𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚞𝚝𝚕𝚎𝚛

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Athena took a sip from her tea and looked at the brunette Judith. "Lady Judith, I've heard you're originally from a different Kingdom."

Penelope looked at Athena and smiled. "Ah yes, your highness. We lived in Huale Before. It's so different here. Obelia is much more beautiful than Huale."

Athena hummed and smiled. "Then, this will be a good experience for you. I hope you learn a lot during your stay here." On the outside, her words meant well, but for those who paid close attention to the meaning behind her words, their lips twitched. What she meant was 'it makes sense you'd be in awe considering you're from an inferior Kingdom like Huale.'

Anastacius covered his mouth and looked to the side to cover his laugh. However, his shoulders trembled from laughter while every noble ladies hid their amused smiles behind their fans. Noah smirked in amusement.

Penelope, who as oblivious of her true comment, nodded. "Thank you, your highness!"

Athena smirked. "You're welcome, Lady Judith."

Everyone sweatdropped at their interactions. One was insulting the other with sweet words, and the other was oblivious to the entire thing. How was she a noble lady like that when she can't tell the hidden meaning behind sweet words?

Athena beamed. "It's so good to have a simple conversation with you, Lady Judith. After all, as my future sister in law, we should be great friends with each other. I'm sure you know that the one you will be with will be my precious little brother."

Penelope nodded.

A cold glint appeared in the blonde's jewel blue eyes as she looked at the brunette with a smile. "And like any good sister, I will squash any bugs which dare to buzz around him with wrong intentions. It is the duty of an older sister after all." Athena said as she took another sip of her tea.

Penelope shivered at the cold glint in her eyes.

"But I'm sure you'll be fine. After all, those who have crossed me have ended up not okay." Athena beamed. "But again, you'll be fine, There's nothing to worry about. Right?"

Penelope nodded nervously. "Y-Yes, your highness."

Athena clapped her hands. "Great!"

Anastacius shivered at his sister's sadistic nature and vowed not to get on her bad side if he wished to live a long life. He took a sip from his tea to hide his nervousness.


Next day...

Diamond Palace - Athena's Room

Recently, Athena had noticed her twin acting strangely towards her than usual. More affectionate. Every time he visited, he would kiss her on the cheek and once more when leaving.

She couldn't say she disliked it. Ever since she was born to this world, she had a longing towards her twin. She couldn't tell if it was because they were twins. She had a feeling it was more than gestures normal siblings would do. So she had decided on conversing her new personal maid who had made a blood vow not to tell her secrets to anyone. A blood vow made sure if any individual were to give any secrets of their masters to others, they would meet a brutal end. So she knew that it was safe asking her. And what she heard from her was both good and bad.

Apparently, that bond that she felt was the bond of soulmates. While that was all fine and dandy, the downside was that if one of the soulmates were injured, it would happen to the other as well and depending on their magic they would either feel the phantom pains, or it would be inflicted on them as well. The most worrying case was that for some reason, Athena had a feeling that her twin was not the only one to be her soulmate, she had a hunch that she had two and that would be more dangerous as any dangers befallen either of them would be inflicted on her and vice versa. She also had to consider than one of her soulmates was a fricken yandere future tyrant Emperor. That is why when she found herself a butler during one of her 'heroic' acts in the town, she was glad that he was vicious and brutal and would protect her by any means necessary.

To be honest, she didn't save his father out of the goodness of her heart, she was just bored and drinking. She accidentally threw one of the empty wine bottles while she was drinking in the bar in town and it somehow ended up hitting the head of an assassin who was going to assassinate an old nobleman and killed him instantly. Next thing she knows, the old man is appointing one of his heirs as her butler. She really was questioning the sanity of these people. She was worried that she too was turning to a sadistic tyrant like her family. It must be in the Obelian blood. After all even Athanasia had no qualms about hitting Lucas. She sweatdropped—a knock broke her out of her thoughts.

The newly appointed butler, Fenrir, stopped pouring tea in Athena's cup and looked towards the door with barely hidden hostility while the new maid, Elena, simply walked towards the door to open it. But if you looked closely, you could see her tense posture ready to attack. Elena opened the door and revealed Anastacius and Claude.

"Come in, An, Claude." Athena smiled.

Claude and Anastacius hesitantly walked in. Anastacius quickly made a beeline towards Athena and kissed her on the cheeks to Claude's displeasure. Athena blushed slightly but quickly hid it before anyone noticed. When Anastacius noticed his little brother's icy glare, he smirked, which only fueled his anger. However, before he could react, he was interrupted by Athena who had noticed the tension in the air.

"I've called you two here to meet my new personal butler and maid." Athena pointed at the tall blue hair man with crimson eyes wearing butler clothes and a silver head woman with amethyst eyes in a maid clothing.

Claude and Anastacius stared at their sister's maid and butler and sweatdropped. They looked at each other. Where the hell did she find these two from? They thought before looking at them again.

"So, this is Elena." Athena pointed at the silver head maid looking at them blankly before looking at the blue-haired butler next to her. "And this is Fenrir who's one of the sons of the werewolf clan in the far west. I saved his father from assassination in the bar a few days ago and so he sort of insisted on having his son as my butler. Who by the way, is not complaining surprisingly. As for well Elena, she is a noble lady who's tired of dealing with two-faced sissys in her words and has agreed to be my personal maid."

Anastacius and Claude looked at the butler who surprisingly did not bow to them. "Blessing and glory amongst the future sun and third star of Obelian Empire. My name is Fenrir. It's a pleasure to meet you, your highnesses. Please do not worry I will make sure to swat any flies near Lady Ambrosia. Regardless of their status." Fenrir said while smiling.

A chill went down Claude and Anastacius' spine. They glanced at the silver head maid.

Elena curtsied. "Blessing and glory amongst the future sun and third star of Obelian Empire. Pleased to meet you, your highnesses. My name is Elena Van Helm of the Helm Duchy." She said in a monotone voice.

Anastacius and Claude sighed in relief. At least she's normal.

"I take cleaning very seriously - especially pest control and cleaning up the trash with extra care." She said while smiling sharply.

The two princes flinched. I take it back she's a sadist! They looked at the butler and the maid and sweatdropped. There's no doubt about it, they're both Psychotic sadists!

"Oh ah, Fenrir and Elena are sort of overprotective of me, and will react violently." Athena said while smiling.

The princes deadpanned at their sister. You don't say.

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