𝚃𝚠𝚒𝚗 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚜

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A month later...

It was an ordinary day like any other in the Obelian Empire. Currently Anastacius was reading some reports from the nobles in his office. Everything was normal until...the door slammed open revealing Theodore.

Anastacius looked up with twitching eyebrows and the pen snapped in his hand. "How-"

"Your highness!" The brunette exclaimed.

A tick mark formed in his temple for being interrupted. "You dare-"

Theodore ignored his comment and continued. "It's the crown princess! She's giving birth!"

Anastacius' eyes widened before teleporting to his sister's location.

Theodore sighed as he watched the royal teleport to his friend's room. "Hopefully everything will be fine."


Everything was not fine. Currently, three figures were arguing by the door to where Athena was giving birth. Deciding on who would be the poor victim to go inside and meet his end ahem I mean Athena.

Anastacius looked at Eibom. "No, you go."

"No no. You go first, you're the father...." Eibom said with a smile. "I'll make sure the Empress won't disturb this happy day."

Anastacius smiled at Eibom with his eyes closed. "How could I when you're the Emperor. Don't worry about the Empress. There are guards for a reason you know. Cleaning up the trash is one of their jobs. Plus you are Athena's father and the grandfather of the children. After you."

Eibom's eye twitched while smiling. "No I insist. I'm not here as an Emperor but as a grandfather. You're the crown prince and father, you go first. After all the father and mother should be the first ones to look at their newborn children."

Before Anastacius could retort, he narrowed his eyes at Claude who was moving away from them slowly and as subtly as possible which did not go unnoticed by the arguing father and older brother.

"Oi oi where do you think you're going, brat?" Eibom tightly gripped Claude's shoulder who flinched. "It's rude to leave without the Emperor's permission you know." He smiled darkly at his younger son.

"He's right where do you think you're running off too, little brother?" Anastacius gripped Claude's other shoulder. "You haven't even congratulated your dear sister or even looked at the babies." Anastacius said with a closed eye smile.

Claude hesitantly turned his head and saw the darkened expressions on his father and older brother's face. He sweated bullets. "Ahaha you know Penelope just called me so I should probably see why she wants to see me."

"Not so fast. Did you forget that whore was sent to Huale a few days ago by your sister dearest after she slipped aphrodisiac and compulsion potion in Anastacius' drink and forced him to sleep with her?" Eibom said with narrowed eyes while emitting bloodlust. He was till furious at what that bitch did to his sons. He pities his youngest because apprently he had took a liking to her despite being in love with Athena. he didn't know why. As for Anastacius well the fact was that she forced him to do something he did not like plus he was already in love with someone else and has commitments.

Claude flinched. Ah yes he remembered that incident. How could he forget after all his sister destroyed half of the palace and then beat her black and blue before slapping Anastacius hard. Oh and then of ourse Athena wanted to execute her but for some reason Claude pitied her and managed to persuade Athena to exile her to Huale. He would never mention to anyone that Penelope's 'kindness' was what made Claude interested in her because he thought he saw Athena in her. Which was ridiculous as Athena was not a power-hungry greedy woman who would grab every opportunity no matter what ways they'd use to gain hat they want.

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