her horror, it appeared to be Claude. She sweated bullets and quickly left the room before things would escalate more. She sent a silent prayer to the white-haired Prince before leaving him at the mercy of the sharks.

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