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"Ahh, today is a good day. Claude told me that the marigold flowers are in bloom." Athena smiled gently.

Anastacius glanced at her and smiled slightly. A smile that he would only show to her. To others, it was always mocking or merely smirking. But not her. She was different.

Your highnesses. What a coincidence meeting you here. A voice said.

Athena and Anastacius looked towards the voice and found a young man with golden eyes and silver hair. They looked at the heir of Alpheus duchy with different expressions. Athena had an irritated expression while Anastacius was looking at him with a blank expression.

Athena deadpanned. Well, it was a good day until he appeared. And coincidence? What coincidence?! It's obvious it was intentional, you mutt! God, I really hate this guy. Athena seethed mentally.

Athena beamed and conjured a stick in her hand to their surprise. "If I throw you a stick, you will leave, right? That's what your kind does, after all. Right, white dog?"

Roger's eye twitched while Anastacius was trying very hard to contain his laughter.

"Now I believe my twin and I are needed elsewhere. Why don't you run back to your kennel like a good dog? Let's go An." Athena said as she took her twin's hand and left the gobsmacked future Duke alone.

Anastacius chuckled at his sister's actions. "Did you really need to do that? I didn't know you knew the heir of Alpheus duchy. When did you two meet?"

Athena held up her book threateningly and looked at Anastacius with a closed eye smile. "Say another word, and this book will be a lethal weapon, brother dearest."

Anastacius had never been afraid of a book until now and wisely backed off. "I didn't say anything." He looked to the side with a sweatdrop.

"Wise decision." Athena said with a 'kind' smile.

A maid bowed in front of them. "Your highness, Crown Prince. The Emperor wants to meet you at his office."

Anastacius sighed, annoyed. That bastard better have a good explanation for this.

"See you at lunch, Rosa." Anastacius kissed her on the cheek before leaving.

Athena blushed before quickly walking towards the Diamond Palace for her meeting with a certain prince.


Diamond Palace

Athena sipped her tea gracefully ignoring the white-haired prince sitting on the couch in front of her.

"I was beginning to think you forgot about me, Princess." The white-haired boy said smirking.

Athena's eye twitched while smiling. "This brat! Who does he think he is, huh?!"

"Oh my. It must've slipped my mind, Prince." Athena said innocently to the Prince's annoyance. 'You must have not been that important to remember.'

A tick mark formed on Alexander's temple as he understood the hidden meaning. "I understand you must have been busy, but surely our meeting would have been important for us. After all, I am a prince, not a simple commoner, Princess. And your fiancé might I add." 'Show a little respect you brat! I'm at the same position too, you know. Not to mention I'm your soon to be husband!'

Athena looked at him 'concerned'. "Is that so? It must've been hard on you not meeting me for a long time. Surely Theo was there to keep you company." 'Ohoho you think just because you're my fiancée and a prince, you're that important? You're delusional, idiot! But don't worry, Theo will put you in your place.

Lightning sparks formed between their eyes.


Athena's eye widened, and her breath hitched in pain. She held her chest in pain.

Alexander noticed her pained expression. "Ambrosia?"

Athena's sight grew blurry and then she fainted. The teacup smashed to the ground. The last thing she heard was Alexander shouting her name in fear.


Emperor's Office

Eibom looked at his son with a strict expression while speaking. "So in conclusion, we must go to war with Huale. Now I-"

The door slammed open, interrupting their tense discussion.

Anastacius and Eibom glared at the guard, but they paled when they heard four words from guard's mouth.

"Her highness is poisoned!" The guard said nervously.

Anastacius and Eibom's eyes widened in fear.


Diamond Palace

Anastacius sat on Athena's bed after the doctors have confirmed she was not at risk anymore but will be in pain from the after-effects of the poison. He looked at his unconscious sister and frowned. Her face was too pale for his liking. He caressed her cheek gently.

"A-Aeternitas d-don't hurt An." Athena mumbled deliriously with her eyes closed.

The blonde Prince flinched at the name.

Anastasius' eye glowed red for a second, and the worried expression changed to intrigue and surprise.

"Oho? So my Queen already knows who I am." Aeternitas chuckled caressing Athena's cheek.

Athena's brows furrowed in her sleep.

The Crown Prince leaned in and softly kissed her on the lip before pulling back. "Don't worry my dear, you're the only one I don't intend of hurting. It'd be such a waste to lose someone like you. I suppose I'll allow the brat to be his true self with you without any deception. But I won't promise it'll be the same with that naive prince."

It seems no matter how cold and ruthless he may be, he still has someone he cherishes above all. And he will have her as his no matter what. Anyone who defies him will die. Even that bastard.

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