𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚋𝚘𝚢

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Theodore 14 years old

Anastacius 10 years old

Athena 10 years old

Claude 7 years old

Obelia - Training Grounds

Today was another typical day with the psychotic dysfunctional royal family. Currently, Athena was destroying another group of knights in the training ground. A shiver went down the knights' spine as a smirk formed on the Crown Princess' face.

The Vice-Captain of the Knights lit a candle. Rest in peace, guys. I should probably start looking for more recruits if Commander keeps this up. He still couldn't believe how a ten-year-old girl had taken over the leadership of the royal army without breaking a sweat. She was a mini Emperor, no matter how innocent she acted. During their training, the supposed innocent Crown Princess transforms to a ruthless, sadistic Commander shattering whatever pride the knights had. He sighed and rubbed his temple. He wasn't paid enough for her destructions during sparring. Should it even be sparring? He sweatdropped as Athena ruthlessly took down ten knights who were twice her age and height.

Athena slammed her sword to the ground, and her smirk turned malicious as lightning appeared from her sword and went right at them, knocking them out by surprise.

The Vice-Captain sweatdropped. Did he mention how she had learned to transfer her magic to her sword? It was another thing that she did not hesitate to use during her spars. No doubt she had done the same with assassins who came after her and the third Prince. He was well aware of how the Crown Prince would defend himself in the most sadistic way so he didn't need to think further in that. He really wasn't paid enough for this.

Theodore adjusted his glasses as he took a sip from his tea while watching the Princess annihilate the knights from the bench. He glanced at the Vice-Captain next to him and snorted at his defeated expression.

All of the knights slowly looked up from the ground and saw Athena standing in front of them with the same mocking smirk while tapping her sword on her shoulder. Their eyes twitched at how she wasn't even winded despite their spar. For God's sake, she was fighting twenty royal knights!

"It seems you guys still need some tor-training," Athena said while smiling 'kindly'.

If anyone other than them saw that smile, they would think it's kind but not them. That smile was the promise of oncoming sadistic torture she calls training! They shivered and gulped. Theodore quickly left when he saw that smile. He didn't want to be dragged in her torture session.

A few hours later, Athena happily walked away from the training grounds. Not a sweat present. However, if you looked behind her, you could see twenty bodies scattered around the training ground. The only thing that showed they were alive was the rise of their chest. And let's not forget the weeping Vice-Captain who had to fill out more paperwork because of it.

As Athena was heading back to the Diamond Palace, she stopped in her tracks when she noticed a body lying next to the lake. There was a boy, probably the same age as her by the looks of it with white hair and slightly pale skin. She sighed and hoped it wasn't another suitor that her overprotective father and twin had killed. She walked towards him and crouched down. Please don't be dead. She placed her fingers on his pulse point and sighed in relief. Good, he's alive. Now, where should I take him? She tilted her head and looked at her palace and then at the boy and then the palace. She groaned in defeat.

Athena levitated his body with her magic and walked towards her bedroom. She opened the doors with her hands and then placed the boy on her bed. "Who should I go to for this mishap?" She sighed as she looked at the injured albino on her bed. "And why the heck does he look familiar?! Where have I seen him?" She rubbed her chin as she stared at the unconscious albino. "Should I go to The Tyrant Let's Start A War (Anastacius), The Angelic Future Tyrant (Claude), Or The Tyrant I will Kill You Without Reason (Eibom)?" She sweatdropped imagining all the scenarios that could erupt from them seeing a boy in her bedroom.

Eibom would instantly pulverise the poor boy for merely being near her, especially on her bed. He would then leave and massacre the poor boy's loved ones. So that rules him out.

Anastacius would go all yandere and torture him before brutally killing him and parading his dead body all around the town with a proud expression. That is if he didn't place his head on a spike in the middle of the town square. She sweatdropped. "No doubt, he will ask father for better tips as well. Not to mention he's the frickin villain of the story who enjoys torturing people and killing them slowly and painfully! No matter how cute he is currently. So that definitely rules him out too."

"Now the only remaining person is Claude." Why did she not feel relief at all? "Maybe compared to the others, he would be the logical choice?" She hummed, however, shook her head when she remembered Claude loving the chimera and killing his real daughter without proof of poisoning the stupid chimera. She groaned. Who should I choos-

Suddenly the doors slammed open, and three figures and the temperature dropped to arctic levels as their eyes zeroed on the boy on lying unconscious on Athena's bed.

Athena sweated bullets and slowly looked towards Eibom, Anastacius, and Claude. "Ah..."

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