The Calm Before The Storm

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Next Day...

Athena and Anastacuis' room

Athena's eyes fluttered open slowly. She winced at the bright light hitting her face. She groaned in annoyance before hearing laughter behind her. It sent shivers down her spine of how close it was. She glanced back and saw Anastacius looking at her lovingly. 

"Good morning, Rosa." Anastacius said before kissing her cheek. "Did you have a good sleep?"

Athena nodded. "Where are the children?"

Anastacius sighed and glanced to the corner of the room. Athena followed his gaze and saw the twins sleeping in their crib. She slowly stood up from the bed and walked towards their crib. She smiled at how close the twins were. Apollo was holding his sister protectively even while he was sleeping. She had a feeling there will be many unfortunate accidents towards the male population. She sweat dropped. If her twin is like that then she has no doubt so is Apollo.

"There is something you should know." Anastasius said hesitantly. "Father is leaving to the frontlines to start and invasion from Huale. Apparently someone had the audacity to suggest a war to then Emperor of Huale." He clicked his tongue.

"What?" Athena looked back at her twin. Why did she have a feeling she knew the culprit.

Anastacius nodded. "A spy informed us last night."

Athena frowned and looked at her babies. "I see." 

Anastacius kissed her cheek lovingly. "Everything will be okay. It's not father's first campaign."

Athena nodded hesitantly. 

"Plus, Huale is pretty much weak anyway."

Athena frowned. She knew that the they shouldn't underestimate the weak because they could also become strong with hard work.


Outside Palace Grounds

Everyone gathered outside the palace to watch as the Obelian army and their Emperor were getting ready to leave for war. Some people were praying and some were crying as they watched their family and relatives go off to war. 

The royal siblings were standing together. Athena and Anastacius were a few steps away from their younger sibling. 

Athena watched as her father mounted his horse and led his army to the frontlines to protect the empire from the incoming invasion.

Athena glanced at her twin and her eyes widened at his bittersweet expression. "What's wrong, An?"

Anastacius looked up at him and sighed. He held her by the shoulder and whispered. "If anything happens to me, please take care of our precious children."

Athena frowned. "What's wrong? You're scaring me, An."

Anastacius conjured a necklace with his magic and clasped it around her neck. "We made this necklace together for you. It will protect you from harm."


"Aeternitas and I made it for for you to keep you safe. Just as precaution." 

Anastacius had noticed his relationship with his youngest sibling because non existent. Aeternitas' presence and meddling made sure of that. Also, there was the fact that ever since the birth of his children, Claude's jealousy had skyrocketed and he knew that something big was coming. The constant bloodlust whenever he and Claude were in the same room without Athena was proof that it will end in blood and tragedy. So he had to make sure that his beloved twin would be safe. It was such a pity that he couldn't watch his children grow up and teach them new things together with Athena. He smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry, you will see them again once they have grown up. With my assistance, of course." Aeternitas said.

Anastacius flinched as he heard his voice in his head and nodded slightly.

Athena bit her lip nervously and frowned as a bad feeling started growing inside her.  If there was something Athena knew all too well was that happiness never lasts long. She had a feeling that this is only the calm before the storm and she wasn't looking forward to the impending destruction. She only hoped that her father came out unscathed. 


Night Time - Claude's Room

Claude leaned back on his chair and looked at the sword placed on the table in front of him. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Your highness...No Claude....I beg you reconsider your decision." A voice said nervously. 

Claude snapped his eyes open and glared at the redhead knight. He tilted his head to the side. "Why should I? The Emperor is away. Now is the best time to do it."

"What would Her Highness Athena think of your decision?! Please rethink this!" Felix said trying to dissuade him from doing something that he would regret.

"That bastard needs to die for all the things he has done and taken!" Claude sneered as he grasped the hilt of the sword tightly and picked it up. "I'll make sure of that tomorrow."

"But the children and Princess Athena...." 

"Will be fine." Claude interrupted and smirked. "She'll forgive me eventually. After all, I'm her doesn't leave each other. As for the children, they're too young to understand anything." 

Felix wanted to protest and say that family doesn't kill each other either. But he knew that if he spoke up again the blonde would kill him. The bloodthirsty eyes were proof of that. At least this way he could make sure no harm comes to his sparring friend, and try to at least minimise the damage Claude is going to cause.

Claude smiled darkly as he looked at the sword. "Enjoy your time with her while it lasts, Anastacius."

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