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Age 7

Black Tower

It has been a year since Athena has started learning magic with Lucas. Every time the Princess visited the ravenette for her lessons, the rest of the wizards in the tower would tremble and pray for their safety. After all, no one wanted to get in the middle of their practice. Which everyday looked more like killing each other. Especially since their personalities were almost identical to each other. They both had strong magical power and the same narcissistic personality. It made them wonder if all powerful wizards were like them.

"That's all for today." The ravenette wizard said to the blonde Princess.

Athena smiled. "Thanks, Lucas!"

"Hm." Lucas held Athena's chin in his hand and leaned in, looking in her eyes with his crimson eyes glowing. "You're interesting, Princess. I haven't seen anyone like you before."

Don't tell me he's fallen in love with the princess. The wizards of the toward thought shocked.

"Psh, of course, you haven't. I mean, have you seen me? You should be honoured by my presence, peasant!" She smirked

The wizards sweatdropped.

Lucas' eye twitched and threw a fireball towards her. Athena gracefully blocked it with a shield made with water. Lucas clicked his tongue. "Tch. I'm beginning to regret teaching you magic."

"Come now, Lucas~don't start blaming me. It is all your fault, after all. Your unique attitude has rubbed off on me more than I thought. Thanks for teaching me. Although a word of advice, you should consider learning how to teach. You know just in case. I mean saying woosh and bam are not teaching at all. Who knows you might have to teach your lover, one day. Fufufu~" She smirked before teleporting away.

Lucas's eye twitched again and then sighed. "Troublesome Princess." He looked behind him and saw the wizards starng at him. "What are you guys staring at?!"

The wizards scurried away.

Lucas scowled. "Hmph."



Palace Gardens

Athena appeared in the palace gardens. She squinted her eyes when she saw a mop of blond hair in the bushes. The hairstyle is different from An's. Her eyes widened. "Could it be him?!" OMG, I can't wait to see that adorable tyrant when he was a child! She fangirled as she ran towards his direction. "Hey you!"

"Huh?" The boy looked up towards the voice and saw a blonde girl running towards him. She looks like Brother Anastacius.

Athena stopped in front of the boy and smirked. Oh, my~he's cuter than the manga.

The boy slightly tilted his head to the side. "Who are you, Lady?"

An imaginary arrow hit Athena in the heart. Gah! So cute. She looked at him when she saw his eyes sparkling. How can that hot Emperor be  this adorable?! Is this like a thing or something with hot men in the mangas or something? Anastacius is the same as well!

Athena placed her hands on her hip and smiled smugly. "I'm your best and most beautiful big sister, Athena. Nice to meet you, brat!"

Claude fidgeted. "M-My name is Claude. Nice to meet you, sister." He looked shyly at Athena. "Brother didn't tell me we had a sister."

Athena's eye twitched. "That bastard! How dare he not mention me to you. Hmph. I'm the idiot's twin younger sister. It's good to finally meet you." She smiled brightly. "Hm?" She noticed a scratch wound on his cheek. She healed it with her magic and kissed it to Claude's surprise. They say if you kiss it, it'll be better. Even though I did heal it with my magic."

Claude blushed like a tomato. "T-Thank you, sister!"

Damn it I can't take it anymore! He's too cute! She blushed and ruffled his hair. His hair is so silky and soft! Before she knew what happened, she found herself in Anastacius' arms. "Eh?" She looked behind him and saw Anastacius glaring at Claude for some reason. She blinked dumbly. "An? What are you doing?"

Anastacius looked at her and smiled 'innocently'. "I missed you, sister!"

"Hm..." She looked at him in suspicion. "Is that so?"

Anastacius nodded.

"Well. I just met our sweet little brother. Why didn't you tell me about him?"

Because I didn't want you two to meet. Like never. "I forgot about it. I meant to tell you, but I had so many things going on that it just didn't cross my mind. Haha."

Anastacius noticed Claude glaring holes at his hands on Athena's waist. As if wanting it to combust in flames.

Claude really wanted to burn his hands off, but unfortunately, they were on his sister's waist. He glared at Anastacius, sparks appeared between their eyes.

She's mine. They both thought.

Anastacius tightened his hold on her waist and smiled smugly at Claude.

Claude raised an eyebrow and then a sly smirk formed on his face when Athena wasn't looking.

Anastacius narrowed his eyes. What is he going to do?

"Big sister!" Claude beamed and smiled cutely. Sparkles appearing behind him. "I want to be hugged too, sister! Please?"

Athena got out of Anastacius' hold in a flash and hugged Claude. "You're so cute, Claude! Of course, you can get a hug!"

Claude smiled 'innocently'. "Big sister's cute too." He snaked his hands around her waist and placed his chin on her shoulder.

"Kyaaaa!!!!" Athena kissed Claude on his cheek once more. However, this time it was in front of Anastacius.

Claude looked up at Anastacius and smirked smugly. Before nuzzling into Athena's neck, all the while looking at Anastacius tauntingly.

Anastacius' eye twitched, and a tick mark appeared on his temple. That brat! I'll kill him!

Claude's smirk widened. All the while, Athena was oblivious to their jealousy.

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