𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜

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Next Day...

Anastacius' Bedroom

Athena opened her eyes and blushed when he saw Anastacius gazing at her with a loving gaze. Her blush deepened when he saw his naked chest that reminded her of last night's actions.

"Good morning, Rosa~" Anastacius purred as he caressed her cheeks.

A shiver went down Athena's spine. "G-Good morning, An."

"Had a good night sleep?" Anastacius smirked smugly.

Athena blushed and tried to turn away; however, Anastacius tightened his hold on her waist and kept her in place. "Where do you think you're going, hm?"

"Ah erm, I'm going to have breakfast." Athena said nervously.

"Let's go together, shall we? Let's eat outside in the gardens. The weather is nice. Hopefully, we don't see the bug there."

Athena's eyes widened. Ah...Oh my God! I forgot about Claude! A shiver went down her spine.

Anastacius kissed her passionately before leaving the bed. As her luck would have it. The sheets around him fell.

Athena.exe has stopped working...Rebooting..."PUT ON SOME CLOTHES, BASTARD!"

Anastacius chuckled. "Why? I'm not afraid of any part of my body." He pulled his hair back with his hand. A golden light appeared around him that made Athena shield her eyes from the brightness. "After all, this body is flawless."

Athena's jaw dropped at the level of his narcissism. Shameless.


In the gardens...

It seemed somehow Claude knew that the bastard has slept with Athena. Perhaps it was the increase of his narcissism or smugness or the fact that he had a satisfied expression on his face that tipped him off. Still, whatever it was, he found out and now he was fighting him out of anger while Athena, Felix and Alexander watched from the sidelines.

Athena stared at the scene in front of her with twitching eyebrows. Felix and Alexander flinched as they saw the growing dark aura around the crown princess increasing. They glanced at the culprits responsible and sweatdropped.


Felix and Alexander flinched at the sound of the explosion and took one look at the crown princess before leaving the victim-princes alone to the Devi-princess.


That was the sound that sent the maids and knights running from the scene.

Anastacius was pulling Claude's hair while at the same time looking at him with a triumphant smirk. Claude narrowed his eyes in anger. He was enraged when he heard this pineapple slept with his beloved sister.

"How dare you taint her with your filthy hands, bastard Pineapple!"

A tick mark formed on Anastacius' temple. "Who're you calling pineapple, deadbeat! Plus, She's already mine. Body and soul!" He smirked mockingly.

Claude took his sword out. Screw the consequences. He's killing him today!

Anastacius blocked his sword with his sword.

Before they could fight any more, a shadow came over them. They both shivered at the ominous feeling and slowly turned around. They flinched when they saw their sister smiling sweetly at them with a sadistic glint in her eyes. "Ara ara~ it seems you boys are fighting again, eh?" Her eyes flashed.

Anastacius and Claude hugged each other from their fear to their surprise.

"Ahaha w-we weren't fighting, R-Rosa!" Anastacius said nervously.

Claude nodded. "Y-Yeah!"

"Hoh?" Athena leaned in as the others leaned back out of survival instinct. "Are you implying that I'm blind, my dear brothers~"

"NO! W-We never said that did we, brother?" Claude asked Anastacius.

"O-Of course not! After all, your eyes are the sharpest of them all, like a hawk." Anastacius nodded.

"Are you saying I'm a bird now? Hm?" Athena' smiled widened.

Claude would've punched Anastacius in the face if his life wasn't in danger.

"That's not what he meant! Right?" Claude sneered at his brother.

Anastacius nodded.

Athena placed her hands on their shoulders. They flinched at the growing sadistic smile on her face. "It seems I need to tor-teach you some manners, my lovely brothers."




When they heard the tortured screams, the knights and the servants lit a candle and bowed in respect. "May you Rest In Peace, your highnesses. It was an honour."


Eibom sweatdropped and looked at his knight. "Order some white roses."

"Y-Yes, your majesty!" The Knight bowed.


A few Weeks Later...

Recently Athena has threw up several times and would snap more than usual. She knew the signs, but she was in denial. That is why her brothers and her father ordered her to get checked by the imperial doctor.

"I AM WHAT?!" Athena exclaimed at the imperial doctor.

The maids and the doctor flinched.

"P-Pregnant, Your highness. Congratulations." The imperial doctor said.

Athena fainted.

Anastacius' eyes widened and a smile formed on his face. He quickly caught Athena before she could hit the ground.

Claude blinked dumbly while his hands twitched. Claude.exe has stopped working.

Meanwhile, Eibom was thinking of the ways he could spoil his grandchildren. He had a feeling they were going to be twins.

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