𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚍 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎

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Next day...

Anastacius looked at the red rose in his hand and smiled. He knew what the flower's meaning was and he wanted to gave it to his twin that he without shame would admit loves as a lover would. He was ready to pass the line of right and wrong if it meant having his twin as a lover. It wasn't as if he hadn't already he knew that he had dark magic instead of the light magic and that he was the reincarnation of the previous Emperor. Not to mention when he ascends as the Emperor, he would make it legal and would have her as his Empress and wife. Now if he could get rid of that annoying little brother of his that'd be great. He knew that Claude had taken an interest in her as well, but he'd be damned if that annoying brat would steal his beloved from his clutches.

Anastacius looked at his sister who was sitting down on the bench after sparring with one of the knights. "Ro-" Before he could finish, a kick was hit to the back of his head. As a result, he was slammed to the ground face front. He groaned in pain and slowly looked up and glared at the culprit. Claude smirked smugly at him and raised an eyebrow mocking him.

The knights sweatdropped at the sight of the brothers.

Anastacius' eye twitched when he saw the rose he got for his twin was destroyed by Claude's attack. A tick mark formed on his temple. "Why you little...You were aiming to kill me just now weren't you brat!"

Claude's smirk widened in response.

Anastacius' eye twitched. He smiled wickedly. "Then you won't complain if I return the favour." He said before kicking Claude below the chin. The knights flinched and backed away all the while Athena was oblivious to the actions of her brother as she was busy sharpening her sword.

Claude groaned in pain and scowled. The two brothers started fighting each other without mercy while Athena's back was turned.

"I'm telling you she's mine you pest!" Anastacius hissed to Claude as he tugged on Claude's hair.

Claude growled and smacked his older brother. "No, she's mine, you bastard!"

Anastacius' eyes twitched as he rubbed his cheek and punched Claude in the gut in retaliation.

Claude gasped in pain and slightly bent forwards. He narrowed his eyes menacingly at the older blonde who was smirking at him.

Athena turned around at the sound. Claude and Anastacius smiled innocently as if nothing had happened.

Athena narrowed her eyes in suspicion. " An? Claude? What were you two doing?"

Claude smiled brightly. "We were just playing hide and seek with everyone when this pes-brother tripped and fell to the ground. Such a clumsy elder brother." He said while smiling angelically and placed his left hand on his chest. "I, of course, went to help him but..." He sighed dramatically. "He tripped once more and pulled me down with him. Right elder brother?"

The knights who saw their actions until now sweatdropped. He changed from a devil spawn to an angel in seconds. Their eyes twitched.

Anastacius' eye twitched and nodded stiffly. "Yes. That's right, little brother."

Claude's eye twitched.

Athena smiled. "You're such a good kid, Claude. Make sure you help your brother like you did today."

Black lines formed on the knights' temples. She believed him!

A dark glint appeared in Claude's eye and his smile widened. If you looked closer, you could see the smile had a hint of sadism. "With pleasure."

The knights shivered at his tone.

Oblivious to Claude' actions, Athena beamed. "You two are well behaved. I'm surprised. I thought we might have some problems but guess I was wrong." I thought they would be at each other's throats considering their relationship in future.

Everyone except the siblings sweatdropped once more. They are just well behaved in front of you!

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