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Athena didn't know how long she has been here but she didn't care nor wanted to know.She would never admit it to anyone, but she was a daddy's girl. She didn't believe it when she was reborn in this world to the infamous Alger Obelia royal family. But, the Emperor really cherished her. He loved and adored her. Athena was the apple of his eyes and everyone knew it. So when she heard the news of his death, she was devastated beyond belief. After all, she liked him as well. She looked up to him and surprisingly wanted to be like him Athena liked at the scene in front of her and smiled nostalgically. She didn't know where she was, but she wanted to stay in this world just a bit more. Because the scene in front of her was too good to pass. She was looking at Anastacius teaching Apollo to walk while the Emperor was cradling a sleeping Artemis in his arms as he looked over his documents. How he did that, she didn't know. It was a skill of his according to him apparently. 

Earlier to this, he was discussing the twins' clothes for the upcoming banquet. She lost count how many times he fired the seamstresses fir failing to live up to his expectations. She sweat dropped when she saw the feared Emperor had created a presentation about what would be good for the twins to wear. Hell, he even had a whiteboard and a pointer. She sighed as she sweat dropped again. So yes, she wanted to stay here. In this beautiful and perfect 'world'. She had everything she wanted in front of her. She loved it here...right? Athena furrowed her brows. So then why did she still feel empty? As if something was missing. Athena was brought out of her thoughts when she felt someone kiss her on the temple. She looked up and saw Anastacius smiling gently at her while he held a sleeping Apollo in his arms protectively. 

"Everything okay, Rosa?" Anastacius asked gently. 

Athena laughed and nodded. "Yeah. Everything is okay, An."

"Come let's put the twins to sleep. Father has ordered the maids to make us some tea in the rose garden."

Athena nodded. "Sure."


Meanwhile in the real world...

In a dark room, five people were gathered around Athena's bed. Callisto was sitting on the chair near the window while Arent was standing near Alexander and Lumiere. Theodore, on the other hand, was walking back and forth near the bed.

"Why is she not waking up?" Theodore glared at the blonde hair Prince and red haired Duke. They had both tried waking her up with a kiss but it had not worked. "I thought if she had her soulmates with her, it should wake her up despite that bastard's betrayal and the Crown Prince and Emperor's death." 

Lumiere frowned. "I don't understand." He said as he checked her pulse again. "They should be able to wake her up. They're her soulmates. Unless..." His eyes widened.

Theodore narrowed his eyes and clicked his tongue. "Unless what?"

Lumiere sighed and pushed back his hair. "Unless, she doesn't want to wake up."

They all looked towards the sleeping Princess.

"Oh? And why is that, wizard?" Arent asked.

Lumiere rolled his eyes. "Perhaps, the world she is in, is better than the reality."

"It's all fine and dandy. But, from what I've gathered, If you let her be, she will die. Correct?" Arent asked.

Lumiere nodded. "Yes, but-"

"So be it then." Callisto smiled wickedly. 

"What?!" Alexander shouted.

Callisto shrugged. "What? If she likes it there so much, then let her be there until she dies. Simple."

"Why you!" Theodore and Alexander lunged at the Prince. Arent and Lumiere sighed in defeat. 


Elsewhere - In the Town

Claude had been miserable since he killed Anastcaius. Everything had gone to shit. It seemed as if he had lost more than one precious person in his miserable life. That is why, Felix had 'suggested' more like kicked him out forcibly for the first time in his life. Such audacity. Anyway, apparently there is a festival going around in the town and this time it included some Siodenian dancers. Claude sighed. Everything he saw, made him want to share it with Athena. But that is impossible. After all, with what he had done, he didn't know how long it would take to see her again. He was about to go back to the palace when someone bumped into him. 

"Oh sorry!" a feminine voice said. 

Claude looked up towards the voice and his eyes widened. For a moment, he thought the dancer in front of him was Athena. 

"Are you okay, Sir Knight?"

Sir Knight? Claude thought. Oh yes. He forgot he was dressed in a knight's outfit to keep his identity hidden. 

Claude nodded. "What is your name?"

The dancer blushed. "My name is Diana. May I ask your name, Sir Knight?"

"Claude." He said before leaving her in the middle of the town.

Unknown to him, the dancer kept repeating his name while blushing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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