The Mysterious Visitors

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A/N hey guys sorry I've been busy with my job. I had been reviewing my stories to see where I left off. I came up with an idea to add a certain someone as Athena's newest soulmate. Have a look in the first "love interests" to see who it is. I added him to spice up the story and to make it a bir more....amusing shall we say? hehehe ~ anyways have fun reading.


Three weeks has passed and the crown princess was still in a coma. The new Emperor, Claude de Alger Obelia was shocked at the state of his older sister once he found out. He regretted his actions of killing his older brother of jealousy. He regretted taking away the twins' parents. He regretted many things. After his first visit to see his older sister, her guard dogs stopped him from visiting her chambers. Guard dogs that his father and brother assigned for her. Alex and Lumiere. Two of the most loyal guard dogs he's ever seen. Despite being the Emperor, their loyalties did not lay with him. Therefore, they with great amusement and satisfaction blocked her room with many powerful spells that stopped him from visiting her and the twins. Only the people Alex and Lumiere trusted could access the room. The spell was similar to the protection spell he had used . Therefore, he knew what would happen if he or anyone who was not allowed tried to get in her chambers. 

Well, everyone excluding the soulmates who had not betrayed Athena as of yet. Therefore, they had free access. Something that may be good and bad at the same rime. depending on who the soulmate is and how unstable they may be. 

A tall blonde haired man gazed at the sleeping princess and then glanced at the sleeping twins near her bed in their cradle. By some miracle, they did not wake up when he stepped inside the room which amused him. He looked at the sleeping princess with narrowed eyes. There was a clear spark of curiosity in his crimson eyes. Callisto's eyes narrowed further as he sensed the same magic that called him to this location. He hummed and brushed a strand of blonde hair from her face with his hand. He slowly trailed his hands from her cheek to her neck and grasped his hands around her delicate neck. However his hand was not restricting her breathing.

 "Someone called me here to save your life." Callisto said and tightened his hold on her neck slightly. "But I wonder...What would they do If I killed you here instead?" He said with a devious smirk. "Now that Anastasius  is dead, it's only that brat. But would the brat save you? Or leave you?" he chuckled as he the blonde groaned in her sleep.

"Remove your hand or I'll cut it off." Alex said coldly from behind him.

Callisto sighed in annoyance and looked towards the intruder. "What if I don't?" He smirked.

Before Callisto could say something else, he quickly blocked a magic spell with his sword

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Before Callisto could say something else, he quickly blocked a magic spell with his sword. He narrowed his eyes at the culprit. 

Lumiere smiled benignly. "Then I would have the great pleasure of helping him removing your arms and the rest of your body."

Callisto looked at Lumiere then at Alex. He released his hold on Athena and raised an eyebrow. 

Lumiere sighed. "Why does she have such troublesome soulmates?" he shook his head. "Why couldn't they be normal like Felix. Well, less naive and idiotic but not a freakin psycho." 

Alex nodded in agreement while Callisto's eye twitched.   

"So..." Callisto trailed off as he glared at the two. He looked at the wizard specifically. "Was it you who called me here?"

Lumiere smiled knowingly. "Yes and no."

Callisto scowled. 

The wizard chuckled. "I used the princess' bond to call her soulmates to help her. Therefore, we both worked together. I consciously and the princess unconsciously helped call her soulmates from across the world. You were the first to appear and certainly not the last judging by the other soulmate bonds I saw in her mind."

Callisto hummed. "I see. So tell me, wizard. Why should I awake the sleeping beauty from her peaceful sleep? What's in it for me?"

"Yes, that is something I wish to know as well." An amused voice said.

Everyone looked towards the voice and saw a redhead smiling innocently with flowers blooming around him. However his eyes was anything but innocent and that put them on edge.

 However his eyes was anything but innocent and that put them on edge

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Alex and Lumiere facepalmed. Troublesome. Two faced soulmate. Fantastic.....

Callisto sighed. Another annoying pest. And a smiling one. how annoying. 

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